securing the island

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* trigger warning* 

*the x-men are walking around waiting for the ships to land as there are thousands of people in the palace as the noise is getting overwhelming*// Logan- sharpen up we're gonna welcome the ships before we move the people in// * the x-men walk out with a few other agents and see a fleet of rescue carriers approaching as Kitty looks on in disbelief*//Logan- good job Pryde * she looks aside at his somber look and she holds his gaze until he looks away*// Kitty- Logan? * he looks at her* these ships are gonna draw attention so we need to send out a distraction// Logan- already ahead of you we have people on the front line now keeping them busy// Kitty- I mean in the air we need air support// Logan- *radio* can every mutant who can fly and every defence craft that can fly all get ready for a fight and meet me out by the crafts asap. I want jets in the air asap// Agent- *radio* we will get right on that// Jean- what about us?// Logan- I want you guys in vests and up in that air on alert// Warren- on our way * storm, Jean, Warren and Erik walk away*// Logan- alright now I want radio contact and I want you all to lead to the best of your ability and we will get everyone out in time// * the ships start to land around the palace as Logan rushes off to the ships as medics run out and Kitty rushes back to the palace as Logan is barking orders at people and agents as the first lot of people are brought out and Logan leads them to a ship and Scott leads more mutants to another ship as Kitty beckons a group to follow her as she rushes to a ship and people rush on as the chaos breaks out, Kitty helps to strap kids into their seats and make sure families are all kept together as she is shocked at the amount of screams and shouts and cry's as the ship is filling up and people are all pushing and shouting*// Kitty- HEY! CALM DOWN!!!! HEY!!!!! STOP STOP * a fight breaks out between 2 men as Kitty uses her powers to pull them apart* stop!!! now back it up the women and kids are first so back it up and get back inside before I knock you out!! * the 2 men are dragged out by a few agents as Kitty sighs and goes back to helping kids strap their belts on and after the craft is filled up she ushers everyone back as the craft takes off following some carriers already in the sky, she rushes off counting 6 carriers flying off trying to block out the carnage going on behind her. Kitty turns to see the avengers jet and she sees captain america walk out of the jet Kitty leads more people over and starts to help them get on board*// Kitty- fancy seeing you here// Steve- you know me enough to not ignore things like this// Kitty- and the others?// Steve- yeah this is by my own choice// Kitty- and a good one at that * Kitty helps more people inside// Steve- there might not be many seats but just pile as many people as we can in. I wanna make sure we have everyone out// Kitty- we appreciate the support// Steve- it's my pleasure * they smile at one another before Kitty's arm is tugged and she sees a little girl*// Kitty- hello// Girl- I can't find my mom// Kitty- okay, what's your name and how old are you. well when was the last time you saw her?// Girl-  daisy, I'm 8 and uh she was called to another ship// Kitty- okay and what is her name?// girl- colleen// Kitty- okay *radio* guys I have a little kid here Daisy, 8, looking for her mom, she says her mothers name is colleen and she was sent to another ship // Rogue- *radio* she's on my ship send her over// Kitty- c'mon sweetie let's go * kitty grabs her hand as they make their way through the crowd and spot Rogue who is waving to her and the little girls mother rushes to her and they hug as Kitty rushes back to lead more and more people onto more ships as she catches a glimpse of jets circling around the area and mutants flying around*

