Longing for the peace

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* at the mansion everyone is in a sparring session and Kitty gets hit in the stomach and she falls to the floor not focusing*\\ Bobby- I'm sorry I'm so sorry * she exhales*\\ Kitty- it's my fault * looks down then looks at Logan who's watch it then turns away as she looks back down and closes her eyes then gets up and they spar a few more times as Kitty wins and then she walks to the gym equipment and does weigh lifting with storm and Piotr just focusing as best she can to outdo her best and she goes on the running machine while everyone gradually piles out of the gym and she stops drinks water as she watches Jean and Scott talking and how they're holding hands and the way  they look at one another and they kiss, Scott wraps his arm around her kisses her head and they walk away*\\ Rogue- sucks don't  it, not being able to get close to another person// Kitty- you get only hurt and lose them * Logan is looking right at her close enough to hear and she gets her drink and walks away past Logan and she showered changes and she walks downstairs with her earphones in and phases. to meet Hank*\\ Hank-are you ready// Kitty- always * they drive to a museum and she's admiring hoe patio are Hank is about everything and how he monologues everything and they go for good in a little cafe and go get ice cream walking around the park and she notices Hank staring at a woman*\\ Kitty- who's the girl// Hank- oh uh that's Carly she worked at a lab I used to work at// Kitty- go say hi// Hank- I simply should not  it would be too inappropriate// Kitty- I'll wait here just go say hi and maybe ask her what she's doing this Friday * she smirks and sits on a bench watching Hank and the woman talk and how nervous he is when she touches his hand, after 10 minutes he walks back with Carly*\\ Hank- Kitty this is Carly// Kit- hi it's nice to meet you// Carly- I'm Carly, it's lovely to meet you, Hank had been telling me all about the x-men I've watched you all on TV// Hank- all in a days work// Carly- I have to run but I'd love to catch up with you Hank// Hank- I'd love that too.... Uh look after yourself// Carly- you too * they look at one another*\\ Kitty- Dinner! He he would LOVE to take you to dinner Friday* they both look at her and she smiles*\\ Hank- yes I would if you'd want too// Carly- I thought your never ask * gives him a card* call me so we can arrange a time * she smiles and walks away as Kitty looks at him sheepish smirking*\\ Hank-I can't believe you did that// Kitty I can't believe you have a date * he looks aside then smiles*\\ Hank- a date with Carly * he grins and walks away as Kitty follows as they're about to exit the park 4 sentinels fly over and Target a group having a picnic and Kitty sprints over and shields them as they shoot and she uses her powered to lift one robot and smash it into the other 3 and then crush that one*\\ Kitty- pathetic! Hank clear the area * 3 more appear blasting as Kitty uses her powers  to pull all 3 to the floor smashed up as everyone  is screaming and running as more land around the park she is sprinting around blocking bots, shielding people and ripping them apart using her telekinesis. 4 vans pull up and people get out arresting people, Kitty goes around freeing the ones who have been captured  and taking out MRD as the police are shooting at the MRD and the sentinels.  a police car is shot at and bursts into flames*\\ Kitty- GET BACK! * the car explodes and people are hysterical, Kitty looks around for Hank getting overwhelmed by the amount of soldier and she grows and runs forward taking them out not caring if they're hurt as all the soldiers run towards Kitty and she blasts them, they all hit the floor. she's growing as she sees and officer on the floor shot at by a blast from a sentinel and he's clutching his chest yelling in pain, the man collapses to the floor. Kitty rushes over and pulls off his vest recognizing him as having a heart attack and checks his pulse as it slows down she's blasting  soldiers and Sentinels that comes close while trying to talk on the phone to the ambulance and she does CPR to keep the man breathing as the other officers gather around*// Kitty- he's breathing stay with him make sure he's safe\\ Officer- yes ma'hm * she runs off calling for Hank and she calls him but goes to voicemail and she looks to see him getting swarmed by officers as she blasted in the back and hits the floor rolling, she gathers her senses and blasts the sentinel and gets up slowly her stomach hurting from the days wounds earlier and she uses her powers runs phases Hank out and blasts all the soldiers away as they're screaming for back up she hears the officers calling for help. the police officer who's had the heart attack has stopped breathing*\\ Kitty- you're going to have to take that man to the hospital, the ambulances can't be anywhere near this place// Hank- you'll be alone// Kitty- the or will  have people on the way, go to the hospital then go back to the mansion I got this// Hank- I don't feel comfortable doing this// Kitty- just go! I'm fine I got this! * he runs to the officer picks him up and heads to his car*\\ Kitty- I'm gonna need everyone all officers away from here, everything   back as far as it can this place isn't safe right now// Officer- do you need back up// Kitty- I'm okay just go get away from here * she inhales?  