Chapter Nineteen

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Sarah roamed around the shop, her eyes sparkling with colours as the dresses around her blasted into an exhilaration of hues. Jean was speaking to the manager who was a middle-aged woman. "Come with me, girls. Let me take you to the wedding dress isle."

They followed, all the while, Sarah wondered, looking around the shop in awe. There were many seperate isles for separate dresses, shoes and accessories and it was way huge than she had anticipated. Faith and Jean ran towards the isle in excitement and Sarah followed in wonderment.

The manager smiled. "The right side is for wedding dresses for the bride, and the left side has dresses for the maids of honour and of course, the bridesmaids. You can find all the wedding special accessories here. Excuse me, call me if you need anything." The woman gave them a nod and went back to the reception.

Jean saw the right line of wedding dresses and gowns and rushed forward. "Girls, check them out! My God, everything's so pretty!" She squealed out of unbound happiness.

Sarah chuckled. "You have to choose one, Jean!"

The wedding gowns were perfect, each of them designed so intricately that she wanted to swirl her fingers over them. And she did. She felt the fabrics underneath her palm, letting the material swoosh on her skin like cotton candy. "Wow, these are beautiful," her eyes filled up with tears.

"You wore one of these, right?" Faith asked curiously, peering at the princess, umbrella cut dresses in front of her.

Sarah gave a low grumble. "Nah-uh, I--am Indian, so had to wear a saree to church. I'm really proud of my culture, but it's my dream to wear dresses like these...someday."

Jean clicked her tongue. "Then let's buy a beautiful saree dress for you, okay, my bridesmaid?"

Sarah nodded, growing intensely uncomfortable about the prices of the garments. But buying the most wonderful dress for Jean was important now, it was the sole priority. She was scouring through the materials, her eyes finally resting on one. "My goodness....Jean, see this."

Jean came running towards Sarah, following her gaze which stopped at one particular dress. "Shit."

The dress was almost, inarguably magic. Faith came dashing through the isle, her mouth frozen to a circular shape. The gown was snowy white, and a-line,  characterized by a fitted waistline and flared skirt that reached upto the feet in a perfect body-conning look. The upper portion was made of lace, with a transparent bodice and a plunging neckline, with thick embroidery of small white flowers. It had full sleeves made of lace and on the wrists, the same embroidery enamoured. The flared skirt came down from the hips, the lower portion of the skirt filled with the threaded flowers elegantly.

Jean breathed. "This is it."

After the dress was selected in her size, Jean went to try it on. Faith patted on Sarah's arm. "Let's get you something, shall we?"

"Uh--what about you?"

"Let's find both, okay? Jean will take up much more time to admire herself in the dress. Let us find our dresses," Faith smiled. "Alex has texted me, they're almost done with their shopping. And the couples will colour-coordinate, hence, I'll have to find something blue, and you, something maroon."

Colour coordination? God, this family was truly amazing, wasn't it? Sarah had never experienced any family function where people wore colours together or coordinated their outfits. This would be the very first time she would experience something like this. She knew this was all temporary, but she wasn't gonna stop herself from enjoying. She had never enjoyed or reveled in joy like this; no one could stop her now.

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