Robins reveal

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*its been over a month Bruce has been in a coma she's sat staring at him exhausted*\\ Tim- kitty// Kitty- hey, good to see you \\ Tim- I would've been here sooner but Alfred was very persistent*\\ Kitty- Bruce would've wanted it that way, how have you been? How's your training?// Tim- I'm okay, training had been mind blowing, I've advanced so much you have no idea * Kitty smiles as Tim looks at Bruce as Alfred walks in*\\ Alfred- master Tim I told you to wait for me// Tim- sorry Alfred// Kitty- did you get much rest?// Alfred- adequate miss Kitty thank you, how are you?// Kitty- I'm okay thank you// Alfred- Wolverine called the house * she looks at him* seems you aren't replying to him and he is worried// Kitty- I'm just very tired, I'll call him later// Alfred- maybe you should rest before your shift tonight// Kitty- I'll be fine, Dicks busy so at least it will be quiet// Tim- kit?* she smiles puppy dog eyes*// Kitty- what?// Tim- can I come on patrol with you tonight?// Kitty- no// Tim- come on// Kitty- look Tim, after Bruce I don't think it's okay to get you out there just yet, we'll see what Bruce thinks when he wakes up okay? * they stay all day until Dick turns up and they drive back as Kitty is training and Alfred brings a sandwich and a drink*\\ Kitty- thank you * she sits and eats as she's on the computer and Alfred walks away to help Tim with his weapons*\\ * kitty is tracking Bane as she eats then she walks over to see Tim hasn't eaten and then see him playing with a belt *\\ Kitty- ray your good please, and what are you doing?// Tim- packing my belt just incase// Kitty- incase what?// Tim- you need help// Kitty- Tim I don't need your help, I don't need you out there and I don't need you to be put in any danger, what aren't you understanding// Tim- Bruce saw something  in me and I know he'd give me a chance// Kitty it's jot that I don't want to give you a chance * she's frustrated* I can't let you get hurt okay, I  couldn't help Bruce and look where he is, LOOK AT WHERE MY ROBIN IS!!!// Tim- IM NOT HIM, AND IM NOT THAT STUPID// Kitty- stupid? Stupid? You think he got killed because he's stupid?//Tim- yeah I do, I think he wasn't as smart or bright then wasn't he * Kitty looks at him in anger glaring*\\ Kitty get out * she turns*\\ Tim- fine!* he walks away as Alfred watches head down*\\ Alfred- he's very smart but very stupid at the same time*\\ Kitty- I've not stopped to even breathe let alone to babysit when Bruce had been hurt out there I just I can't I can't Alfred I need Bruce * tears spill from her eyes* I want Bruce I need my dad home * Alfred looks at kitty and hugs her right as tears are streaming down her face as alarms ring on the computer*\\ Kitty- damn it, I gotta go * she rushed to get Changes her clothes  and jumps into the Batmobile and drives off to intercept a police call about a bank Robbery she arrests the culprits and then she stops a car in a police chase *\\ Alfred-*com* batgirl we seem to have a problem// Kitty-*com* what kind of a problem*\\ Alfred-*com* in the form of a Robin// Kitty- You are kidding me? Send me the location I'm gonna kick his ass * she drives off and follows him to a building where Tim is dressed as Robin is watching two face through an office as she jumps down off a building and lands behind him as he turns around and gaps, he looks her up and down in shock*\\ Kitty- get in the car now!// Robin- no I can help, just give me a chance// Kitty- get in the damn car before I make you// Tim- no, why? Why are you so angry // Kitty- BECAUSE I CANT LOSE ANOTHER PERSON OKAY!!! Because I don't want anymore blood on my hands then I already do// Tim- I'm not him// kitty- this isn't just about him, everyone I love I lose snd I don't want to do that anymore okay, I don't want new people in my life getting hurt snd to be honest okay, no I didn't want you to join the team and no I'm not happy about you coming in  and acting like the next son of Batman okay! So move your butt snd get in the car * He takes out a Bo staff* you really wanna do this kid// Tim- I can take you batgirl * he smirks cocky*\\ Kitty- I ain't playing around * he takes a swing at her as she stumbles back in shock as he swings again and she jumps back then again and swipes her feet as she falls back and puts the poor to her throat*\\ Kitty- kid I'm wanting you * she pushes the staff away and stands up annoyed*\\ Mitty- this is