exhales and she looks up at the sky covered in smoke and sentinels getting closer and the swarms of MRD, they all make their way and circle her as she's shielding herself with telekinesis as bullets tranqs and tassera bounce off as she's doing her best to focus her energy on the shield after 5 minutes of screaming yelling guns shot her arms are getting weak as she blasts a huge energy blast all around her and knocks everyone thing up in the air and flys back and her arms and hands ache an everyone is silent apart from the car alarms. she stumbles to her hands and knees and her hands give out and she's propped on her forearms pain erupting through her veins and bones,  her hand and head in pain as she is panting, she stays like that for 2 minutes until her breathing steadies and she pushes herself up her hands and knees and looks up to see more soldiers pulling up and she exhales her body tired but she stands up to soldiers running and she phases through the bullets and tranqs as they're screaming at her*\\Stryker- HOLD FIRE!! I SAID STOP!! * he walks forward to Kitty* where's the kid?// Kitty- what kid * she stays phasing he laughs puts hands on his waist biting his lip then smiles*\\ William- so we're doing this? C'mom you know dangerous he can be, he can be, he can stop mutations he needs to be hidden away// Kitty- you and I both know that you're gonna exploit the kid, you're not gonna find him// William- you're not stupid enough to take him to the mansion so where have you hidden him somewhere away from mutants so just hand him over problem solved * tranq shot through her and she looks annoyed*\\ Kitty- you're never going to stop are you? Going after anyone that you want just because you can this is getting boring and obsessive don't you think? Get over yourself you're going to be arrested soon and held for your crimes\\ Stryker-my crime is being too irresistible and being the savior of mankind// Kitty- you keep telling yourself that... you're pushing for a war there's no point we're just trying to live and make the word better. we're not all bad please just see us for people// Stryker-watch your mouth scum, always thought you was cute though// Logan- thanks, I always thought I was too* he turns shocked and signals to his men. there's guns shots and Kitty blasts soldiers to the floor as she sees her team fighting*\\ Stryker- just reading  your powers to see your potential, you're playing into my hands girl * shield surround the area as the soldiers start peeling away as Jean is on the floor puffing and panting*\\ Kitty- are you okay?// Jean- tired really tired* kitty holds her hand out and Jean takes it and Kitty pulls her up, she looks aside to see Storm shot and falls through the sky*\\  Logan- KIT! * kitty uses her powers and catches her and lowers her and Piotr is knocked out in human form tranqued and Kitty picks him up using her powered and pulls him to her and she checks him he's groaning as his eyes open*\\ Piotr- I see an Angel * he smiles she chuckles*\\ Kitty- up you get big boy * taps his chest stands and blasts a sentinel away, she runs off and she's blasted by a sentinel and she rolls across the floor her eyes barley open*\\ Logan- KIT* runs across she blinked watching him and he kneels down grabs her face to look at him* you're okay * he lifts her head helping her to stand her whole body aching*// Logan- take a minute you just took a big hit// Kitty- I've had worse * chuckles and grabs her ribs wincing*\\ Logan- you've got nothing to prove// Kitty- you're wrong I have everything to prove// Logan- what're you telling about have you seen what you did alone, see what you can do?// Kitty- I got to prove I deserve to be on this team// Logan- what the fuck Kit? you more then deserve to// Kitty- look you don't understand// Logan- understand what,  what're you talking about!?!// Kitty- I'm not a victim! I'm not the damsel I'm distress everyone makes me out to be * she walks away he grabs her arm hard and rips her around to meet his gaze*\\ Logan- no one here thinks that, it's all in your head// Kitty- *pushes him off* stop fucking lying to me all of you you all think I'm some victim always getting hurt or captured! I can see it everyone can see it so stop treating me like I'm fragile there's a lot more to me than the victim * pushes him off and blasts a sentinel as Logan is looking at her confused as he takes down a sentinel and jump down as it's body falls to the floor he looks to find Kit taking out a group of MRD's and turns to see him looking and she lifts her head up and runs off in the direction of other MRD's, she sprints up to agents who are carrying Rogue and she uses her powered hits them away as they drop Rogue she makes a shield preventing them from grabbing her and piotr runs to Rogue, she takes out another sentinel who was heading to Logan and he looks at her annoyed she glares back at him annoyed as a soldier takes out a knife and Kitty is holding a sentinel back using her powers he creeps up behind her she still has hold over the sentinel she kicks him and he cuts her leg she gasps then she uses her telekinesis and hits him away pullkng the sentinel to the ground in bits and examines her leg it's a small cut*\\ Alex- looks nasty * blasts man away from behind Kitty*\\ Kitty- small graze * she blasts man from behind him and he smirks at her*\\ Alex- what's the deal psycho? How does this prove anything to anyone?