G virus

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* there is no change in Bruce as all the family are at the hospital, it's been 3 week since the coma*\\ Tim- so can I come out on patrol tonight// Dick- you can take him// Kitty- ha! No chance I've taken him 3 times! it's your turn now \\  Tim-this wouldn't happen if I had my own bike, we could split up cover more ground// Alfred- absolutely not! It's out of the question I'm afraid// dick- you know I've been following the case of scarecrow getting closer to figure out his identity// Kitty- and you know that I have a lead on Ivy tonight// dick- Pryde please// Kitty- Grayson! No! // Dick- please! I'll love you forever// Kitty- no!// Tim- let me do it myself// Dick- nice try bro, ain't gonna happen!//alfred- let us discuss it later and we shall go get some food, come on master Tim, you can help * they walk away as Kitty looks at Bruce laying in the bed with tubes everywhere*// Kitty- what's wrong with you?// dick- babs, what's wrong with you// Kitty- life, that's what. What did you do this time?// Dick- why do you assume it was me * she stares at him* it wasn't me! I'm just exhausted all the time and she doesn't understand// Kitty- they never do * she looks aside as she hear Dick sigh*\\ Kitty- are you okay?// dick- why wouldn't I be? * she looks at him as he inhales then exhales*\\ Dick- I'm starting to feel the pressure with everything... I want Bruce to hurry up and wake up now// kitty- you can take the night off  it's okay// Dick- no I can't do that, but you can help me by taking young Timothy with you  * she looks annoyed at him as he grins*\\  Kitty- I hate you// Dick-you love me because I'm the bests brother// Kitty- hate hate hate * she looks aside suppressing a smile*\\ * hours pass as Kitty goes out on patrol  with Tim and they follow a lead on Ivy and they stalk Ivy around Gotham*// Alfred- *com* Nightwing is in need of back up// * Kitty exhales really annoyed*\\ Kitty-come on Robin we gotta go// Robin- but she's right there * he goes to walk as Kitty grabs his cape and pulls him back*\\ Batgirl- no, when our team needs us they need us. Family before the mission always// Robin- right, sorry let's go * they walks to the Batmobile to the location and of an open lab and they rush in to Dick being held by 2 men as another is punching him*\\ Kitty-HEY!!! * they both run and take out a few guards as they turn to  sees Dick panting on all fours as batgirl puts a hand on his shoulder*\\ batgirl- hey, are you okay? * he looks up at them eyes barley open and full of sweat* woah, what's happened? * she helps him up and puts a hand around her shoulder as she helps him up *\\ Kitty- so what happened? * they walk out * stay close Robin// dick- injection, drugs  I I don't know, scarecrow  he had people waiting here like he he knew I was on his trail* // Kitty-we need to get you seen and test your blood okay? Come on// Dick-  I'm fine  stop fussing I'm okay * he stumbles*\\ Kitty- you don't look right so please just listen*\\ scarecrow- just a little taste of what's to come, gothams virus// Robin- what did you do?!?// scarecrow- be ready for what's coming// Batgirl- what is that stuff?// scarecrow- gothams salvation, be ready bat family, the end is near *he walks away as Dick is coughing and gasping for air, Robin chases after him*\\ Kitty-  No! * he runs out of sight as Kitty rushes Dick to the Batmobile*\\ Dick- he don't listen * she helps him to sit*\\ Kitty- he's going to get himself killed * she's pissed off* I'll be back in 5 * she runs off, coms* where the hell are you?// Robin- in pursuit\\ Kitty- *com* fall back now! Now! Are you listening to me??? * the com is glitching * she runs up some stairs as fast as she can panting   But going as fast as she can*\\  * she climbs up to a room to see scarecrow and Robin fighting as Kitty rushes upto block a punch then kicks scarecrow as he pulls out a knife and goes to stab Kitty's stomach as she catches it, twists his hand and catches the knife then cuts his hand as he tackles her backwards into a wall shoving the knife into the side of her torso as he tackles her through a glass screen as they roll and as she stands he tackles her again as they slam into a wall as Robin punches him in the back he elbows Robin who fall back then he punches Kitty in the face a couple of times as she tackles him away then headbutts him and he grabs Robin in a choke hold with a needle to his throat as she freezes in shock as they stare at one another and Kitty throws a batterang into his hand as Tim headbutts him then kicks him in the stomach  and elbows him in the face then knees him in the stomach as scarecrow and him grapple. Kitty picks up the needle and examines it before placing it in her belt and looking up to see them fighting as she stands back