living guilt

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* Kitty and Storm are returning, Storm has a cut eye as Kitty is laughing*//Warren- woah what happened?// Kitty-Storm got hit by a Karen * Kitty smirks*// Warren- she hit you because you were a mutant?// Kitty- oh no, it get's better// Storm- she hit me because I let a sentinel land on her car// Warren- she hit you over that?// Kitty- you shoud've seen her, she was like 80 and she hit her with her cane // Storm- and Kitty was laughing instead of helping//Kitty- yeah * Kitty is holding back a laugh* I did * Kitty laughs as Warren looks at Storms eye*// Warren- let's go get you some ice * Logan, Erik and the Pr are looking confused as Logan walks away to the gym*// pr- I don't think Storm is rather amused by this * he puts his hands together with a small smile and shakes his head* how did it go?// Kitty- sentinels that's it, I think we need to find where they are coming from. maybe find a mutant who can control robots and electrics, maybe get a fully formed sentinel and re route it back// Pr- that is a genius idea, Erik and Forge can head out to the next alert and bring one back? * Erik raises an eyebrow then looks aside at Kitty*// Erik- okay... any news on Styker// Kitty- no, we saw no MRD soldiers no humans just those different type of sentinels// Pr- I assume Styker is hiding low// Kitty- I was thinking maybe we can draw him out// Erik- a set up?// Kitty- even if it's just a couple of stakeouts, we can follow him to known locations or follow his known friends// Erik- and you know a few// Kitty- well no * Erik looks away* but Warren does// Pr- I'm not following// Kitty- Warrens dad is in the process of developing this cure so we know they run in the same circles// Erik- give me 5 minutes with him// Pr- no, we are not gonna hurt our teams' family and use violence . I'll talk to warren. thank you Kitty * Kitty get's changed and goes to the common room where Rogue is drinking alone*// Kitty- hey * rogue jumps and gasps* oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you// Rogue- no it's fine, I was just thinking// Kitty- oh yeah?// Rogue- about Alex, about the day on the island when we left you guy's behind// Kitty- oh.. what about it// Rogue- I still have nightmares of my throat * she cuts herself off as she puts a hand over her throat that is covered in a stick on plaster*// kitty- I do too// Rogue- you were there when I thought I was gonna die and I just remember you covered in my blood * Kitty's eyes glass over as the images of her cradling Rogue on the island as he throat is bleeding keeps replaying in her head as Kitty looks aside at Rogue who has tears running down her cheeks*// Rogue- I thought I was gonna die, and now Alex is the one who died and we have to keep fighting these people who see no wrong in what they are doing and I just can't help but think, it's gonna be my funeral soon, I don't want to die yet Kit. I'm 23, I don't want to die... I haven't even lived all I have known is shame and abandonment// Kitty- Rogue.. don;t put your life on hold. if you feel you haven't lived then go live * Rogue looks at her* it wouldn't surprise me if you have ptsd, you have been off since the island and you have had major trauma. don't get back to work until you deal with it// Rogue- how do I do that * they both like at that*// Kitty- therapy works, talking about, knowing you are not your fault. people are ruled by fear and there is no point trying to find any reason for that, you'll just loose sleep// Rogue- you think therapy is gonna work// Kitty- yeah, did for me. change your outcome and the way your mind works. helps a lot... I'm sure if you go talk to the Pr then he can have someone in, maybe it will be motivation for the others too// Rogue- do you have a therapist// Kitty- I did, he retired// Rogue- damn, abandonment issues// Kitty-he could be dead * Rogue scoffs* yeah good old Dave, he's a good guy// Rogue- he help?// Kitty- more than he knows, yeah. go see the Pr and get this sorted before it becomes  a bigger issue // Rogue- okay, I'll go see what the Pr says * she downs her drink and walks away as Kitty smiles to herself*// Warren- coming up with more solutions as usual// Kitty- hey, yeah, one of them includes manipulating your dear old dad// Warren- I'm down for it, do you have plans tomorrow// Kitty- no?// Warren- my dad is meeting up with some FOH an opera tomorrow and I was wondering if you would come under cover with me to see who was there*// Kitty- yeah, okay. is there a plan?// Warren- yeah, just wear a nice dress. be ready at 7 * warren walks away as Kitty sighs already dreading it as she pours herself a drink and sighs sitting at the bar drinking it deep in thought about her own feelings and trauma*// Scott- hey// Kitty- hi// Scott- drinking at 2 in the afternoon I see// Kitty- would you believe me if I said it was juice// Scott- I'll join you * he sits next to her and pours himself a drink as he takes a sip*// Scott- what's on your mind// Kitty- does there have to be a reason?