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* Kitty comes too and realizes she can't see and a blindfold is on her,  she attempts to move but her arms and legs are tied to what she thinks is a bed so she pulls and realizes it's rope. Her heart is beating out of her chest and she yells but there is tape on her face as she panics and starts trying to pull and scream erratic until her voice is raw*

* hours pass as she's really thirsty and exhausted as the door opens and she turns her head in the direction as footsteps get closer and she is trying to talk but all is heard are mumbles*\\ Stryker- I was nice enough to give you a pillow since you were sleepy * he places a hand on her ankle as she kicks out trying to scream and thrash* calm down now * she feels a hand run up to her leg as she kicks out again trying to scream and pulls at the ropes hysterical*\\ Stryker- we have someone coming to get you tomorrow so prepare yourself princess * he walks to her and pulls off the blindfolds as she squints and flinches from light burning her eyes as she blinks to help ease the pain in her eyes, she notices stryker at the door talking to someone whispering as they approach her*// Jason- well son you had to go give away the mystery don't you, get her something to drink I suppose, then we'll discuss the drop off * Stryker walks to her with a syringe as she begins screaming through the tape pulling away hysterical as Jason records it as stryker is standing by her smirking at her reaction as tears spill from her eyes and the camera is thrown in her face as the needle is plunged into her arm as screams an stryker wipes her tears away amused and he unties her legs then helps her sit up as her eyes are rolling and  everywhere is blurry , stryker sits on the bed and puts a glass to her lips*\\ Stryker- drink up princess * stupidly she begins to drink the water, it runs down her chin as he wipes it and Jason walks out of the room typing away at the phone as Stryker sits on the bed beside her smiling, she's looking at him but breathing heavy and seeing stars as she kicks  him as hard as she can and he is hit in the head and he grabs her leg and puts all his pressure on it pinning her down annoyed*\\ Stryker- and this is why you're being treated like a dog or in your case a cat * he rips her foot and she slides down the bed as she ties her legs back up, Kitty closes her eyes telling herself to count to 10 to calm down and recall all the things she knows to focus*\\ stryker- we tried to extort your father of all the money he had, plus data and he would not budge so your pictures and videos are all over the dark web for people to see and you've had quite the offer with added information so I see that as a better option. But don't get too sad our paths are always going to cross * he smiles at her* I'll always be following you mutants but I like you princess and I like seeing you hurt * he scoffs smiling as he puts new tape on her mouth*  I think you enjoy it too don't ya* she closes her eyes turning her head and thinks of Bruce, Dick and Alfred  and how she needs to fight to be stay awake*// Stryker- are you hungry?... if you beg I'll give you some food... or I could sedate you until the drop off * she glares angry* Suit yourself Pryde * he walks away and leaves her for hours until the drugs start wearing off and then she is let out , styker helps sit her up and ties her hands together  behind her back then she is stood up and her knees buckle*\\ Stryker- woah * he holds her arm slowly helping her to walk and her legs give out and she drops on the floor *\\ Stryker- it's okay I got you, can someone give me some water in here please * a bottle is brought in as he removes her tape and gives her some*\\ Kitty- I don't feel well// stryker- nice try * she looks at him genuine as his expression shifts as he sees her cheeks are flushed and he touches her forehead and she has a fever*\| stryker- here * he helps her drink the water and she pulls away sighing her breath heavy and fast paced* can you walk?* kitty pulls herself to stand* let's go * she's led to  van and sat down as 2 men guard her, she gets worse as she's driven to another location and let out of the van*\\ Stryker- we're here * he grabs her arm as she is dragged out of the van and made to stand outside of a lab for mutant testing and she shakes her head*\\ Kitty- no please * she has no energy as her body is burning a high fever as she walks into the building but falls to her knees and then passes out sideways and hits the floor and her head hearing stryker call her name in concern*// * she can feel herself being dumped on a mattress on the floor, her breathing is heavy as the door is locked beside her and she opens her eyes looking around but is too exhausted to move so she just drifts off to sleep* 

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