the last time, if you don't get in the car then god help you\\ Tim- humor me * she narrows her eyes annoyed as he runs at her and they fight with Tim in attack and Kitty really impressed and taken aback*// Kitty- impressive kid please just get in the car * he hits her in the leg as she goes to one knee locks her elbow around the staff and her leg then takes it snd kicks him in the chest as he falls back she spins the bo staff he gets up she uses the staff to block his attacks then elbows him twice in the stomach then twists  his arm behind his back puts the cuff on one hand then he elbows her she blocks it then cuffs the other hand in front of him as he jumps up kicks her but she grabs his leg and throw him as he lands on his back with a hard thud he told over winded but stands up to attack again as Kitty takes him down 3 more times before signing*\\ Kitty- are you done? Because you're supposed to be the smart one... the better one but this doesn't show you're read, this shows that it was a mistake trusting you * he looks down disappointed as she sighs and takes the cuffs off and sits on the edge of the building as Tim  slow sly walks and sits beside her*\\ Tim- I'm sorry... you're  right this isn't a way to prove myself trusting or loyal// Kitty- I get it, I mean I'm still trying to prove myself to the x-men, but you're different you're not damaged like the rest of us, you're not traumatized or abused or have a fake past. You got good parents, good education and a normal life so the fact you want to do this is beyond anyone where the motivation is coming from// Tim- I wanna be a hero that's all I ever wanted ti be and I don't have powers but I have knowledge snd skill snd that counts for something// Kitty/-it does , it counts for a lot trust me.... When I was your age I was an assassin and of course I had my agent past but I was a mess and Bruce brought me back helped me channel my trauma into good, helped me process it and redeem myself when I didn't think there was no coming back. Beck then I used to wear my assassin outfit and sneak out too. I did the same thing as you, I picked a fight with the Batman// Tim- and what happened?// Kitty oh he beat me, had me pinned with in 5 minutes he threw me  over his shoulder he threw me in the car and he grounded me because he wasn't ready. In his defense I was in a bad place let's say that, but he worked with me more and he knew when I was ready and I've been out ever since. The reminding helped the skills the window and all that, sometimes you only have your wits to rely on and irs scary but I understand that we all need a chance. I'm just scared. To me my dad has always been in relabel, never hurt never knocked down for long and seeing him like this had just resurfaced a lot of fear in me. I just don't want to be responsible for another death// Tim- you say you were responsible? But Dick said it was the joker * Kitty looks at Tim in the costume  digging then looks at the rooftops*\\ Kitty- he went after Joker because he hurt me, he did it for me so I blame myself// Tim- they'd not hoe it works though... we do it to help people and it sounds like it was for you but from what I heard he was a pretty angry guy he would've done it either way// Kitty- sometimes I believe that// Tim- was he your boyfriend// Kitty- for some times yes it was complicated// Tim- Bruce says that's because your complicated// Kitty- he's right there, but the moral is I don't wanna another person to make me more vulnerable  when this job is hard enough but I promise it's not because you I just want you to be reedy because when you're out here it's a whole other world you're never prepared for// Tim- I don't think that he was stupid I just said that to hurt you — Kitty- I know, he wasn't stupid he was impulsive and he thought it was a game but he got too angry// Tim- I'll go home now*he stands*// Kitty no * she stands* you can come along with me, just to see how it is * they walk away chatting for a few minutes as a rocket from a launcher is shot at them, Kitty dives onto Tim as as she grabs him they free fall before she grabs her wire and shoots it at a building it ducks as she grab Tim they crash through a window into the library and both hit the floor as the line breaks, Tim lands on Kitty who lands onto her back and groans in Pain as Tim rolls over snd struggles to get up and Kitty rolls onto her stomach taking deep breaths Tim helps Kitty yo who's groaning as shits are fired through the windows of the library as Kitty pups Tim down and they crawl behind a wall and sit low*\\ Tim- what now?