// Scott- there is always a reason// Kitty- sometime there isn't, why're you drinking// Scott- because I don't want to be sober and dwell in my grief.. see always a reason.... I want to say sorry for what I said to you at the funeral// Kitty- it's all good, you have nothing to be sorry for // Scott- noo I was hurting and I wanted to hurt everyone else// Kitty- understandable.... when Jace died I just wanted to watch the world burn, I just did stupid things hoping to feel something other than missing him// Scott- what helped// Kitty- finding you guys helped, finding more family and a somewhat purpose// Scott- and does the pain stop// Kitty- it doesn't hurt as much, you grow around it. the world is a cruel place and we are the ones suffering here// Scott- you know I'm gonna kill stryker// Kitty- I'll raise a glass to that* she raises a glass and so does Scott as they drink and talk*// Kitty- I gotta get going but just so you know, it's easy to do the wrong thing, so if it feels easy, you know you're making the wrong decision// Scott- I like that// Kitty- see you later * she walks back to her room and takes out her lap top hacking into shield database to stalk stryker, her cell rings as she answers it*// Kitty- hey Brruce// Bruce- can you come do a night shift// Kitty- I can, any reason why?// Bruce- Tim and Alfred are both sick and I have a charity night// Kitty- oh yeah sure, when do you want me?// bruce- at 6// Kitty- I'll come over right away and get some dinner going for them// Bruce- are you sure?// Kitty- yeah, I'll be there soon * she hangs up and get's up and grabs her keys and walks out of her room before walking to the stairs and sees Logan coming up them, they meet in the middle smiling*// Logan- where are you off?// Kitty- night shift but Bruce is out tonight and Alfred and Tim aren't well so I'm just going over to make some dinner, just make sure they are both okay// Logan- gonna be okay on a solo?// Kitty- of course, what are your plans// Logan- I have a mission for Nick soon// Kitty- is that why you were in the gym looking annoyed// Logan- clearly so// Kitty- are you gonna be okay// Logan- always Pryde// Kitty- okay, I'll see you in the morning// Logan- I'll be back in 2 days darling, 3 at most * she looks disappointed* it will be okay// Logan- I hate it when you go away// Logan- it has to be done baby * he pulls her into a hug as she still looks sad hugging him and they kiss*// Kitty- just be safe// Logan- I'm always safe * thy walks opposite ways on the stairs and both glance back to one another before turning away and Kitty heading to the garage and getting in her car and driving away as she drives to the wayne manor and parks in the garage before entering the house and seeing Bruce in the lounge reading his paper*// Kitty- you're a typical old man// Bruce- good to see you too my darling daughter// Kitty- you are sitting by a fire in a chair reading your paper.. you have become your dad * he looks down smiling and basking in that comparison*// Bruce- so you are making dinner// Kitty- are you staying for it?// Bruce- no but I don't know what's worse being sick or your cooking// Kitty- oh he tells jokes now, so funny * Kitty walks to the Kitchen as Bruce follows* if you're here you can help * she throws him an apron as she puts one on and looks in the fridge*// kitty- so what's wrong with them// Bruce- fever, chills, headache and dizziness. Alfred insisted he can not stay in bed but he needs too// Kitty- have you called a doctor// Bruce- bot have refused, I have given them some meds, some rest is what they need// Kitty- and soup I assume * Kitty stars to pull out veggies and her and Bruce start to make prep as they talk*// Kitty- so is anyone going with you on this dinner later// Bruce- yes actually, Selina// Kitty- oh, she's around a lot// Bruce- just like Logan * she looks at him* yes Alfred told me he was over last week// Kitty- news to me// Bruce- I like him, I thought you'd go for someone who's a fool, but I am glad it is him// Kitty- and Selina Kyle is very pretty// Bruce- and smart and passionate about improving Gotham// KItty- sounds perfect for you// Bruce- or to good to be true// Kitty- aren't they all?// Bruce- usually// Kitty- what's hard is being batman// Bruce- enough people know that// Kitty- there is us, ras' and Talia. Logan, fliss and the pr// Bruce- god knows who else// Kitty- there is deffo more// Bruce- yeah and what a burden to hold// Kitty- it's been a good couple of years, i'm surprised we are still going //Bruce- I'm surprised Gotham is still like this// Kitty- some things never change * the finish making dinner as Kitty takes it to them before eating hers in the kitchen and then cleaning the kitchen. after it is clean she heads upstairs to facetime Felicity before jumping in the shower and walking downstairs to see Bruce in the lounge fixing his collar*// Bruce- are you sure you can handle it// Kitty- Bruce// Bruce- yes okay sorry. I gotta go, you need anything then send me an sos// Kitty- okay * she smiles as he walks away before she walks down to the batcave and get's changed before sitting at the computer* * after a patrol and a few fights Kitty is in the batmobile touching the computer as she drives crime alley and parks up to type on the computer before an alert of a police chase pops up on the screen in the batmobile and she follows to the chase before following the car through Gotham and the man get's out on foot and walks into a building so Kitty parks up the batmobile, puts in in camo mode and follows the man in a leather jacket and red helmet into the building. she hides around the corner to see the man with the helmet casually walking up to Scarecrow who is with 4 men in the open, KItty takes out a few people blocking the doorway as she peeks around to see*// Red- did you bring me what I asked for// scarecrow- did you bring the money, red hood?