Chapter Thirty One

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Sarah felt nice. In some crazy, benumbed part of her brain, she felt good seeing how Ben had beat that man up like he was an egg. God, she wanted to laugh. She was in a cab with him, going towards his apartment society. After the ride, he had submitted the rented car to the shop and they had hopped on the flight to New York. It was almost evening when they had reached his condo.

She didn't say anything, just followed behind with her own suitcase, while he adjusted his duffel bag roundly on his squared shoulders and marched forward. "Ben," she called out.

He opened his door and kept the key in his pocket again. "Come on, you must be tired." He tapped on her shoulder and slightly pushed her inside.

She went inside, only to meet with the familiar sky blue walls. Technically, she felt as if she had come here for the first time. She had lived only one day here before she had taken off to Texas. God, she had called this her home in front of him. She felt embarrassed. Now that she looked at this condo after more than a week, she liked it....really liked it.

She could feel tears well up in her eyes and she realized how much she wanted this life. A life where she was free, where she had a family, husband, children....she stopped her fantastical thinking. It was too much even for her. She didn't deserve him. Ben was a phenomenal person, and she was betraying the hell out of him.

"Baby, are you okay?" In a flash of a second, he was in front of her, holding her cheek. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Baby? He was really calling her that? Yesterday night, when the thief had surrounded her and Ben had come to her rescue, she thought she had imagined him calling her with an endearment, that's why she had let it go. But now the truth was in front of her, living and breathing. She didn't know how to react. Yet she wanted to do so many things; so many emotions were swirling in her head and everytime she tried to push them away, she got pulled into the web more dexterously.

"It's okay, it's fine. You needn't worry." She couldn't stop her voice from shaking.

"Of course I need to worry! What are you talking about? You're my wife!" Ben screamed so suddenly that her breath hitched.

She knew something was bothering him since the drive from Texas. He had been disturbed and anxious all the while, and even now, his eyes were all big and furious and he was looking at her like he was gonna freak out a little more. "I didn't-"

"See, Sarah, I don't know how your parents treated you, and honestly, I don't care! But, the way you--the way you quietly expect the same behaviour from me freaks me out! I mean-- it has started to piss me off!"

"I didn't say anything. I didn't expect anything." She mumbled, soundlessly.

"That's what's wrong! You don't say anything! You just keep quiet and--and--and look at me with that contempt in your eyes, that bored expectation that I'm gonna treat you badly!"

He was right. Her father wasn't exactly the idea kind. Due to Sanjeev, she had developed this instinct that all men were dominating. Her thinking, however, had changed when she had slowly started to know Ben, and also after meeting the Hamilton men who were too good to be so darn true.

"Sarah, I don't know how your father is, honestly, I have doubts on that man's character myself, no offense-"

"None taken." She was quick to respond.

"--but I've grown up without parents, and I've tried to be nice and kind, and I can't judge the person I am but I'm sure as hell not like Sanjeev!"

She knew that. Oh, god, she knew that. This was the prime reason why her heart was set on him. He caused fire in her being, and everytime she tried to justify with herself, she was remembered how passionately he kissed, how genuine his care was, how generously he gave. But she couldn't have him. He didn't want her, and even if he did, what could've happened between them?

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