admiring Tim fighting as Tim looks over she nods as he smiles and footsteps get closer as a few men burst their way into the room and Kitty takes them out making sure to keep close eye on Tim up until shots are heard and Kitty turns to see Tim as the window shatters behind them and she witnesses scarecrow lift Tim and walk to the window as Kitty rushes to them Tim is thrown as Kitty grabs him but falls over with him as they fall mid air and Kitty grabs Tim and wraps herself around his body as they land on a car with a huge crash and car sirens are set off. kitty body is on fire as she groans really loud as Tim sluggishly rolls off the car rubbing his butt and Kitty rolls over on her hands and knees aching and slowly gets off the car holding back tears*\\ Tim- thank you// Kitty- shut up, you should've waited for me * she stretches her back* in pain* but you handled yourself well despite being thrown out the freaking window// Tim- it was only 3 story's * she nods eyes wide and shocked at the way he casually said that* the car broke our fall well you broke mine luckily, let's go * he walks away as Kitty blinks in shock at the audacity of this kid and then follows to the Batmobile at Dick passed out*// Kitty- oh this is bad really bad * she drives him back to the cave as her and Alfred get Dick on a table*\\ Kitty- I'm going to have to contact star labs// Alfred- Is it a virus// Kitty scarecrow did say but I'm really concerned, let me just get changed. I can be persuasive * she changes into her agent suit and then gets in Bruce's car and speeds to star labs and she sees Harrison wells inside in his wheelchair as she walks upto the see through door and knocks it as he turns confused but happy and hr unlocks the door as Kitty walks in*// Kitty- hi, I'm so sorry that it's late Dr wells, I'm not sure if you remember me// Wells- how could I forget you Miss Pryde, what brings you here// Kitty- I have a favor a requests from my boss about something that is very delicate// wells- follow me if you will * he drives in his wheelchair as Kitty follows to his desk as he switches on the lights*\\ wells- what can I do for you * she explains about the virus and lies sayin it's on behalf of shield and they discuss as Wells gets on breaking the virus down*\\ Wells- who made this// Kitty- were not sure// Wells- and is anyone infected?// Kitty- one person, can you help?// well- for you of course * she smiles meeting his gaze*\\ Kitty- thank you// wells- whatever is going on I think you need to stop whoever made this, it's deadly almost doomsday if released is mass supply * she looks at him shocked*\\ Kitty- can you call me if you get a cure?// wells- okay leave me your number and I'll call in the next day or 2// Kitty- that quick huh? * he smiles as she takes the napkin from his fast food wrappers left on his desk and writes her number down and hands it to him as she smiles*\\ Wells- I'll call you * she looks down sighing looks at him smiles and nods walking away*\\ kitty- you're one of the good guys guys Dr Wells * he chuckles*\\  wells- stay safe out there agent * she turns to face him  walking backwards and salutes then walks back to her car and speeds back to see Dick on a bed withering in pain and dripping with sweat as Tim is wiping his head with a damp towel*\\ Alfred- he's getting worse Miss Kitty, I fear he may need hospital treatment, There has been 5  cases reported*\\ Kitty- not yet , scarecrow will see and put it together, blood clotting drugs  and an iv * she gets on the computer as Tim watches*\\ Kitty- are you okay?// Tim- I'm just worried, it's just us and I'm worried// Kitty- we got this, are you ready to go back out there// Tim- yeah, you trust me?// Kitty-I do but I need you to focus and listen out there okay, I'm not Bruce i don't know how this mentor thing works okay so please listen to me * she types and she follows scarecrow on the cameras to the water plantation as she opens her eyes wide in shock and stands up hitting the chair back*\\ Kitty- LETS GO!!! NOW!!! * Tim jumps up and they run to the Batmobile and she speeds off*\\ Tim- what is it? What did you find??// Kitty- they're in the water plantation they're planning to spread it through Gotham, I'm sure of it!!