* after a few hours most of the ships have already left and the flying mutants are holding off attacks to the best of their ability*// Warren-*radio* guys we have a lot of sentinels inbound we need to get these people out of here and get everyone sheltered asap// Logan- *radio* how long do we have// Warren- *radio* 20 minutes if that// Kitty- RIGHT EVERYONE WE GOTTA GO NOW MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE * people start to panic as Kitty is rushing everyone onto the carriers as an anxiety attack is creeping in, there are 13 carriers left as Kitty is  in a panic*// Logan- *radio* I want as many people as we can fit into those fucking carriers and I want them gone before the first wave of sentinels hit// Hank- *radio* we are running out of time// Storm- *radio* then we do the best we can as usual. come on we can do this I know we can * Kitty is beckoning people to follow as she spots Alex breaking up a fight, she turns her head to strap kids into their seats and help mothers on board with babies*// Kitty- come on come on come on * she pushes people into the carrier helping more and more mutants. Kitty turns to see an old couple struggling as people push them aside and she phases through the people and grabs onto the old man who has his arm around his wife*// Kitty- I got you, keep hold of one another and I will get you on that ship * she slowly helps the couple phase through the crowds and on the ship as she sits them down and straps their belts on as she nods and turns the old woman grabs her*// Lady- you have a kind heart and I know good things will come to you * kitty meets her gaze smiling as she nods and runs off*// Kitty- WE GOT MORE SPACES ON THE FLOOR LET'S MOVE IT * Piotr walks up to Kitty carrying 2 old ladies and helps them on as Kitty smiles at how cute he is doing up their belts before she calls more people into the carrier*// Kitty- more people come on * she beckons more in*// Kitty- * radio* hey wanda, how many more kids do we have left?// Wanda- *radio* I'd say about 1700// Logan- *radio* send out the youngest first our aim is to keep families together we will overfill the ships if we have too. seat the people on the floor// Wanda- *radio* and the ones left behind?// Logan- *radio* prepare shelters because we have incoming// Kitty- fill them up go go go as many kids as we can now!! * after 15 minutes there are 3 ships left*// * Kitty walks to Logan *// Kitty- we gotta send these ships out// Logan- I know MOVE IT!! GET ON THE SHIP// Jean-*radio* get the last ships up now!!! we can't  hold back anymore sentinels * kitty has a sick feeling in her stomach as she looks at Logan who looks at the kids and he yells and shouts for the kids to get a move on*// Logan- *radio* Wanda get everyone in to safety, call everyone back we've run out of time, team send everyone else back * people are scrambling to get on the ships as the x- men are telling everyone to turn back and there are fights breaking out as Logan runs of yelling at everyone get back and find cover *Kitty is filling up the last people as people are shoving and pushing her as she watches the screams and cry's of people throwing themselves on board*// Kitty- YOU NEED TO TAKE COVER INSIDE! GET BACK TO THE PALACE PLEASE WE HAVE SENTINELS INCOMING GET INSIDE!  * the last ship's engines start to growl as frantic people make a dash for it and Kitty uses her powers to hold them back as people push against the shield and shoot their powers at Kitty*// Kitty- KNOCK IT OFF!!!!! GET INSIDE NOW * the ship flies off as chaos rages through the people left behind*// Kitty- PLEASE LISTEN!! WE HAVE TO GET INSIDE!!! GET INSIDE !!!!! NOW!!!!! * Kitty holds up her shield as she watches the last of the ships flying off and she turns to see the huge fleet of sentinels and everyone screams*// Kitty- LOGAN!! * he turns to see everyone shooting at Kitty and at the sentinels as his blood runs cold*??//Logan- GET BACK * he is pulling people away from shooting at Kitty and yelling at them to get inside as people sprint back into the palace* Kitty uses her shield to push people back so they turn back and run into the palace*// * banshee screams at everyone as they all cover their ears and then silence falls*?? // Logan- GET BACK INSIDE OR YOU WILL BE FACING THE SENTINELS!!!! MOVE IT * a lot of the group head back to the palace as a group of possibly 100 people or less stay behind*// Woman- we can help we are gonna stay and fight * Kitty looks at the group then at the other members of her team**// Alex- INCOMING!!!!! * sentinels crash around the place as Kitty's heart is beating fast at the loud crashing noises*// Logan- X-MEN...LET'S GO!!! * Everyone charges to the sentinels and attacks as lasers, screams, bangs and cries can be heard. Kitty rushes up to a sentinels and pulls it down with her powers ripping it apart and throwing it into another sentinel before doing the same again and again before shielding a mutant from blasts and then hitting the sentinels aside into another and pulling them