the attempt on living

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* as night falls everyone is tense and everyone is gathering*// Banshee- we'll go just before 2am * kitty nods as she takes off her bullet proof vest and gives it to Lilly the pregnant teenager*// Magneto- we just need to keep focussed okay?// Kitty- I know// Erik- I do think you need to sleep, 2 nights is pushing it don't you think// Kitty- I'm used to it// Erik- of course you are and where did you learn that huh... * she looks at him annoyed* even if it is 5 minutes Kitty// Kitty- focus on your own sleeping Erik 'kay * she walks away to check on the others before looking at her watch, 9:12pm*// Warpath- let's go scout c'mon * she looks to him as he walks away and she follows him as they walk outside and run into town hiding behind walls*// Warpath- you in the army?// Kitty- no// Warpath- cia// Kitty- shield, and you?// Warpath- army, I'm sure I have seen you in the army// Kitty- I done a couple of extractions and special ops when I was 15// Warpath- thought I recognised you, so you'd be around 20 now// Kitty- yeah I did it on and off through the years, and you?// Warapath- turned 18 and ain't never looked back, that is until my mutation manifested at 23 so I ended up getting discharged with the added dishonour// Kitty- thanks for risking your life to us but now you're stronger than us you're the enemy// Warpath- that's america * they laugh* nah I should not talk about my country, despite it all I'm still proud of where I come from// Kitty- yeah well I'm british by birth so yano I guess a girl has to keep her citizenship open// Warpath- you're funny, glad to see you still have a sense of humor through this all// Kitty- yeah, I think it's just morbid sarcasm at this point// Warpath- it works for you// Kitty- stop talking! * she stops as they hide behind a wall hearing a hellicopter goes over head and she tackles him and they phase into a house*// Kitty- they're getting too close// Warpath- should we change the plan// Kitty- not the plan just the time * radio * come in base... base do you copy?// Banshee- yeah we copy, what's up// Kitty- get everyone to leave asap we just seen a hellicopter heading to your location// Banshee- when are we leaving// Kitty- 20 minutes once I divert that hellicopter// Banshee- okay okay got it// * she looks at warpath who looks at her*// warpath- let's go cause a diversion shall we? * kitty looks at him cleary stressed* hey it's okay we got this c'mon we keep moving, right? * kitty's face is a mix of worry and guilt* shadowcat don't lose hope// Kitty- I'm not.. I am realistic there is a difference// Warpath- good, have seccond thoughts before we go back because they need to see you faking it because that's what gives them hope// Kitty- I know! *she looks down and sighs*  let's go take the fight to them * they both run into another dirrection as Kitty blasts sentinels and the plane fly's to their location, they both look up as everything is wiping around them and Kitty uses her powers to pull down the hellicopter tensing all her body untill she feels herself getting dizzy, she then smashes it, places it on the floor as men run out screaming and Kitty waves her hand as they are all hit back with a wave of telekenisis, warpath looks at her in shock at how casual she did it and she turns to see him wide eyed*// Kitty- you said diversion// warpath- I meant a chase or something to draw them out// Kitty- I'm sure they'll be drawn out * he smirks at her shaking his head*// warpath- let's get ready then shall we * they both sprint back to the church and barge through the door panting*// Kitty- are we ready?// Erik- yes, we have been through most stuff// Kitty- we phase through hand in hand until we get to the clear and if there is any danger we grab one another and we phase through it. no powers unless we have too// Dazzler- we know the plan// Kitty- just making sure, we're flying pretty blind so stick close by*// Lilly- kitty? * kitty turns her head to see  Lilly's eyes are closed and she is holding her stomach as she takes a breath*// kitty- oh god, we got hours left surly, we gotta keep moving// Boom- and if she has her baby?// Erik- a risk we have to take// Kitty- can you walk a couple hours if we get you some medicine * she nods exhaling* only awhile so we can get too saftey okay, is there a midwife here?... anyone// Banshee- basic training is all we have// Kitty- same * she nods sighing* let's not think of that now c'mon we gotta make it through town * they all stay close as they rush outside and across the graveyard and into the village, they make their way through the village for around 10 minutes before they see there first pair of soliders, Banshee and Erik take them out hand to hand as the others run past, Kitty lifts their radio and keeps jogging throught the town before shots are fired and Erik stops the bullets as Kitty grabs hold of everyone and they phase as Erik hits the bullets back at the soliders chests and they fall to the floor...