Trust your instincts

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* It's been a 2 weeks and Kitty'a shoulder is healing fast* she is in physio for her shoulder with a doctor*\\ Doctor- it's right on track, from the scans I'd say another week before its healed properly// Kitty- thanks Doc// Doctor- I'll see you next week at the same time// Kitty-sure, thank you * gets up and she walks away as alarms start going off and everyone rushes into meeting room*\\ Pr- everyone in, please I've spoken with senator Kelly... there is a meeting in Washington DC we've been requested*\\ Logan- funny how were  threat but requested as bodyguards every single day// Pr- we do what we need too, when we need too. Hank, Alex, Warren, Kitty are you sure you are healed enough to do this?* Kitty looks at the others*\\ Alex- yes course we are// Hank- of course// Pr- then I think we'll need to suit up, com up and belt up... let's be on guard *the team makes their way to the changing room and hurry to changed as Kitty walks out of the room and boards the jet*\\ Kitty- Is it just me or are the pr's pep talks getting short and shorter// Warren- oh yeah, basic description then waved off into the unknown// Jean- don't you think it's better that way? *the team look around shaking their heads*\\ Rogue- not a chance, we go into everything blind anyway// Scott- can we just focus on the task at hand please * Hank and  Storm fly the jet*\\ Logan- alright listen up, we don't know what we're heading into or even if we can use our powers, I think we ought to have a couple team split up from what I can gather we are there to be seen and not heard or anything come to think about it// Kurt- I have a bad feeling, what if we are made to wear the mutant suppressors// Logan- then you'll be on the outside team with your powers in full use, we'll see how we can work around they given we are asked for again. Does anyone have anything they wanna ask?... no?... okay myself, cyclops, Phoenix and Angel are going to be captains\\ Scott-I'll take Rogue and colossus// Jean-  Havok and  Beast// Angel- shadowcat, Storm// Logan- guess I'm left with the icicle and the elf * he looks annoyed* stick to the teams your in and let's just get through this meeting quickly and without any setbacks shall we?// Bobby- you think we'll be on camera? So only will we be in DC but we'll be out there for all the ladies to fight over// Jean- what makes you think they're here for you? I hear the girls like a man with heat * she looks at Scott raising her brows *\\ Rogue- let me just stop you there, I already don't like where this conversation is going so you better can it before I throw up my breakfast// Kitty- I think they're pretty cute // Alex- I'm the better brother, older, stronger the real hot one * everyone is talking amongst themselves and Kitty looks over at Logan in front of her who's studying her, she lifts a brown confused*// Kitty- what?// Logan- you're nervous about running into Kelly// Kitty- that obvious?// Logan- you don't have to be around him just avoid him at all costs, that scum should be 6 feet under// Kitty- that's not right// Logan- but I'm not wrong// Kitty- and that's where I agree, you and I both know he likes to play games and string us along// Logan- what you thinking darling?// Kitty- that there is another motive, of course there's another motive there always is with people like him. I'm just sick of this now and we're being dragged out to the public to walk right into a trap as usual// Logan- exactly they're exploiting us we just got to be smart eventually they'll stop// Kitty- try convincing yourself that// Logan- if you're worried feel welcome to switch to my team * he smirks at her she smiles*\| Kitty- now why would I do that?// Logan- because you want to be with me all the time * she raises her brow smiling*// Kitty-all the more reason to not be on your team * he chuckles as she smiles at him amused*\\ Logan- I'd rather you be on my team so I know you're okay, not that I don't trust you I just find it easier to concentrate if you're with me * she's taken aback* I know you can take care of yourself there's no doubt, I would like peace of mind to know you're safe * he looks away and clears throat* anyway we'll be fine * his face goes serious as he looks in her eyes*// Piotr- wolverine, do you think we're going to run into some bounty hunter// Logan- I assume so, for now we just stick to our coms and our teams no one is to be left alone // Scott- agreed * Kitty gets a chill*\\ Jean- nervous?// Kitty no, eager to get this day over with// Alex- so nervous?// Kitty- no I just don't like senator kelly// storm- everyone get ready to land and pray that our mission goes smoothly * the jet lands as they all leave the aircraft and security usher them in the front passed crowds or people screaming and arguing and protesting the scene is filled with desperation and chaos*\\ * Logan walks close to Kitty their arms touching and she meets his gaze as they enter the building and are briefed by the head of security as Logan orders there teams to their positions and they all split up as warren, Kitty and Storm are on the bottom floor walking around for an hour as Jean Logan walks up to them*// Warren- why have you left your post?