introduction to being a mutant

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*kitty slowly comes too and she is strapped to a bed with wires on her head and IV's in her hand and arms, people in doctor gear run around talking and reading monitors*// William- morning *smiles* how'd you sleep?// Kitty- let me go// Stryker-we will, once we register you// Kitty- how is this registering me as a mutant? this is experimenting without consent// Stryker- what I want to know is about your gifts... how did your phasing manifest?... what is your second gift? is it telekinesis or is that just one part// Kitty- I don't know// Stryker- don't bullshit me little girl, tell me..* he pulls chair out and sits behind her really annoyed glaring* now is not a time to be playing games because that blood will be sent off and analysed// Kitty- yeah because blood is really gonna show you what I can and can't do, isn't it// Stryker- don't get smart with me, a mutants blood, DNA, bone marrow, tissue, even their sperm and eggs can come in very valuable given the right mutant parents you could create the ideal multiple mutation weapon// Kitty- child you fucking pyscho// Stryker- we are here to find out what makes you tick and how to stop it, electrical currents in the collar supress mutations, just think darting a mutant to stop their powers would do. robots to bring in and arrest mutants// Kitty- why? literally what do you have against mutants? how come someone who hates them so much wants to turn them into weapons// Stryker- you follow no authority and you can hurt people, not follow the law, you all think you are above everyone else... you might have these dangerous powers but everyone can be controlled// Kitty- ah shut up *rolls her eyes he scoffs smiling and plays with the wires in her head and reads the monitor looking satisfied with himself*// Stryker- do we have the full blood count ready to move onto the bone marrow extraction *kitty looks scared* I want her awake but I wants antithetic *he smiles down at her and strokes her hair studying her face she is creeped out and turns her head aside but he keeps playing with her hair*// Kitty- fucking creep// Nurse- I am going to give you a general anaesthetic// Kitty- put that fucking needle in me and I'll  kill you// Nurse- I'm gonna need you to keep still, it is a lot easier if you just allow it to happen * walks up to her arms with cotton wool and kitty starts thrashing around screaming at them to get away from her and pulling on her restraints the nurse is shocked*//  Stryker - HOLD HER DOWN NOW// nurse 2- should I seditate her// Stryker- no I want her to know what is happening I want her to feel scared and vulnerable *puts tape on her mouth satisfied with himself *she needs to know what she is getting herself into *the guards all  hold her down as she is screaming and needles are stuck into her until she can't move her body and has no strength and she's shaking from fear*// nurse- okay I need to keep her on her side in the same position through the procedure*she's turned onto her side and stryker sits beside her pushing his strength onto her shoulder and is amused as another guard puts force down on her legs to hold her into place as a doctor is talking what she's doing out loud. Kitty feels sharp stabbing in her back and and her eyes tear up from the pain as Stryker just watches her smiling, he brings his face close to hers glaring into her eyes proudly*// Stryker- hope this is more of an introduction for you* after 30 minutes of him watching her a bandage is placed on her back but she is shaking from the antithetic*// doctor- sir we are all done, it went smoothly // Stryker- send it off to the lab// doctor- there are still a lot more tests and examinations to run * guards strap kitty back onto the bed* but I think she needs a break and some fluid before we start or maybe something to eat// Stryker- no nothing, she's a mutant she will be fine, run the tests take what you need, she's already been here since yesterday and we need to move fast// nurse- should we prep her for egg removal? she is 19// Stryker- get her ready by morning , and take another blood count and finish up* they do more tests and a nurse comes in doing a scan on Kitty stomach and looking at her scars as she keeps moving and trashing and then she looks at the results on the sonogram and then walks out of the room with the machine and all the lights flick off and the doors lock and kitty is left in her own head wondering if anyone is going to come and find her or if Bruce knows. she stays up all night as doctors come in through the night to take vitals and injections through the night. as she is about to drop off to sleep the door opens and men in masks and a weird octopus skull symbol walks in and surround Kitty looking down on her as she glares back*//

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