*// Kitty-  * grabs Eriks arm* there are children here// Erik- most of who have seen their people murdered before their very eyes. don't get righteous with me Pryde * she looks aside at him as he scwols at her and she looks away exhaling as she continues on a path as mutant scouts run ahead and scout the area*// Kitty- Lilly how you holding up? * she quickly looks back at her as they are all shuffling*//Lilly- bad period cramps but me and baby are good// Kitty- has your water gone?// Lilly- no we're good// Kitty- perfect, keep it up mama * they make their way out of the little village into the city that is still burning and a state*// Kitty- stay close * she grabs onto Lilly and Pixie as they all grab onto a mutant each and Kitty continues, before long a group of soliders sports them before Kitty phases and the scouts take them out, they walk past a row of shops all burning as some gasps are heard*// Boom- shh shh shhhh * they continue as the group of mutants take in the ruins of their city before hellicopters can be heard*// Banshee- MOVE MOVE MOVE * kitty grabs onto the girls as they grab onto everyone and they rush to a nearby house and all phase into the tiny room cramped as can be and nobody dare brethe as sentinels and hellicopter lights can be seen searching the area * pixie is trying to cradle her baby as everyone looks at her and she shakes rocking him as he begins to cry as everyone in frantic , she is struggling to calm the newborn as Erik looks at Kitty who holds her head and closes her eyes as she feels a sharp stabbing pain, the baby is still crying*// Erik- kit?// Kitty- I know!! * she takes a deep breath as she walks to the door and phases outside before throwing the hellicopter into the other as they hit the floor then smashing the hand full of sentinels before hearing everyone call for backup, she runs back to the houses phases in*// Kitty- we don't have long * she opens the door as they all make a run for it through the wreckage and fires further into the city retracing steps, she sends the scouts out to make way for them as Kitty and the mutants all stay hand in hand, Erik, Banshee, Boom boom and Warpath scout out as they make their way for another 30 minutes before they see alot more soldiers and they all phase into a nearby house to take a breather*// Boom- we gotta take a couple of them out this is getting too much// Kitty- as much as I want a fight I gotta keep these people safe, you guys get out there and and I'll lead the people into the clearing ,, Banshee- give everyone 5 minutes to rest up * Kitty walks to the corner and leans against the wall and drops down bending her knees as she pulls out her radio*// Kitty- * radio* does anyone copy? anyone? * all that is heard is static* great * she puts the radio away and sighs before looking at everyone as she sees a little kid walk upto her and Kitty looks at her and smiles as the girl smiles before running off to her father*// * kitty sighs before pulling herself up and stretching as she looks at Pixie with her son and then at Lilly who is holding her baby bump as Kitty feels guilty*// Kitty- okay, c'mon then everyone, let's push through a little more, scouts get out there * banshee, boom boom, Erik and warpath leave as Kitty and the others make their way outside and make their way through the town, she notices Erik throwing tanks aside as she feels a pang of guilt but keep going, after 3 hours of making their way through the town and fighting they see the edge to the woods and then take shelter in a house as they wait fr the hellicopters to pass*// Erik- we're out there in the woods with no shelter in the dark and those conditions are not suitable for everyone// Kitty- we got to make our way either way... I know it's not ideal but we're nearly there// Erik- I trust your judgment// Kitty- I wouldn't * Erik smiles asmused as Kitty gives a small smile* c'mon * they walk to the door watching the hellicopters and kitty looks at Erik and nods to the hellicopters a he keesp the eye contact and pulls them down from the sky, they both hold eye contact as she smiles and he smiles back*// Erik- let's go // * they all walk out and make their way to the the edge of the woods*// Erik- keep going, we're nearly there * everyone is running as fast as they can as everyone stops when there is an army infront*// Kitty- MOVE MOVE * everyone runs the other way as shots are fired and Kitty shields everyone with her powers as the scouts use their powers to attack*// KItty- Warpath lead them away we'll follow behind* Erik takes their guns with his powers and coks them all as Kitty looks at him* Kitty- Erik don't * she looks at him as he is glaring at the army of peple infront of them* Erik! Erik!!!