//stryker- this was never about anything other than gathering the mutants to find the cure, you know where that kid is but I have other ways. Say bye to your little friends * smirks as she notices Bobby being pulled into a van along with an unconscious Jean, Kurt, Storm and Rogue*\\ Kitty-fuck * runs over to them and she's blasted by a sentinel and she hits into Alex and they both hit the floor as Kitty looks over on the floor eyes blurry watching as the van takes off and a man steps on her shoulder and shoots a tranq into her arm she yells as hwe her ears are ringing as her hands are forced behind her back by MRD soldiers screaming, everything goes in slow motion as she fights against the men who pulls her to her feet dragging her away she sees William smirking and just as she's about to be cuffed she kicks one men with all her might in the leg so he goes to one knee she knees him in the face kicks him in the face then another kick to the face and her hands freed as he covers his face that's bleeding she punches the other man in the throat then in the nose he lets go as she kicks him in the stomach and sprints at stryker as she punches he catches it she knees him in the stomach,  he doubles over she grabs his head knees him again pulling his hair then throws him to the floor she takes his gun kicks him, stands on her arm and loads the gun to his head*// Kitty- call your men get my team back here now! /* he laughs looking upto her*\\Stryker- you're not gonna shoot me baby * she shoots him in the hip and he yells in pain and she steps off him and watches him withering in pain glaring* you stupid little slut * he rolls over on his knees clutching his side she's watches smug*\\ Kitty- call my team back!\\ Stryker- over my dead body * he stands smirking*\\ Logan- okay * kicks him in the stomach he stables back he stands him with the shoulder forcing him backwards in the floor as Logan kneels by his face*// Logan- get my team back or I'll kill ya// stryker- I'm not talking so kill me... do it * Logan punches him out cold and  stands up his claws go in and he looks at Kitty who's looking at him and Logan pulls keys out of his pocket*\\ Logan- c'mon * they sprint to find the Jeep, they get in speed off in the direction of the other van*\\ Kitty- we're gonna have to overtake and make them stop * Logan speeds up as the other Jeep speeds up and they're dangerously driving around the city narrowly missing cars and people*\\ Kitty- drive them away as best we can to lower casualties * they follow the jeep as one Jeep is behind them*\\ Logan- and we got company // Kitty- focus on getting our team *Logan  overtakes the jeep and slams on his breaks as the car slams into the back of the keep they are in that both cars spin out of control and come to a stop at the cliffs and Logan and Kitty get out of the car as the 3rd jeep speeds towards them as Kitty tackles Logan out of the way of  the jeep and it slams into the 2 jeeps and they both fall over the cliff and Kitty and Logan watch as it lands in the water, they look at one another and both run and jump off the cliffs into the water, they both come up for air then dive down to the jeeps as Logan uses his claws to open the van and cuts the cuffs off as he cuts the door to pull the soldiers out and then gets the other soldiers out as Kitty is pulling up a struggling Jean and a rogue as she pulls them out to the surface she's gasping for air, Logan appears gasping holding Kurt who's barley conscious, all 4 drivers are swimming back*// Kitty- is anyone else left?// Logan- I'm not sure, c'mon elf * kitty takes a deep breath and dives under water and helps up a struggling MRD soldier to the surface and he pushes Kitty away coughing and Logan starts swimming back and everyone follows swimming back as Kitty is grabbed from behind she yells and is pulled under by someone dragging her backwards, she's struggling to fight and in a panic swallows water and breathes in water as someone wraps his arm around her neck and she is pressed backwards against their body as they're  pulling her down and during her panic and water swallowed she starts to black out and go limp as Wolverine dives down and kicks the man off Kitty, grabbing  her and pulls her upto the surface and swims back then picks her up and stumbles to the shore and puts Kitty down*\\ Logan- no no no no * starts doing chest compressions frustrated as the rest of the x-men are coughing up water and watches on, Kitty starts to cough up water as Logan turn her head to the side as she's coughing up water and choking and gasping for air, her eyes open still coughing up water and taking deep gasps of air as Logan lifts her head she's panting, she looks up to Logan and she blacks out*\\ Storm- Is she okay?