// red- oh I brought something, a bullet for all you assholes * he points his gun as Kitty hits a batterang at his gun and it explodes as she charges at the men and takes out the gaurds before running towards the red hood, he seems to pause as Kitty kicks him in the side before twisting his arm behind his back*// Kitty- don't move * she pulls out cuffs as he elbows her back and she tackles him back. they roll around the floor fighting one another as scarecrow walks to them, they both stand up as gas is shot at them, KItty is gasping as the redhood runs at scarecrow attacking him*// Scarecrow- you wanted the gas, you got it * scarecrow and the red hood are throwing one another into walls as Kitty is looking between them before one of the goons tackles her from aside, she struggles to get the larger man off her as her vision starts blurring, she sticks her fingers in the mans eyes as she cuffs him to the bars. aswell as another goon. she looks up to see the red hood is hitting scarcrow in the face one after another as she pulls him off scarecrow and he proceeds to grab Kitty by her neck and slam her onto the floor on her back hard. the wind is knocked from her as she struggles to fight the effects of the gas and the blow, the red hood looks down at her as she kicks his feet from under him as he hits the floor she stands up quickly before swaying side to side *// Kitty- fuck * she sees the man walk to her annoyed as sirens ring out and he stops before running off, Kitty chases him out of the building and onto the fire escape and up onto the roof. as he is running she throws a batterang rope around his feet and he hits the floor before cutting the line with his knife and she looks shocked*// Red- it's funny how that impresses you * she stares at the man clearly in a daze* bet it's starting to feel nice and woozy now ain't it * the red hood walks away as Kitty stands there seeing colours and sits down against the wall on the roof struggling to shake herself awake from this trip, she is staring into nothing panting and scared as the visions start t creep in and her hands begin to shake as she is frozen in place as a look of terror is on her face* unknown to her the redhood is sat across on the roof watching her. she can not bring herself to move or speak as whimpers escape her mouth and she curls herself up in a ball covering her face as she craws into the corner of the rood against a wall crying and whimpering* * after 20 minutes the red hood still watches her as she beguins to scream in pain and fear as visions of genosha pop up, Jace and Alex and Bruce getting his back broken. distorted memories from the league or missions join the delusions and trauma. Kitty is screaming covering her face as she stands, she stumbles to the fire escape as red hood walks over and grabs her from behind and she screams*// Red- hang on now!! calm down!! * Kitty is fighting as he pulls her away from the edge of the fire escape, he feels around in her belt before grabbing a tranq and Kitty headbutts him causing him to drop her, she drops on the floor and red grabs her shoulder before flipping her on her back and plunging the needle into her arm, she punches him in the face before grabbing the needle and trying to stab him, he catches her hand*// red- woah there crazy, just relax it will help you alright?* he takes the needle* this is what I get for trying to help a bitch like you * he lets her arm go as he crouches down watching her as she whimpers pulling herself up*// red- I thought you were trained by the elite, this is hard to watch * she throws a  smoke bomb as she pulls herself up and sprints to the wall as she jumps off it onto another roof and rolls before pulling her herself up and throwing herself against a door and breaking into a factory , the red hood follows her as she sprints down some stairs and across a corridor*// red- DON'T BE STUPID, YOU CAN'T HIDE IN THAT STATE * she stumbles down a hallway before her legs buckle as she slides down the wall and looks up to see Jason is walking towards her as she looks shocked as he looks down at her in disgust and tears start to pour from her eyes*// Kitty- Jace? * she is panting through tears and yells as she puts her hands on her head screaming, she pulls herself up and throws herself into Jasosn arms and she clings to him crying*// Kitty- don't go, don't go please don't go please please * she is grabbing onto Jason for dear life as her legs give way and he leans her down on the floor and stands over her as she is whimpering, alternating between hyperventalating and screams, convinced Jason is holding her*// Jason- you left me // Kitty- no no no please Jace// Jason- you left me to die * kitty is hysterically crying as she covers her face with her hands seeing visions of Jason being beat hearing the jokers laugh as Jason looks down at her in anger and walks away, Kitty is screaming for Jason as her screams fade to whimpers and she passes out on the floor* 

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