// Erik- get out of here// Kitty- no you can't kill this many people// Erik- watch me// Kitty- don't you dare * she grabs his arm* please don't do this that is easily a massecare// Erik- exactly// Kitty- Erik no! * he glares at her as she sighs and turns away to face the army and uses her powers to blast them all away back as everyone hits the floor her hands and arms ache and her head hurts as she stmbles and her legs buckle and Erik grabs hold of her*// Erik- I got you * he lowers her down as she puts her head on his chest trying to catch her breath her eyes closed groaning at the pain in her head and her body*// Erik- you should not have done that, using that much power is damaging to your body * she puts a hand on her head panting*// Banshee-are you okay?// Erik- just give her a minute// Banshee- we don't have a minute we have to keep going *Erik helps her up and Banshee and him hold her arms helping her walk *// Banshee- let's go * they walk for a minute*// Kitty- I can walk I'm fine* they let her go as they jog through some trees towards the group and they all make a run for it*// warpath- we should keep running to try and cover more ground * Kitty grabs onto Lillys arm and they all run before Lilly is gasping and slowing down*// Kitty- okay we slow down we can walk, we got cover in the trees and we need to just make our way across through the mud full of trees*// * after another hour Lilly is in obvious disscomfort*// Kitty- just keep pushing a bit longer okay// Lilyy- I'm trying but it really hurts// Kitty- I think you're due more painkillers too let me just get you some * she jogs up to one of people carrying supplies and she get's some pain killers and water and gives them to Lilly who takes them*// Kitty- I think we need to find shelter soon and acess the situation// Erik- I think so// * they walk for another 2 hours *// Banshee- I say we find somewhere to setbup camp, have something to eat and have a nap * the team sit down as a few blankets are put on the floor for make shift beds*// Boom- shall I get us a fire going?// Erik- there is already smoke on this island it can't attract anymore attention// Kitty- no! they'll be looking for us, I'm sorry but we just can't risk it. I know it's cold guys but we have to stay out of sight * kitty watches everyone as they eat and the children take a nap as Kitty nods to Warpath as the scouts set off and Kitty with them before returning after half an hour and sitting by Banshee who gives her a drink of water*// Banshee- I don't want to jinx it but we actually pulled that off// Kitty- we're not out of the woods yet, we haven't passed a single checkpoint yet and that is worrying me// Banshee- it has been a couple of days, the check points probably been called out to get ready for the big fight// Kitty- I'm still in shock how we even pulled that off, I haven't been able to breathe tidy since we saw the damage when we first come into the city// Banshee- that makes the two of u, I got a girl back at the palace and I just hope she's safe, do you have anyone waiting on you// Kitty- I'm not sure if he's waiting on me but there is someone// Banshee- he's a lucky man whoever he is. we'll give it another 3 hours before we head back out// Kitty- okay * after 3 hours Kitty's eyes are heavy as she feels tired but everyone is awoken and she jumps up waking everyone up, she walks to Pixie*// Kitty- how are you and little man holding up// Pixie- I think we are doing okay, just my back hurts and I miss the comfort of a bed oh and a shower// Kitty- we'll be there soon * Banshee leads everyone as Kitty checks on everyone and then sees Marrow with Lilly*// Kitty- all okay// Marrow- look I think her labor is progressing because she seems to be in a lot of pain// Kitty- we just need to keep going to see if we can find anyone and then we can get you seen by a doctor, Lilly I know you are in pain but we gotta keep moving okay// Lilly- I am not having my baby here no way, this is hurting where is help?// Kitty- we're gonna walk to the next check point and see if we can see anyone * Kitty puts her hand around her and they walk as Kitty is talking to her trying to distract her * they pass by a small cliff as everyone begins to climb down it one by one everyone helping one another before they reach the bottom and then they climb another small cliff before finding open fields and then walking across clustered together. after walking an hour through the field they see a couple of cars ahead and people standing around*// Banshee- is that the checkpoint// Kitty- I'm asuming so, send the scouts to check it out before we get there * the scouts are sent in as Lilly is groaning in pain and tears stream down her face, kitty notices that her trousers are wet and her heart drops*// Kitty- Lilly is that * she yells in pain hunched over as Kitty grabs onto her*// Kitty- okay take a deep breath and breathe through this contraction okay, come on deep breath in okay * Lilly grabs onto Kitty's arm yelling and crying*// kitty- it's okay Lilly just breathe