* the ambulances turn up and Logan lifts Kitty onto the ambulance bed where an oxygen mask is placed on her*\\ Logan- she was under water awhile* the paramedic takes her hand and prepares to insert an IV but she snatched her hand away and curls up on the bed shaking her head*\\ Logan- she's good just leave her with the air she'll be good * sits on the bed beside Kitty who's curled up trying to catch her breath*\\ Logan-you okay? * she nods* you scared the life out of me darling * he smiles though he's stressed* you're safe that's all that matters * he looks at her and she's exhausted as he grabs her hand and she holds onto it*// Logan- seems like all this fighting ain't getting any of us anywhere, MRD all like racists with power. They've gotta be funded by hydra because they keep trying to sell you to them * he looks over to see Kitty doesn't look to good* hey everyone's okay, even that man who dragged you under he's alive * she takes off her mask*\\ Kitty- people are scared it's just showing everyone we're too much hassle because the hate we receive * puts mask on and takes a deep breath*//Logan- I'm gonna go check on the team hang on a sec I'll be right back * he walks away and the paramedic approaches her*\\ man- I do think you're better off at the hospital especially given you were under the water so long * she shakes her head looking upto him*// man- want me to fix that cut on your leg?// Kitty- no thank you, I heal pretty fast * she takes mask off and slowly gets up and walks outside to find the x-jet getting ready to land, she sees Jean, Storm and Kurt getting treatment and she slowly walks to them as Logan turns and sighs annoyed*\\ Logan- you need to stay on the oxygen, what're you playing at?// Kitty- I'm okay * looks up to him exhausted and the jet lands as he ushers Kitty onto it and takes her to the medical bay and puts hand on shoulder making her sit on the bed *\\ Logan- look I don't want to see you hurt alright so just do as you told and stay on the oxygen * sets up mask and puts it on her face and adjusts the straps she's looking at him intently*\\ Logan- * annoyed*. Can you just please do this for me... please * she looks aside embarrassed and he walks away and Rogue walks in*\\ Rogue- if you swallowed the water best you be seen by a real doctor, I'll come with you or I'm sure Logan will// Kitty- I'm not going to see a doctor Rogue give it an hour 2 tops I'll be fine// Rogue- you know he brought you back from the dead... you was out cold not breathing we thought you was dead * puts a blanket around her* you look pale does your chest hurt?// Kitty- uh yeah my stomach too// Rogue- the water. keep that mask on * they're taken back to the mansion and Rogue helps Kitty to the intermarry where they do a chest x-ray and give her warmed iv fluids, an oxygen mask, her tranq is taken out and she has a lot of blankets and she's left in a room by herself curled up as the nurse walks back and checks on her, she's exhausted and drifts off to sleep and wakes up to find Logan sitting behinds her smiling at her , her eyes are heavy*\\ Logan- go back to sleep it's late, I'll stay here with you if that's okay with you?* she nods as he sighs and she falls back to sleep* 

* kitty is having a nightmare she's being pulled under water and she's struggling and lashing and screaming in her dream as she's in a panic she opens her eyes bolts up  in the dark looks around in a daze* // Logan-you're alright it was a dream, just a nightmare * she pulls off her mask tosses it aside and try's to get the drip out of her arm, Logan grabs her arm*\\ Logan- don't * she looks at him in a panic wide eyed* calm down for 5 minute it's a bad dream you're in the infirmary I've been here the whole time you're fine * he grabs her shoulders and lays her back down she's looking at him wide eyed*\\ Kitty- I don't want to do this anymore I don't want to fight the MRD... I want to get out of this room// Logan- if you'd just give me a minute I'll go find Moira and I'll get you discharged but I'm not if you're gonna get worked up... finally * he gets up finds Moira who doesn't want to let her go but Logan makes her and she walks upto her room with Logan beside her and they stop at her door and she hesitates*// Logan- get some rest okay, I'm thankful you're alright  * he meets her gaze smiling walks away*\\kitty- stay? * he stops* pease stay * he turns and walks to her, she's on the verge of crying as he nods and Kitty exhales and opens the door, they enter as Kitty gets into the shower as the tears start falling as she washes her hair and blood off her looking at the bruises and scratches on her hands and she gets out and walks out in a towel and grabs some clothes as Logan is on his phone and stops to look at her then she goes back into the bathroom and puts pjs shorts and t shirt and walks out drying her hair in a towel clearly dazed*\\ Logan- feel any better // Kitty- yeah I'm fine// Logan- your eyes are all red and puffy * puts his phone away and walks towards her and wraps his arms around her and she hugs him back tight*\\ Logan- you almost drown today you gotta process those fears and emotions*// Kitty- you saved my life, I genuinely thought no one was coming to help me// Logan- no one gets left behind kit * they pull away as Logan kicks off his shoes and takes off his T shirt off and gets into bed and Kitty is anxious and on edge as she grabs a bottle of water*\\ Kitty- want one?// Logan- sure * she hands him one and drinks sitting on the bed*\\ Kitty- my throat hurts * he chuckles and she drinks pulling a face as she climbs into bed and turns off the lights and goes on her phone to reply or texts as Logan is on his in silence until Kitty yawns and puts her phone away and pulls up the covers facing away from Logan nervous as he lays back, as she's dropping off to sleep she turns to face Logan laying in her stomach as he looks at her face dropping off to sleep squashed in-between the pillow and her arm as she falls asleep and her body relaxes knowing that she's not sleeping alone*

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