// Logan- just keeping an eye on you guys * Kitty cocked her brow up as Logan looks her up and down* what is it?// storm- it's good if you to check on us but all is fine here we've had no disruptions * Kitty is looking at the door Logan had walked through full of security guards*// Kitty- Kurt teleported you here?// Logan- yes baby * winks at her* what floor is the meeting?// storm-it's the-//Kitty- you should know you are the one patrolling it * Kitty tilts her head at "Logan"*|| Logan-and I had other matters to attend to , if you know what I mean, storm how about you tag along I need a second pair of eyes//Warren- so much for not splitting up// storm- of course, we shall see you back here in an hour// Kitty- no we're not splitting up// Logan- I think you're forgetting who's the leader * squares up to Kitty*\\ Kitty-what the hell is wrong with you wolverine, are you stupid?// Logan- this is because you want to come along with me is it * smirks down at her* you are still a child to me, come back in a couple of years and I'll show you a good time * Kitty Looks at a Warren who's confused*// Logan- come on storm * they walk away and Kitty blasts "Logan" and he falls face first on the floor * Warren grabs her from behind and she phases out*// storm- attacking your own team mates * she helps Logan up *\\ Kitty-who are you? * The Logan laughs and transforms into Storm, the real storm gasps and backs away*|\ Warren- mystique* coms* guys mystique is here *she attacks storm and Kitty uses her powers to slam her into the wall*\\ Warren- glad I'm not the only one who thought Logan was being strange*\\ Kitty- *coms* we have mystique here in the first floor * Mystique reveals a gun as she transforms into her original form and shoots at everyone as Kitty slams her against the wall and uses her powers to take the gun away*\\ Jean- I'll take it from here * she walks to mystique as she changes into Jean and tackles her and they're both fighting on the floor*\\ Alex- you are kidding me , we ain't doing this * Kitty uses her powers and holds them both in place confused*\\  Hank- *coms* we have a problem here, come to the first floor\\ Logan- * we are not leaving our posts, what is it?// Storm- *coms* we have 2 jeans// Kitty- use your powers... well * Jean flys up into the air* okay I'm sold// Sabertooth- knock knock * charges at them and Tackles storm as Kitty uses her other hand with her powers to hit him back and holds him in place*// Alex- *coms* wolverine your brothers here// * security run up screaming freeze*\\ Kitty- this is bullshit// beast- we are here Providing security for the meetings * gun is loaded in his face*\\ Beast- there is no need for that * the gun is Put to his temple as Kitty steps closer to Warren*/ Warren- look there's been a misunderstanding we're here * the man lifts the gun to Kitty's head Kitty stands looking the man in the eye her hands still raises using her powers to hold Sabertooth and Mystique  in place*\\  Warren puts his arm around her waist and side eyeing the man*\\ Leader- drop the mutants// Kitty- I can't do that, he's a killer she's a shapeshifter// Leader- I wont ask again// Kitty- I can't until they're properly restrained// Alex-if we let them go it's gonna be a shit show for you// Kitty- I'm not doing that, so looks like we have a stand off. We're here to do a job as requested by the senator himself so if you want to question his authority then you bring him here yourselves if not then you back off * the leader squares up to Kitty and loads a tranq as the other men load a tranq and in a second Kitty drops her powers to block the mutant trans that are flying towards them as everyone is in shock at how quick the security turned against them.// Warren- move out// Jean- get those two and get out of here * Kitty uses her powers and knocks them all back and runs to catch up with her team*\\ Jean- I can't believe you did that// Kitty- we'll deal with that later * they all run up the stairs  as Warren is on com and explains what happened and they run into Kelly walking out of the room smiling*\\ Kelly- hello, I'm so glad to have your support here * he looks around at everyone and pulls a face at Hank and Warren*please stay for a picture? How about the ladies join the support?// Jean- of course sir * a security officer whispers to him and he looks annoyed and looks at Kitty who looks at him blankly, she grabs Storms hand and Warrens and phases through people and they rush around the corner*\\ Kitty- *coms* our team are in pursuit of Sabertooth and mystique// Piotr- *coms* no bother I have Sabertooth handled* they rush down the stairs to see 2 Rogues fighting one another as they take a step shots are fired and storm is hit with a tranqs and Kitty grabs her arm and phases through the oncoming of tranqs and Warren flys directly past them knocking a few security officers over as Kitty nods at storm and Kitty gets up and uses her powers to grab hold of both Rogues*\\ "Rogue"- don't tell me you can not tell us apart// Kitty- coms? * the real rogue presses the coms*// Rogue- *coms* I'm the real me dumbasses * Kitty shrugs and let's her go*\\ Kitty- so we switching team now?