through it// Lilly _ IT HURTS!!! I WANT MY MOM I WANT OWWWWW// Kitty- that's it keep breathing and squeeze my arm as hard as you can, how far apart are the pains// Marow- I'd say every 3 minutes// Kitty- okay god we gotta get you somewhere more comfortable okay, where are the scouts * Kurt pops in and everyone gasps*// Kitty- KURT * she lights up* omg thank god// Kurt- you're alive! it is good to see that come on everyone I am nightcrawler if you'll all make your way to the check point please * the team starts moving as Kitty is still holding a crying Lilly*// Kitty- I think she's in active labor here so you're gonna have to teleport us// Kurt- no problem * Kurt touches them as they teleport to the checkpoint as she sees Storm, Hank, Alex and a few agents and mutants*// Kitty- I need some help here I have a 15 year old girl here in active labor, contractions a few minutes apart...// Hank- get her ina car// Lilly- NOOO NO NO I CAN'T DO THIS I CAN'T// Kitty- you don't have a choice, if we get in that car she is gonna have this baby and we are too far out, can you call in more transport if possible and a first aid kit asap, towels and  blankets anything you got  bring them to me *people are rushing around* get them cars parked up so the lights are on us we need more light * 3 cars are parked with their lights facing them as everyone is laying blankets down*// Kitty- I'm gonna needyou to take off your pants// Lilly- NO there are to many people here there is no doctor AHOWWWWWW// Storm- child there is no need for such shame when this is a miricle of a child, take them off and we will cover you * Kitty, Storm, Dazzler and marrow sarround them as afew agents hold up sheets and Lilly is screaming in pain as Kitty is looking through a first aid kit before finding alcohol and washing her hands with it and getting towels  ready as Marrow helps Lilly undress as she leans over scremaing, storm grabs Kitty's arm as her and storm freeze leaning down to check Lilly *// Storm- that is a baby's head// Kitty- oh god oh god. Lilly the baby's head is right there so if you have to push with each contraction do it okay* Lilly is screaming as everyone is talking her through it*// Storm- I have never seen a baby born// Kitty- me neither I don't know what I'm doing I have just watched tv shows and movies so this is just scripted from that// Storm- reasuring for the kid having  a kid * Lilly is screaming*// Lilly- I can't do it please make it stop phase the baby out// Kitty- I can't do that, look we can see the head okay the baby is there, you got to keep pushing your little girl is almost here I promise you just keep pushing// Lilly- I can't it's hurts too much// Kitty- your baby is almost out just push COME ON * all the girls are cheering her on as she is hysterically wailing, Kitty has the towel ready to catch the baby*// Kitty- Lilly I am right here okay that baby is gonna come any minute so give it all you got, everything you can COME ON ONE BIG PUSH * LIlly is screaming as KItty grabs the towel, Lilly gives one final scream before Kitty wraps the baby in the towel*// KItty- SHE'S HERE!!! your baby is here!! * kitty is wiping her over as Lilly is trying to look behind sobbing*/// Storm- lift your leg over the cord and sit her down ready to meet her child * the  girls help her to sit as Kitty is cleaning her up, she admires the baby's features as the baby let's out's out a cry, Kitty hands the baby to Lilly who is crying as Marrow and Dazzler are hugging her, tears are in everyones eyes as Kitty wipes her tears away*// Kitty- see you're so happy you didn't  even notice the placenta come out * Lilly is laughing* I'm gonna clamp the cord then cut it okay so I'm just gonna use a make shift out of some string or bandages * Kitty cuts the cord and helps to tie string until help can come then she wraps the baby back up and looks at Lilly who is staring at her baby and her heart hurts as Storm grabs her shoulder*// Strom- you did amazing// Kitty- that was all her, she's a good kid she handled it like a soldier didn't she * Kitty wipes her tears away as Storm looks at her with sadness but she smiles back as she looks at Lilly and her baby again*// Hank- let us move the new mother and her baby into the car and get her comfortable// Pixie- I have supplies and pants * the girls all gather around to get Lilly dressed with a pad and the baby girl dressed as Storm helps Lilly in the car and Kitty wraps the baby up in a blanket and hands her to Lilly*// Kitty- beautiful... she get's that from you doesn't she * Pixie and her son are also in the car as Pixie is teaching her to breast feed before looking aside to see Logan smiling at her as he lowers his mask she sprints up to him and throws her arms around him*// Kitty- You're here, I missed you// Logan- not as much as I missed you Pryde * he kisses her head before holding her tighter*

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