Chapter Twenty Five

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He was devouring her with his eyes, Sarah shuddered, walking down the stairs with Jean and Faith. She didn't wanna come under his gaze, after he had behaved so roughly with her. But he had never been so rough. He had tried to be as gentle as possible with her, then what had come upon him today?

She came down and stood in one corner whereas Faith went to her husband and Jean decided to give her gown a twirl. She looked at him, god, he was looking like a walking catastrophe. So good he looked in the pistachio shirt, and the maroon suit, that her body had started to react in a very weird but lovely way. The emotions surged inside her and she realised that she liked him. She liked her husband, who was the first man she had been so near to, who was the first man she had wanted to know from inside and out, the first man that wasn't like her father.

She had told him a few mean things. She wasn't defending him. He had behaved like a jerk, but she had said that he was using her; that was a wrong statement. If anything, he had shown extreme care and compassion towards her since their marriage. She watched Faith patting Alex's shoulder, mouthing compliments to her in a sheer touch of feminine modesty, and he whispered back, his green eyes shining adorably at his wife.

"Guys, come on. Rich just texted me. They are on their way to the venue." Alex folded his hands in his pocket and smiled. "I'm waiting in the car. Hurry up."

There were lot of things to take. Faith took a few make-up wipes and an entire styling kit to add some last minute touches to the bride, while Sarah had put  a few extra clips and accessories, if by chance, something got lost. Jean took hold of her flowy gown, and nodded at Faith. "Help me, babe."

Faith held her hand and walked towards the door. "Sarah, darling, come on."

Watching them leave, Sarah grew conscious of the masculine energy behind her. She turned around, her heart ignoring Faith's call. Once they were completely out of sight, she looked at her husband. Her eyes traced his figure, he was handsome, and it wasn't just because of his external features; He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon her own.

Her vision stopped at the pocket square that was set poignantly upon his suit's pocket, matching dexterously with his shirt. She just continued to stare at him, and then slowly, she walked towards him. It felt like someone was dragging her to him, urging her to go as near to him as possible. His eyes had gotten dark and confused but she didn't care.

She grabbed hold of his shoulders, pushed her face towards his mouth and kissed him. It was supposed to be a smooch, nothing more, but her own feeling had betrayed her, causing her to act so deviantly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply with her mouth, taking his complete taste. She felt him stiffen under her touch, and she thought she had made a mistake but it soon turned out to be an assumption because the moment he realised what was happening, she felt his arms caging her waist in a fierce grip.

"Sarah," he breathed out and her name from his mouth melted like pure honey; something unimaginable happened, and she deepened the kiss, almost pulling at his hair with ferocity and passion.

The intensity of the moment engulfed her. "Oh...." Words betrayed her and she sucked his lips deeper and deeper until she could hear her heart thundering like heavy metal clicking.

She wasn't stopping, and after sometime, she knew she had to stop. It was too much. Her heart was beating loudly, and other areas of her body were vibrating with need; need she didn't know existed in her. She looked at him, pulling out of the kiss. Her eyes went to his lips which had a pretty visible impression of her cherry red lipstick. She smiled, her hands settling on his arms.

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