// Rogue- Kurt got knocked out real bad, Bobby took him back to the jet and Logan and Piotr are hunting the tiger freak * Scott rushes up and puts cuffs on mystique as she changes back blue and a kitty looks her up and down*\\ Mystique- what is it? We weren't all blessed with beauty// Kitty- you were, I think you're beautiful the way you are * she looks at Kitty mouth open and shocked and then pulls herself together glaring at her as kitty has a straight face*\\* mystique slams her cuffs into Kitty head who blocks them as they clash with her hands, Kitty grabs her cuffs uses her one hand to punch mystique in the stomach a few times then kicks her backwards as she lands in the floor looking up in shock as another tranq phases through  her as she looks down at  mystique then turns her back looks for the shooter and uses her powers to pull them closers to her take away their weapons and throws them*\\Warren- let's hand over Mystique and then go for that Tiger * Warren and Kitty escort mystique out phases through the wall and towards shield officers*\\ Mystique- you fight good kid, special ops?//  Kitty- something like that * they approach officers who salute to Kitty and she salutes back*\\ Kitty- I want her under max security, do not underestimate her// agent- yes ma'am * she nods and her and Warren turn away*\\ Warren- you don't have to salute anymore// Kitty- it's about respect, that never goes away// Warren- you're too cute * she looks at warren*|| Kitty- you have to, in the league we had to bow and kneel all the time// warren- how is  that even normal "? Like come on that's a bit outdated and intense// Kitty- it's tradition// warren- well don't get it// Kitty-you wouldn't, you're not an assassin under Ra's Al Ghul // warren- I mean I had a strict father I had to call sir and father, that was bad enough, even that still annoys me until this day. You never really get over it do you? * they hold hands to phase in join storm and they're on coms discussing their next move as they see Piotr tackle Sabertooth down the stairs and all look in shock*\\ Logan-didn't I say no to that?// Piotr- yes but it was effective * Kitty smiles at Logan then Piotr amused*\\ Logan-clearly * he walks down the stairs as Sabertooth stands up laughing*\\ Sabertooth- getting the tin man to fight your battles little man?// Logan-warren you and the others go be friendly with Kelly, we'll finish up here * Sabertooth jumps at Logan who tackles him backwards and they're fighting on the floor*\\ * they go back to an open room with refreshments and Kelly talking to people as guards stand everywhere*\\ Warren- position yourself and stay alert we're here for good press and representation * they all split up as Kitty walks around as people nod at her she nods back acknowledging them*\\* she walks around noticing  everyone and she stands in a corner staring for an hour talking through coms as she spots Logan walking in he spots her and walks to her and stands beside her scanning the room, there hands touch as he's expressionless scanning the room and Kitty suppresses a smile*// Logan- you okay * he's not taking his eyes off the room*\\ Kitty- I am, are you?\\ Logan- always// Kitty- are you hurt?// Logan- dumb question// Kitty- thought it was polite to ask// Logan- yeah, I'm in a room full of people I'd like to kill * snarls* it's painfully annoying// Kitty- you tortured soul, how unpleasant * he senses the sarcasm in her voice as he turns his head to look at her an amused smile on his face*// Logan- how did you know it was a  shapeshifter?// Kitty- I didn't... I knew it wasn't you// Logan- how?// Kitty- I know you// Logan- you know me? * his eyebrows scrunch as he looks skeptical*\\ Kitty- I know the way you talk, the way you smell and I know the way you look at me * his face softens* because no one has ever looked at me the way you do * there is a long pause as they look at one another and his face softens*\\ Kitty- I know nothing can happen between us and we'll never be together and you don't feel the same but you are so important to me. I know you like I said, you're exactly like me// Logan- you'll always be first, I can't lose you so I can't let you close and I can't lose you so we can't be together * there's sadness in his eyes as her heart hurts and they both face the room side by side their shoulder touching and Kitty leans into her shoulder and exhales, they stand there until they're told to rotate and they walk separate ways and she stands in another corner as someone grabs her waist and pulls her into them she flitches and sees Senator Kelly*\\ Kelly- smile dear, in this line of duty it's all about face\\ Kitty- get your hand off me before I break it* he's proudly smiling at the room pretending he's friendly*\\ Kelly- no need to cause a scene kid, I heard you knocked over my security like nothing, now that's not very nice of you, you're getting too big for your boots I have enough to deal with Phoenix, cyclops, Angel and that wolverine * he sighs* are you going to be a threat to me * she phases away and stands in front  if him staring in his eyes glaring*\\ Kelly- little girls like yourself should not get involved in things that you do not understand... stay in your lane or better still go back to daddy's mansion *he  straightens his tie*\\ Kelly- excuse me * he walks past her as she watches him leave*// * her head is overthinking as she's trying to focus on one thought and not her feelings*\\ jean- you good? * she nods swallowing her saliva* it's okay you're okay// Kitty- I'm fine* jeans nods* are you okay?