Chapter Thirty Six

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Sarah got herself ready, smiling at the mirror. All she could remember was how he had kissed her and backed her up at the kitchen counter, engulfing her body into a tight embrace and cupping her cheek. The heat of that moment was still very much alive in her veins, causing her to feel flushed all over again. She opened the door of her room and stepped outside, holding her blue bag over her shoulders.

He was waiting for her in the living room, fully dressed up. Why was he dressed up at this hour? Generally he left for office after ten. But here he was, sitting on the sofa with his white shirt tucked neatly into his blue trousers and a  blue blazer hanging over his body. It was only thirty minutes to ten. He got up almost abruptly and she guessed it was because he had sensed her presence behind him.

She sucked in a deep breath and watched him stare at her, his eyes burning into her. "Shall we go?"

His question was very perturbed. She nodded. "Hmm,"

The material of her cream satin top felt too tight, and the rim of her jeans caused her navel to flush and tickle at the same time. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and all she wanted him to do was to open her hair in one steady go and kiss her hard and rough. She had started craving his touch so much.

"Sarah, move." He inched close to her, telling her to move herself out of the condo. "You'll be late."

She bit her lip, snaking her arms around his navel, pulling at his toned abdomen. "I don't wanna go."

He shook his head. "Sarah..."

"What? I'll go tomorrow, I promise. Just--not today. Please." She didn't wanna sound this desolate but she did. She knew she didn't have much time with him, she knew after the completion of two whole months if she failed to deliver the papers to her father, he would take her away from Ben. He would give her to Abraham, a monster. Like she was an object, not a person.

Ben cleared his throat. "You can't miss your class, you--"

"I don't wanna go today, please." Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper. She caressed his chest with her dainty little fingertips and he groaned, which was exactly the response she needed. "Please...please..."

"Then, let me go, at least. I have an important meeting today." Whatever effect she had on him seemed to wash off and she felt herself hurt and pushed away.

At once, she took several steps back, clearing the path for him to leave. She should've guessed it. When she had seen him all dressed up such early, she should've guessed it was because of his engagements or appointments, not because he wanted to drop her to the university. God, she had to misread every damn thing.

"I'll be late. I'm going to New Jersey for a meeting. Do not wait up." He said calmly, smiling at her which seemed to waver on and off.

"You're going to Jersey?" She was shocked. Then she covered up her shock. "Okay. Sure, I'll not wait."

He nodded and left. The door shut on her face and then she stumbled back, hurt clouding her mind. What had she thought? That he would offer to take her with him now that he knew she wasn't going to university? If course, not. Obviously, he would leave her alone at home. She meant nothing to him. Just like she meant nothing to her father.

She turned around, away from the door and went straight to her room, pulling herself out of her clothes. Honestly, she had dressed up just for him. She had never worn this skimpy satin top which outlined her chest too much, she had never worn this kind of skinny jeans which made her thighs look appealing, she had never applied this classic shade of red before. She did it all for him. Now as she wiped her makeup, she realised how pathetic she was.

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