// Tim- sure you're okay to be doing this * she looks at Tim offended* no I mean because you have work in the morning// Kitty- don't you have school or college or what've you go too * he smirks*// Tim- I'm sure I can make it by my 2nd lesson... wouldn't it be fatster to take the batjet// Kitty- I can't fly, I haven't learned yet// Tim- you don't have your license either// Kitty- I'm working on it! I can drive cant I? Focus please this is serious I'm gonna need you on your best// Tim- I know that // Kitty- you leave scarecrow to me// Tim- yeah okay that's fine by me * they speed to the plantation, they park the Batmobile then walk up to the  plantation and grapple up the side and sneak along the roof taking out snipers and people as silent as possible. They make their way inside Tim at Kitty'a side as they make their way to the bottom of the plantation and walk in to see Scarecrow setting up liquid in viles into the water pump*// Tim- I can cause a diversion// Kitty- I know but I don't want to leave you by yourself// Tim- you said you trust me so trust me, I can set up a couple batterangs and set this place alight// Kitty- minimal damage Robin and stay on coms! Please watch your back * he nods smiling as he spins his Bo staff and walks away as Kitty waits for the explosion and once it's set off the guards rush away as scarecrow is messing with the liquid so Kitty throws a smoke bomb then puts him in a choke hold until he slams her against the wall trying to break free but she holds on until she feels him slouch and she tightens her grip until he collapses and she rushes to the liquid viles ready to be let into the water and she looks ar them confused and finds the switches and cuts the wires off the computer and looks at the pale purple liquid*// Kitty-*com* what the hell is this thing how am I going to get this out// Alfred- let me switch to visual * kitty presses a button that flips down goggles so Alfred can see*\\ Alfred- I propose to sesperate the fuel pump and close down any function to that pipeline, disconnect the liquid and destroy the pipe// Kitty- I was thinking that too but how do I part it?// Tim- *com* by force Batgirl, pull it off and destroy the pipeline * she pulls at the liquid tank as fast as she can and disconnects the first vile and sets it aside, then she does the 2nd panting*\\ Kitty- *com* wanna come put these in the car?// Tim- *com* on my way boss\\  * she does the 3rd and as she puts it down she's hit in the head and drops to the floor she turns over shocked and scarecrow stamps on her throat as she coughs and struggles to breathe then she wraps her legs around his leg and pulls him to the floor as they roll around the floor fighting and Tim sneaks one tank of liquid away as Kitty and scarecrow are rolling around fighting. sirens are heard and Kitty puts her thumbs in scarecrows eye hole of the mask and then kicks him in the crotch and runs to the 4th tank as Tim takes another she pulls the 5th tank out as Scarecrow hits the tank on her back and she yells through gritted teeth turns and the tank is bit in her head cutting her eye as she hits his knee then slams his elbow dropping the liquid as it smashes onto the floor they both jump back from the smashed glass as Tim Sneaks the 3rd one out as the door is kicked open*//  man- GOTHAM PD FREEZE!!! * guns are shot at Kitty and scarecrow as they duck and hide behind computers, she looks at scarecrow who shoots at them as Kitty tackles him away as they roll down the floor and the last tank is shot and on the floor*// kitty- fuck this * she cuffs Scarecrow and grapples his ankle to the ceiling and pins him up and ties him as she walks out hands up*\\ Gordon- where's the bats?// kitty- scarecrow is apprehended, he was planning to release those tanks that just been shattered into the water, I hear that a few of your men have been infected, I'll have a cure in the next few days but I'm gonna need you to bring in a chemical expert and have this team cleared out and everyone indoors until we know how bad this virus is// Gordon- and who is scarecrow * 4 officers with guns walk to her as she looks tense and Gordon pulls off his mask as scare gas is released as they all gasps and rush away as Kitty inhales it and stumbles back eyes wide and visions blurry as she looks at the officers running away in panic*\\ Gordan- masks!!! You guys get those men infected with the gas out before it kicks in * she looks at Gordon eyes in shock*\\ Gordon- get somewhere safe*she looks at him Eyes wide as she runs off as fast as she can out the door and away she gets in the car seeing things and memories and the scariest things and most traumatizing things as she gets in the car with Tim and engages autopilot, her eyes are bulging out of her head as she wraps her arms around herself unable to hear Tim as she shakes in fear and then screams hysterically at the images she sees not aware of her surroundings and where she is, she feels someone pulling her as she kicks out screaming and she feels herself drop as she backs into a wall screaming and hits over a table hysterical then repeatedly hits  her head backwards on the wall until a tranq is shot at her and she screams for Jace and Logan and then she feels 2 sets of arms pinning her down as she calls for Bruce hysterically screaming with tears down her face until her eyes close*//* she wakes up and shoots up and forces