both down on the floor with a huge crash*// Wanda- *radio* we have soldiers sneaking past the check points we need to have people out the front//  Logan- split up *// Kurt- I'll get us there kitty and Logan share a glance before Kitty sprints off to Kurt and grabs onto his arm as Alex grabs on*// Alex- COME ON * Scott, Rogue, and a few other mutants grab on as Kurt teleports them to the outside of the palace*// Scott- split up and take down anyone that has a unifrom that isn't our side// Alex- yeah good talk bro// Scott- no time for a speech just get out there and be safe. don't make me look for you// Alex- I'm older than you// Scott- and dumber* Kitty smiles at them and jogs off and sees bishop and a few men jogging upto her*// Bishop- they got around us// Kitty- are you hurt// Bishop- I can heal, my team can't// Kitty- where is the rest of the team?// Bishop- we're all that's left * kitty meets his gaze shocked before looking down* no time for that now we need to build a barrier and be tactical// Kitty- tactics went out the window when most of your team didn't make it// Bishop- what you thinking// Kitty- that we're not gonna go down running. give them all we got and then hit them again. they have weapons we are weapons// Bishop- I like it// Kitty- if you're hurt head on back, if you can fight then spread out// Bishop- there are tanks and fleets of soldiers coming in fats// Kitty- let them try *bishop is taken a back and smiles*// Bishop- you got a death wish Pryde// Kitty- at this point probably * Bishop and a few soldiers laugh and Kitty shrugs*// Bishop- head on back injured the rest of you follow me * the team head off as jogging for a few minutes before Bishop stops them to see all the soldiers as she sees Alex running towards them shooting*// Scott- * radio* alex what the hell are you playing at?!!! get back ALEX! * Kitty looks sprints off towards Alex while hitting soldiers away from him*// Kitty- ALEX! * the mutants behind her follow using their powers. Kitty uses her powers to  push a fleet of tanks into one another before throwing them onto the floor and ripping the guns off she then pushes over some trucks charging at them and grounds 5 air crafts that we're flying over.sprays of bullets are shot as Kitty hits over the on coming shooters as disks that mimic bombs start to get thrown at the mutants and Kitty turns to see Bishop on the floor dazed as she sets off a wave knocking multiple soldiers off their feet and knocked out, she walks to Bishops and puts out a hand, he takes it as she helps him up*// Kitty- hurts like hell don't it// Bishop- yeah, wish we had some to use * she turns to see Scott who is hit by a sniper in his chest as she hit's the soldiers away from him and sprints*// Kitty- SCOTT *radio* Scott is down he's been shot// Alex- *radio* get him help now * Kitty leans down to Scott who'a face is scrunched up in pain as she checks the wound*// * Kurt pops in*// Kitty- get him a medic asap * alex runs upto him and leans by him*// Alex- scott it's gonna be okay// Kitty- get him out of here * Scott is teleported away by Kurt as Alex is in distress and Kitty puts a hand on his shoulder*// Kitty- he's gonna be okay alright just focus okay * alex is dazed* alex he's been shot so many times I'm surprised he even felt it. he's like a human dot to dot at this point * alex laughs as Kitty gives him a hug and he hugs her back*// Kitty- come on * after a few hours of fighting the soldiers are called back and the sentinels leave as the mutants carry the wounded or dead back to the palace*// * kitty is helping a mutants walk to the palace before they are all called to the dining room**// Bishop -I'm gonna send some scouts by bike to have a look around anyone want to volunteer * Kitty puts her hand up so does Logan, Rogue and Bobby *okay then, meet at the front in 20 go get something to eat * Kitty walks back to the room the x-men are sharing and she gets a drink of water before putting her hair into a high pony and she walks out*// Kitty- anyone have an update on Scott*// Storm- nothing yet hun, I'm sure he will be okay Jean has not left his side// Logan- or Alex// Scott- will you be eating with us?