Chapter Two

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It was Monday. The day of verdict. The board members would ask him questions, Ben quivered, reinstalling confidence in his secret heart of hearts. He got out of his car, and shoved the keys into the pocket of his new mahogany coloured chino pants. It was an informal attire, but he had styled it with a white, formal shirt with blue dots all over. Ruffling his gelled auburn hair, he pulled his glasses up his nose and entered the building.

Isabella Group was six-storeyed. Luckily, the entire building belonged to the Group, and each floor had different departments. The topmost floor accommodated his cabin, and beside it was Thomas's cabin and the huge conference room. He walked into the lobby, smiling down at Maya, the pretty receptionist on the desk.

"Hi, Ben." There was an informal tone in her voice.

"Hey, love." He winked, remembering yesterday's night of passion with her. "How are you?"

"Just a bit sore from all the lovemaking last night." She dipped her eyes at him.

Lovemaking? Who the hell called it that these days? Oh, romantic people. He shrugged his shoulders, clicking his tongue. "Yeah, bye, then." His sudden refutal shocked her but he didn't really care. Important things were needed to commence.

He entered his cabin, opening his macbook air. He video-called Alex, waiting patiently for him to answer the call. It was on the second set of ringing that the call connected. The internet buffered, and then he could see Alex peering in the screen. "Hey! Ben, I'm really busy, right now. Can we talk later?"

Ben saw the familiar blue walls. "Aren't you home?"

"Yes, I am! I am busy with this!" He turned the camera and showed Hope lying on the bed, giggling. "I'm doing the most erotic work of massaging her!"

Ben cackled gregariously. "Shit! She's your daughter, man."

"I know, she's the best," There was a serene happiness in his green eyes.

Ben nodded, "By the way, I have some good news."

"You're finally getting married and starting a family!"

"Ha-ha, so funny! Can I say, now?"

He grumbled, "Yeah, go ahead, buzzkill."

"I'm not a buzzkill! Just because I don't believe in creating a family, doesn't make me a dull person! I like fun, and sex, for that matter!"

Alex shook his head, starting to massage the little limbs of his daughter. "Oh, let me guess. Fun and sex? The two greatest 'tastes' of a perfect husband-material."

"Are you done enjoying at my expense?"

Alex stopped, masking his face with seriousness. "Okay, okay, go on."

Ben started his speech. Well, it wasn't so well-drafted like an original speech, but he had prepared a elongated plan where he added the details of the proposal and when he was finished, the surrounding was quiet. "Yeah, that's it." He raised his hands up in surrender, telling him that it was the end.


Ben didn't like the silence. "Is this okay? I mean, do you agree?

Alex sighed, his breath coming from straight down his navel. "Ah--"


"It's--It's amazing!" He blurted out, shocked. "It's an amazing offer! I mean, a government project? Hell, yes!"

Relief came into his senses as Ben sighed peacefully. "God, god, thank god."

"Yeah, that's too much devotion for god.  Calm down. What do you have in mind?"

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