// Kitty - smoke bombs and remove the weapons and knock them all out, Alfred alwyas sends an alarm or an alert to police for collection and back up, are you ready? * he nods taking a deep breath*\\ Kitty- press the night visions at the side of your mask they also cover your eyes okay... go * she throws smoke bombs as they both ran out two faces men and Kitty keeping a close eye over Tim with just the right amount of distance as he walks to her chucking and a huge smile on his face as he looks at all the men knocked out and police sirens get louder*\\ Kitty/ remember police are out energy too but Gordon is our friend, never talk to them unless we have too and alwyas leave the scene right away, we are vigilantes not hero's*// Tim- let's bounce * he walks off smirking and proud as kitty shakes her head suppressing a smile and follows him to the car and then she takes him through the drive thru for something to eat and they sit on the Batmobile eating in silence and she looks at Tim and she smiles*\\ Kitty- wipe your face * he laughs as he wipes his face and then she throws the rubbish in the bin*// Tim- I think tonight was a success * she smiles* you're a good mentor// Kitty- really? * she looks at him confused*// Tim- yeah, you're like the best sister ever * she's taken aback and she smiles then gets in the car and then Tim follows in the car as they drive off back to the cave and sends Alfred and Tim off to bed as she goes back out on patrol and sits on the Wayne tower roof and sits watching the sun setting as she looks aside at a building opposite and sees a red helmet man in the window staring as she stares wondering how long this person has been watching her and she stands up he backs away from the window then walks away and Kitty swings over to the building slips in through a window and walks around the offices in the dark with her night vision on, she looks around for an hour then slips out of the building onto the roof and she looks down scowling the streets and she brushes it off and gets beck to the house and puts on her normal clothes then she sits at the kitchen table with snacks and she messages Logan asking is he up and he replies yes as she FaceTimes him*\\ Kitty- hi// Logan- hey... how are you doing?// Kitty- as good as I can be... you?// Logan- I'm okay, how's your dad?// Kitty- *sighs* no change, but his body is slowly healing, I just don't wanna be the one people look too anymore, I took Tim out last night after he snuck out himself, I was so nervous and upset I hated it, Bruce must have felt like this every time we went out there, he was supposed to take Tim out now I'm left training him and taking him out on patrol// Logan- you don't give that kid enough credit and Bruce would not have threw him into that world if he didn't have faith in him// Kitty- but you and I both know that's not the issue the issue is the// Logan- vulnerability, I know Pryde I know * she eats biscuits as Logan smiles* stress eating * she hums* we will be okay darling// Kitty- I know// Logan- Pryde he is gonna wake up and he's gonna be fine  and back to his usual self// Kitty- I hope so * she sighs as she takes a drink and sits back in her chair*// Logan- you know I really miss having you around// Kitty I miss you — Logan- look I'm going away again, just a mission in Mexico with Warren, are you gonna be okay until I get back// Kitty- I have no other choice * she smiles* when do you leave?// Logan- few hours// Kitty- drop by the mansion, soon as you can so I can see you before you go// Logan- be over in an hour *she smiles* see you soon *he hands up as she cleans up and Logan drives up and knocks the door as Alfred lets him in and he walks to the Kitchen*// Kitty- coffee?// Logan- sure * he sits at the table as Alfred gets ready to make it*\\ Kitty- sit down, I know how you like your tea Alfred// Alfred/ none for me miss Kitty I need to go to see master Bruce, I'll leave you two too it * he nods his head and leaves, Logan and a kitty talk for a long time and then she gets up to walk him out*\\ Kitty- just stay safe and come home soon okay?// Logan- just be safe and stay out of trouble * he kisses her head and she hugs him tight as she can*// Logan- bye darling *he walks down the steps and gets into his car and drives away as Kitty closes the door sighing*

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