// Logan- thank you Storm but we got to get out there// *Logan walks away as the others follow him, Bobby puts a hand on Storms shoulder smiling as they all exit the room walking to front and Bishop briefs them before they get onto bikes and all split up speeding off, Kitty drives her into the woods*// Rogue-*radio* yeah guys I have a couple of cars driving around// Logan- *Radio* what is your location// Rogue- *radio* I took south into the woods// Logan- *radio* alright I'm on my way * Kitty feels a bit jealous but she keeps driving for a good few hours*// Logan- *radio* alright team head back okay * Kitty turns her motorbike around and heads back where she meets up with the others at the front and Logan and Rogue brief Bishop and some agents and mutants on the cars and soldiers*// Bishop- go on in and get some rest * the team walk off as Kitty turns to see Logan and Bishop talking then Logan walks away and Bishop turns to her*//Bishop- get some food and rest Pryde// Kitty- sir I am okay to stay on defence// Bishop- Pryde how do you expect to be your best if you are not taking care of yourself// Kitty- yeah valid response but these soldiers aren't gonna wait until morning are they// Bishop- no but I have alternating teams for this Pryde// Kitty- and I am volunteering for this team// Bishop- Pryde please get some sleep, you're a good asset and we need you to stay that way// Kitty- yes sir * she walks into the palace nodding at agents and mutants as she makes her way to the x-men's room as Wanda is stood there talking to the team*// Kitty- what's this?// Wanda- new rooms have become available// Jean- but I think it is best we all stick together// Rogue- yeah I'm up for the bonding// Bobby- as if we don't do that enough// Kitty- yeah I'm okay to stay in that single bed// Wanda- are you sure? it is no trouble I promise// Hank- I think we are all happy sharing the space and staying close. calms the nerves// Wanda- I understand and I like that you guys are so close. makes for excellent bonding. I'll see myself out * she nods smiling and leaves the room*// Kitty- how is Scott?// Jean- he is still the same, Alex is with him and has not left his side// Kitty- try and rest up, I'm sure he will be better after a good sleep// Jean- as always I am sure you will be right// Kitty- now who is cooking because I'm starving// Warren- that would be me, get washed up dinner is in an hour. Wanda has brought some clothes they're in the room for you// Rogue- oh and towels, don't forget the towels// Kitty- nothing says an attack like fluffy towels brought to our room// Hank- I think it is a kind gesture if I do say so myself// Kitty- gestures are not what you see in a full scale attack but I guess it is very thoughtful. anyway I'm just gonna grab a shower * Kitty walks into her room and strips off before getting in the shower. she get's out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel as she looks through the grey prison style clothes as she puts on an outfit and then brushes her hair out and just leaving it air dry and she walks out and sits on the couch next to Bobby and Jean as she wraps her arm around a pillow*// Bobby- you look like you belong in prison// Kitty- I was thinking the same thing. Jean- we make do with what we got, I wanna know when we can wash out uniforms// Storm I shall wash them for you, go gather your clothing// Kitty- you don't have to do that// Storm- I insist so we are gonna clean and smell better// Jean- thank you, Kit I'll grab yours// Kitty- thank you it's on my bed laid out// Jean- ready for the morning// Kitty- you know it// * Kitty lays her head back on the sofa*// Kurt- anyone want a coffee?// * some of the team answer as Kurt hands out some coffee and then Warren plates up some dinner as he hands the plates around and they eat  in different places around the apartment*// * people turn into bed as Kitty and Jean are on the sofa watching a movie and Bobby and Kurt is on the floor, they all fall asleep watching the movie as Kitty jumps awake as she hears Logan walk in*// Logan- *whispers* sorry, didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep * Kitty stands up and follows Logan to the kitchen as he starts to make coffee*// Kitty- are you okay?// Logan- yeah fine, want some coffee// Kitty- no, I'm okay. what time is it?// Logan- just past 5// Kitty- have you eaten// Logan- I'm fine Pryde just leave it be * Logan makes his coffee as Kitty watches him*// Kitty- are you coming to bed?// Logan- not tonight Pryde * her expression changes to sadness as she nods looking away*// Kitty- Okay * she walks off to her room and phases through the door and get's into bed upset at the rejection as her heart hurts*

The untold story of Kitty Pryde.Where stories live. Discover now