Canadian MRD

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*at the mansion the x-men are leading a gym session for the younger students and Logan looks towards the gates anxious*\\ Kitty- what is it?// Logan- I dunno, it's a mutant but I don't know who * his claws come out as he walks to the gate, Kitty, Jean and Scott at his side as the gates open*\\Logan- Cajun// Gambian- hello Wolverine, I'm here to speak to Xavier... it's very important// Scott- can't be that important if you got something to do with it\\ Kitty- *whispers* who is that?// jean- gambit, he used to be an x-man a few years back// gambit- is he here wolverine?// Logan- come on * they all walk*\\ gambit- I think you're losing your touch old friend, old age is making you soft*\\Logan- you're one to talk, ain't seen you in so long thought you was dead * smirks*// gambit- guess I'm lucky aren't I? I have news, from your country, Stryker both junior and senior have a little place there with mutants from all over the globe, Logan the experiments are barbaric. Kids, adult old people... babies being tortured. Any mutant with anything is in that place// Logan- and you wanna help?// gambit- what can I say? Times are tough, I'm bored outta my skull and I need some fun * they all enter a meeting room discussing plans of attack and agree to send in a team for observation while the others stay behind and plan a rescue with shield . The team all splits up and parts ways as Kitty gets her suit and gets to the hanger*// Logan- not how you thought you'd be spending your birthday huh?// Kitty- I've had worse// Gambit-rogue you are healing you can not come, is that why you have the sad face?// Rogue I DO NOT CARE * he lifts her chin*\\ Gambit- I still get to you don't I? A rose like you deserves so much, I could give you that// Rogue- yeah and you left as usual Remy so don't go getting any ideas * hits hand away and walks off Kitty follows her*// Kitty- rogue wait, what's wrong * she grabs her shoulder* what's wrong?// Rogue-him, I fell head over heels in love with him  and I couldn't do anything  about it, I couldn't even hold his hand! While he jumped from girl to girl to anyone touching them, being intimate and I couldn't do that without help from technology.then when I could touch it was too late, he was gone.he left, he left me when I was struggling with who I was and what I could do I felt like a freak.// Kitty- rogue, I very much doubt he left because of you, do you have feelings for him?// Rogue-what? Ew no!... okay fine yeah I do I love him but I don't never gonna let down my guard for him to hurt me again// Kitty- I know you're hurting and your powers aren't helping but you know if you both can talk and find  some kind of answers to the questions you have then you don't need to second guess. You could just be honest you got nothing to lose and lots to gain// Rogue- man I hate it when you're right// Kitty-I'm always right // rogue-yeah yeah, why don't you take your own advice and tell Logan how you feel// Kitty- he knows * she smile sighing * it's complicated //  rogue- always is with you// Kitty-anyway if you want him go get him, what are you waiting for?// Rogue- same goes * she smiles* stay safe // Kitty- you too * she walks back and boards the jet and they take off Kitty looks at Logan he looks at her then she looks away*\\ They land outside a log cabin and walk up to it as the jet flys off* kitty, Logan, Scott, Jean, Gambit and Warren walk to the cabin and discuss the plans as Warren and Jean fly off and look around. Logan and Gambit get wood and Scott is setting up a laptop as a kitty walks out and watching Logan chopping wood he looks upto her notices her and smiles she smiles putting her hands in her back pockets admiring him and he smirks cutting wood*\\ Scott- we'll do a ground sweep come on * they trek to the nearest town looking around and spend a few hours until it starts getting dark and then a van with multiple men passes as Kitty pushed Scott  behind some cars*\\ Kitty- military of some sort * they stalk upto a van and watch as a family or 2 fathers and a toddler are escorted away Kitty gets up and Scott pushed her shoulders back down behind the car*// Scott- were out gunned we can't risk it// Kitty- then stay here// Scott- you're not the boss here// Kitty- neither are you so you can argue with me or not// Scott- okay what do you have in mind// Kitty- you are gonna cause a diversion over there and I'm gonna steal the van// Scott- you haven't got a license// Kitty-trust me// Scott- you have a strange comfort that gets people to trust you// Kitty- I take what I can get now go * Kitty sneaks up to the van and phases into it at the men who grab one another shielding their toddler Kitty puts finger to lips and phases in*\\ Kitty- my names Kitty Pryde I'm part of the x-men and I'm gonna get you outta here but I'm gonna need you to hang tight and hold on * the van starts going as Kitty phase into the front of the seat and phases a man out sand sits there smiling at the man driving and he looks shocked grabs taser and she kicks him in the face then phases him out as they stall as Kitty gets into the seat and starts driving laughing at herself, slides open the panel behind to see the men*\\ Kitty- hold on I don't have a license * she speeds off and stops in front of Scott who looks shocked then gets in the van as Kitty is speeding off with vans chasing her *|| Kitty-anywhere specific?// man- yes our home, we were just visiting here// man2- it's because we're mutants isn't it?// Kitty- it's because these people are psychotic and don't like that we are stronger than them// Man1- get us to the main road half hour up here we can walk it will be safer// Scott-we need to ditch the truck and one of us need to make sure they get back safe, when we get to the spot I'll take the truck you can phase and take cover until everything is safe * at the spot Kitty phase the men and the toddler out and phase them into some cliffs until all the military have left and she phases them out and they hike up to their home in a small town gets them settled then leaves and walks back the way she came after 2 hours she walking and spots Warren snd she looks relieved as he lands*\\ Warren- there you are Scott came back ages ago//Kitty- I just had to make sure the family was safe, you find anything?// Warren- yeah, we think we have them tracked to a location, come on I'll give you a lift * lifts her up and he flys off* we're gonna do some surveillance for a little while, just so we know what we're dealing with. Logan is uneasy with it being Stryker * they get back and Kitty walks up the path Logan is looking at her concern over his face*\\ Logan- thought I was gonna have to come looking for you myself\\ Kitty- didn't know you cared * smirks and he looks annoyed but amused*\\ Jean- there you are, come on time to eat * 

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