Magneto's crusade

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*kitty is dropped off at the x-mansion and is waiting outside of Charles's office and there is shouting and she listens in*// Erick- you are an idiot Charles and you are deluded if you think that the world is good to people like us, it is a cold and cruel place and I have seen what the world do to people who are different// Charles- you were alive in a cruel time my friend, this is not those camps you were sent too, your mind has aged but your body has not. the world is still learning to accept us as we are still learning to accept our gifts// Erick- do not bring my past into this// Charles- you are losing your grip on your mentality, I took a chance on you, I let you into the school around my students, I took that risk for you// Erick- and look where we are at old friend, you have a killer in your school, I can take a group and we can make the world fear us, there are talks of the humans building machines to wipes us out, sentinels Charles, I have people on the inside and we get results// Charles- starting a war will not give you what you want and it will only end badly, you do this and you are brining us mutants a fate worse than death  is this what you want for your children?// Erick-they're hiding in the shadows, hiding their powers being afraid// Charles- I don't understand you... why are you so angry at the humans? why'd do you let your greed consume you and turn you into the people you swore you hated?// Erick- like you have any idea what goes on in my head, Charles Xavier the righteous saint, stay out of my head Charles because this won't end well for you * he opens the door and glares and Kitty*// Erick- were you listening... you seem to be everywhere, annoying little girl// Charles- ERICK??//Erick- YOU ARE THE ONE TURNING YOUR BACK ON YOUR OWN KIND CHARLES!! // Charles- how can someone be so smart yet so stupid at the same time// Erick- you will see.. TODAY! *the metal all shakes and Erick lunges at Charles and Kitty jumps in front of him and puts her hand out and Erick is thrown back into a wall and looks shocked*// Kitty- I'm sorry... I I didn't mean too// Charles- Kitty it is okay// Erick- telekinesis *gets up and Kitty looks at her hands in shock she looks scared*// Logan- what the hell is going on// Erick- the stupid interfering bitch//Logan- DO NOT FUCKING TALK TO HER *draws claws*// Erick- you forget you are metal Logan *he throws Logan up against  the wall using his powers and Charles rides to him he throws Charles's wheelchair at the wall Logan is growling and Kitty uses her telekinesis to push Erick over and he slams into the floor*// Logan-CHARLES * he runs to help him into the wheelchair as Erick is glaring at Kitty and he draws metal into his hand and wraps it around Kitty's throat and she is struggling to pull it off choking Logan runs to Erick  and cuts his stomach and he lets the metal go on Kitty's neck and then she breathes, Logan kicks Erick onto his back and he uses his powers to pin Logan to the wall with one hand and lunges towards Kitty pins her to the wall by his hand she is trying to hit him but starts to black out*//Erick- you are gonna be annoying, so I'll end you now*kitty phases through him and coughs catching her breath*//Charles- ENOUGH ERICK, you are unstable and power hungry and you have lashed out at the mentors and students and I will not tolerate your intimidation on multiple occasions of Kitty, I want you to leave!!// Erick- I will *looks at his hand and calls metal to him he has a metal shrapnel in his hand and he turns it into a spike looking at it glaring and looks aside at Kitty and moves his hand quickly towards Charles and kitty holds her hand out to make a shield and the metal drops in mid air and he looks at Kitty his eyes are bulging and her is growling the veins in his head budging and his fists tighten*/ Logan- do not touch them Erick * Erick tries to push the spike through her shield but she is holding it up*// Erick- you are really beginning to piss me off Kitty * he directs the metal at her and she phases through it and looks up at him worried*// Erick- I think I hate you *slams the metal into Logan's chest and he growls still pinned against the wall*// Kitty- Logan??* she is tearing up*// Logan- that all you can do ** Erick starts to put his hand out and Logan's body is jerking forward and he is growling and groaning*// Erick- how about stripping your bones of the metal? *he smirks*//Kitty- STOP IT * she telekinetically picks him up and throws him into the wall and she runs to Logan*?? //Kitty- Logan?*touches his chest but the wound is healed*// Logan- I'm okay Kit *touches her hand on his chest *// Charles- the others are on their way you need to leave now // Kit- Pr are you okay?//  Pr- I am my child, thank you *Erick waves his hand and in a second kitty gasps and clutches her side in shock*// Logan- Kit? *she moves her hand and blood is all over her hand she holds it tight against her side and looks up at Logan her puts an arm around her*//Logan- look at me, it's okay you're gonna be okay *she nods shaking as Kurt pops in and there is shouting and Logan leads her away *// Logan- it's okay // Kitty- stop saying that// Logan- well it is, I'll fix you up good okay *they walk down some corridors and people rush passed*// Piotr- what happened? katya what is it?* she aside embarresed*// Logan- Piotr I need you to get the kids to the bunker and I need youto avoid Charles's office it's Erick he's finally lost it// Piotr- yes of course I will but is she going to be okay?