// Jean- I'm ready for this day to be over with, Scott's taking me for dinner tonight, an hour and we can go back home * * an hour and half goes by as Kitty watches Kelly and the other people get into the cars as Kelly glares at Logan and Logan glares back as cameras are flashing and Kitty's subtlety on the verge of panic as her breathing becomes uneven as they're trying to rush to the jet and strap in, Kitty's taking shaky breathes waiting for the jet to take off she's shaking and the jet slowly takes off for what feels like hours and she rushes to the hanger sitting on the floor hands around her knees head down shaking and fighting back her tears, her legs are bouncing and she is forcing herself to breathe deep for a minute*\\ Logan- Kitty? * she looks up and stands up composing herself taking  deep breathes as tears spill from her eyes, Logan pulls down his cowl and looks hurt, he  rushes to her and wraps his arms around her body as she wraps her arms around his torso her body instantly relaxing as she sniffs and clings onto him for dear life*\\ Logan- I'm here, I got you now, don't worry Pryde, I got you * she pulls away and Logan sits against the wall of the jet and nods beside him and Kitty sits him and she wraps her arms around his arm still shaking, he  kisses her head, he uses his other hand to cup her face and puts his head against her head and he takes a deep breath*// Logan- I've got you * he looks at her and her sad eyes and he smiles at her as she sits up and she lets go of his arm but lays her head on his shoulder as he take her hand so she uses her free hand to wrap around the arm of the hand she's holding and they sit there in silence for a long time*\\ Kitty- I'm sorry// Logan- shut up, you got nothing to be sorry for darling/// Kitty- moment of weakness, I'm okay// Logan-I know// Kitty- let's just go sit back down before everyone starts talking * she stands nervous and not looking at him  as he stands and doesn't take his eyes off her*\\ Logan- okay * he takes her hand kisses it then walks away as she follows her cheeks red trying to hide a smile through her puffy red eyes, they both returns to their seats as conversation is flowing throughout the jet*

*eventually they get to the mansion do their reports and then go back to their rooms as Kitty rushes back to her room wishing Logan would come but never does she wants to text him or call but thinks that she's being annoying so she stands outside on her balcony to see Logan leaving on his bike as she wonders where he's going ( and who with) and shakes off her thoughts as Bruce video calls her asking about her ray and if she's eaten, she orders food as she talks to Bruce and talk for an hour, her food arrives she eats it while taking to Bruce about a case and then she looks down sad*\\ Bruce- what is it... what's wrong? You can tell me anything// Kitty- Ra's Al Ghul trained you many years ago didn't he// Bruce/ yes he did * his face turns serious*// Kitty- I've been doing some thinking * Bruce moves stiffly as he sighs* did you save me from the league, I don't think Ras would've released me without a duel... did you?// Bruce- come on... no I didn't it was because-// Kitty- please be honest with me * Bruce sighs and balls his hand into a fist looking says then brings the fist by his mouth and looks at her through the video chat*\\ Bruce- yes// Kitty- a duel to the death? So how come he's still alive?// Bruce- he's the only man I've attempted to kill, he has the fountain of youth as they say, a Lazarus pit. As he lay dying he granted your freedom// Kitty- were you going to kill him?// Bruce I don't know, some part of me knew I could not have but the other part of me would've done anything to protect my daughter * she smiles as she starts to cry* I'm sorry if I've upset you// Kitty- thank you for never giving up on me// Bruce- thank you for saving my life// Kitty- what do you mean?// Bruce- being your godfather was the proudest day of my life. When I lost your dad I was a mess I lost my best friend in the entire planet that understood why I enacted to be Batman but you shaped me you made me compassionate and caring and all these other qualities I get from being your dad. I owe you so much, you'll never know how you saved me// Kitty- I love you, best dad in the world * he smiles as his tears well up\\ Bruce- I love you..I'll call you tomorrow, it's time to work// Kitty- be careful * he  chuckles*\\ Kitty- bye Alfred, I love you // Alfred- and you as-well miss Kitty * as the screen goes off and she thinks about how lucky she is to have Bruce and Alfred as her family*

The untold story of Kitty Pryde.Where stories live. Discover now