herself to stand up even though her legs are shaking and she sees Tim sitting in a chair watching her as she looks shocked confused angry and her head fuzzy she looks at him panting as he hands her a can of cola*\\ Tim- I got you a drink * his suit is on but his mask is in his hand as she takes the can  unsure of what to say and drinks it there is silence between them* // Tim- are the visions that bad * she looks at him and pauses* // Kitty- reliving it is the scary part * he stiffens up and the colour drains from his face*\\ Tim- what was it * she looks at him annoyed then walks away to see Dick asleep on the table as tears spill from her eyes and Dick opens his eyes weakly and smiles*\\Kitty- just rest * she holds his hand squeezes it and walks away as she turns to Tim*\\ Kitty- you did amazing, I'm proud of you * he beams with pride*\\ Dick- you're so soppy * she rolls her eyes and walks away to her bedroom to get dressed in her agent suit and sees a text from Harrison wells asking to meet as Alfred drives her to the lab as she covers the cut on her both her bangs as she looks in the mirror at the bruising on her throat then walks out of the car and into the lab*// wells-agent  Pryde I have what you need// Kitty- considering that it takes months with trials to make a cure I'm assuming I'll have to thank the flash for helping// wells- or a miracle * a man fidgets behind her*\\ Kitty-  thank you Mr Barry Allen or should I say flash * he looks shocked*// Barry- I'm sorry but you have the wrong person// Kitty-back in high school when I was the new girl in grade 1 we were in the same class// Barry- *smiles* we were, I remember Katherine * she nods* well Kitty but hey how are you, how have you been? // Kitty- good, and you?// Barry- yeah,I'm the flash * he walks to Kitty and they shake hands*// Kitty- shield doesn't know, I promise you that your secret is safe with me// wells- if you can't trust the government// Kitty- I tend to blur the lines// Well- remarkable, this way * they walk*// Barry- so how did you become an agent?// Kitty- I was born into it// Barry- and your parents are agents?// Kitty- were agents // Barry- and Bruce Wayne the billionaire is your father// Kitty- yes// Barry- woah, when my mom died my father got wrongly sent to prison and I ended up having a detective as a father// Cisco- Barry shut up// Caitlin- he doesn't know when to shut up * they enter a room where wells gives her a case*\\ Kitty- how much do I owe you?// Wells- a gift for someone so remarkable// Kitty- really * she meets his gaze smiling*\\ wells- you're hurt, let us stitch that for you // Kitty- no no it's okay I have to go// Caitlin- it will just be a minute, please\\ Kitty-  okay thank you * wells gestured to a bed as he explains about the cure and Caitlin stitches her eye*\\ Caitlin- how did you get this?// Kitty- mission, I don't like to stick around for the medical * she smiles as Caitlin examines the bruising on her throat*\\ Cisco- do you serve in the army //  Kitty- alongside not in the army I'm an agent not a soldier // wells- a soldier of the people // Kitty- some would say  // wells- how old are you?// Kitty- 20 * he looks shocked as she looks down sheepish*\\ Kitty- I have to go, but thank you all * she holds the case*\\ Kitty- if you ever need help or anything at all strictly not government then you call me and I'll be there, okay?// Barry- thank you I really appreciate that we really appreciate it// Kitty- I'm very grateful to you guys, thank you * she nods and walks away as she hears them all say goodbye and she rushes back to the car with Alfred and shows him the case and they get to the lab and kitty watches Alfred inject Dick with the cure and they wait a few hours before Kitty is called on a solo mission as shadowcat then returns and briefs the pr*\\ Pr- you look tired kitty, you are one person// Kitty- rest can wait Pr, when you stand by and do nothing you're helping the evil // Pr- this is a share burden and you and I know that you can only do so much before you snap// Kitty- I know, but they need me, you need me everyone needs me to be something or someone and I'm just doing what I can, I got to go I'm sorry Pr I'll be home in the morning * he sighs*// pr- Kitty, please be safe, I worry about you * she nods smiling and walks away past Logan who is looking at her concerned and she looks at him blankly and walks to Alfred waiting in the car*

* some time later  Kitty changes into batgirl outfit and walks into Gotham pd with the case as all guns are loaded on her she gives the cure to Gordon and then walks back out exhausted and gets in the Batmobile with Tim smiling*\\ Tim- let's bottle our trauma  and go pound some thugs * she rolls her eyes and speeds off on patrol*

The untold story of Kitty Pryde.Where stories live. Discover now