// Logan- yeah, don't worry pal she will be fine* he leads her to the infirmary and helps her onto a bed and he looks around  gathering things and Kitty watches him nervous he walks over and rips her t shirt// Kitty- woah *smacks hand away*//Logan-i need to see the cut so I can sort it // Kitty- you are trained to do that?// Logan- more than your Butler, just trust me *he pulls apart the shirt and he sees scars on her stomach and looks into her eyes taken aback she looks at him apologetic *// Logan- it will sting a little but let's just get this over with okay *starts cleaning her wound and she's groaning and her eyes closed tight as he starts stitching her she puts her hand on her head worried*// Logan- is something wrong?// Kitty- I have a phobia// Logan- of blood? *he scoffs*// Kitty- no, of... needles// Logan- *scoffs* you are scared of a little needle// Kitty- yeah, we are all scared of something // Logan- but needles? a bit stupid in our line of work?*he smirks*// kitty- what are you scared of then??* really annoyed*  hmm?// Logan - nothing// Kitty- liar, what is it?// Logan- nothing// Kitty- as if, you're scared of something what is it?// Logan- okay... a few things... getting close to people// Kitty- do you think that if you get close to people or allow them close to you that they're gonna leave or get hurt or even you hurt them *he looks at he wide eyed*// Kitty- I feel that way too, just easier if I just stay alone or keep people at a distance// Logan- yeah, exactly that * looks at her wound stone faced*// Logan- don't let people in simple as do your job try not to get attached *they stay in silence as he sticks a bandage on her and she is facing away from him*//Logan- what is it?// Kitty- huh *looks at him* nothing// Logan- well it's obviously something because you are silent// Kitty- no, I'm just injured feeling sorry for myself//Logan- tell me// Kitty- genuinely I feel like shit for letting down my guard,  don't get attached and all that// Logan- so you are mad at me for saying that??// Kitty- no just leave it I don't care//Logan- well obviously you do because you are in a mood// Kitty- I wouldn't class this as a mood, I don't care anyway//Logan- well clearly you do or you wouldn't keep bringing it up and being in a mood... if I have done something then tell me// Kitty- no you haven't done anything, It's fine leave it be// Logan- look you are being a brat right now so if I have upset you or whatever then  just address the issue, don't beat around the bush *huffs*// Kitty- I got too much going on that reading into your mixed signals *he is looking confused*  Erick has a vendetta against me and all I did was stand up for myself while he was being horrible and then I get hurt like a little bitch because I was too worried if you were okay but you can heal so who cares anyway we don't all get to do that * gets up and he grabs her arm and sits her down on the bed looking at her confused*// Logan- what the hell are you talking about and why are you getting all worked up over stupid shit? do you want me to care about you?// Kitty- I thought for a minute just a minute that you did care about me but like you said, don't let people get close// *the door opens*// Moira- hello Kitty I am doctor Moira McTaggart I am just making my rounds, you received a wound to the right rib area  may I please look// Logan- I'll leave you to it * looks at kitty and he walks away, she is checked over and is called to speak to Charles and they are talking about what happened*// Kitty- why is he so... just the way he is// Charles- he was taken to a concentration camp as a child// Kitty- wait you mean... he was...// PR- yes his mother was shot in front of him, he was taken by a scientist and experimented on, he has barley aged. he was tortured and experimented on time and time again daily and it made him fear humans he has seen the bad side of things and it has effected his perception on the world. he is very headstrong and has had a lot of trauma. he does not see the world like us he thinks of it as bad and worse. you know he was once at it alone with Mystique recruiting a lot of mutants and doing a lot of questionable things, you saw he was an enemy of shield and us but for a moment when his children were born he came back to the light, he wanted to repent for what he did and he made a good try, his kids were taken away by the mother of his child// Kitty- peter and Wanda?// Pr- and a 3rd, Lorna, they were taken to a safe spot for mutants but it is human controlled it is called Genosha, I do not agree with the island but people have bought into the mutant safe haven. Erick is not allowed contact or near them, they could not forgive him and thanks to his ideology he is not allowed to step foot on the island // Kitty- pr I can tell that you are worried, I know he is your oldest friend but he is really out of control, he is going to kill someone// Pr- he already has... a lot of people and mutants who stand up to him// Kitty- Pr I know I am still new here but why are you telling me this?// Pr- I am worried that he will try and hurt you, you have read about a lot of our enemies but you have no idea what you are about to face// Kitty- well this is what I am here for, it is my job, if I get hurt or anything then that is fine I am more than prepared for all that// Pr- I know this is what you are used too but these mutations are still new and this is a new world just be prepared *wheels to the window looking at the students and she walks over to look at everyone and the Pr is stressed and worried*// Pr- Kitty we need time to plan, when you are healed we will apprehend him and bring him into shield, he is officially an enemy of ours....he can not be trusted. 

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