the weight of responsability

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* kitty is at the back of the church as everyone is talking and she sees all the people*// Banshee- there are 206 all together, we just done a head count, what're we gonna do// Kitty- I don't know// Warpath- well you're the one who's here to get us out// Kitty- I did not think I'd have a lot of people or it be with many soldiers and attacks// Warpath- so you're in over your head// kitty- yeah I am okay I don't have my team and I am torn between attack and defense so yeah it is fucking hard being responsable for people in a middle of a fight okay. I'm doing my best with what I have// Boom- hey back off , she got us this far didn't she. we would've been killed in that hospital if it wasn't for here// Banshee- yeah now look where we are with more survivors// warpath- not a good thing, we're more of a target because of our numbers// Dazzler- do you have any ideas... I didn't think so// Kitty- we gotta stop arguing and work together so these people don't lose hope, I got their walkie, so we can know there next moves before they make them, that's our advanatge right now// Banshee- good thinking// Kitty- I'm gonna try contacting my team again, can you get everyeone packed and ready to move to another location, I'll go find a secure one, keep the radio and find out there next move// Dazzler- I'm coming with you// Kitty- are you sure?// Dazzler- yeah I got your back// Kitty- okay, we'll be back soon * both girls take off running as they sneak around into the graveyard and sprint back into town*// dazzler- we can head back in through this way of the back alleys * they scout around the small town before seeing 2 sentinels as Kitty grabs Dazzler and they hide behind a car*// Dazzler- can't we just all drive there// Kitty- it will bring a lot of attention and we all can't fit// dazzler- unless we get a bus * kitty looks at her shocked*// Kitty- that is actually a brilliant idea, is there bus station around here anywhere/// Dazzler- around 3 hours that way// Banshee- *radio* kitty we have a problem, there is a hotel nearby and the MRD are going there because the sentinels have picked up mutant activity// kitty- stay put we got this * dazzler nods*// Dazzler- follow me * they run around darting people and they see a hotel surounded by MRD and sentinels*// Dazzler- what're we gonna do * Kitty hit's a few soldiers and trucks away and grabs her hand as they run through a truck and sprint into the hotel as she phases through shots and sees children screaming as they're being dragged away, she uses her telekenisis and pulls them away and she groans as she is shot in the collarbone with a dart and Dazzler hit's the gaurds away with her powers*// Kitty- sweep the floor then we'll meet on the top floor*// kitty- is anyone here? It's shadowcat * she checks the lobby before running up the stairs as a man jumps down and grabs her she is hit into a wall as she breaks out of his lock and slamming her gun into his head before darting him, she makes her way up darting 3 other MRD soldiers as they fall down the stairs as she makes her way to the first floor holding her gun as she kicks the first door open*// Kitty- is anyone here? my name is shadowcat and I'm here to get you outta here * the room is empty as she kicks open the whole hallway while also taking down gaurds without her powers * she clears the first floor as she finds a woman on her knees crying with her hands up*// Kitty- hey it's okay I'm a mutant just like you. I'm here to get you out of here let's go c'mon * the woman stands up* I'm an x-man okay * the woman nods as Kitty puts a hand on her back leading her out with one gun in her hand*// Kitty- do you know if anyone else is here?// Petra- yes a few// Kitty- what's your power?// petra- I can manipulate earth and rock you know stuff like that// Kitty- so you can't get this dart out for me huh?// Petra- no I'm sorry// Kitty- what's your name * kitty kicks a door open as she searches a room*// Petra- uh petra// Kitty- I'm Kitty * she searches the room before going in the hallway and a men shoot at them as Kitty pushes petra back in thre room before attacking both MRD soldiers and she hears crashing and banging as a sentinels is thrown through the ceiling and she looks confused before going about to finding more mutants, after finding 7 mutants she meets dazzler who has 15 and they make thie way together looking for more people as another sentinel is thrown through the building*// Kitty- who is doing that?// raine- Magneto// Kitty- what? how? he's back at the palace// raine- no, he's here we saw him * shouts are coming from the top floor and foot steps*// dazzler- let's go * dazzler and Kitty run up the stairs followed by the 21 people they have saved*// Kitty- I want you all looking in those rooms for mutants go go * Kitty runs down the corridor and jumps up and knees a man in the chest as he hits the wall she darts him before running down another corridoor with smoke as she watches Erik taking out soldier after soldier using his powers controlling the metal and when he is done he looks at her and she smiles with tears in her eyes and she runs to him and wraps her arms around his torso*//Erik- well this is unusual* he awkwardly taps her back *// kitty- I'm so glad to see another x-men even if it is you I'm just thankful I'm not alone okay// erik- it's okay I'm here now * she pulls away and meets his gaze as he has a blank expression and notices the dart*// Erik- let me help you with that * he puts his hand over it and looks at her as she inhales and exhales*// erik- ready? * she nods as he rips it out and her eyes scrunch closed with pain and she gasps* sorry// Kitty- thank you c'mon * she grabs his hand as she drags him away*// Erik- you must've been scared if you're acting like we're friends* she scowls at him*// Kitty- being responsable for so many people is really overwhelming and I just want to make sure things are's horrible// Erik- I know * they meet the others *// Kitty- anyone else coming// Erik- just me// Kitty- and the others// Erik- what like I'm not enough... I came alone, when communication was down I had to intervine // Kitty- not like you to be the hero// Erik- exactly, we got to get out of here// Kitty- I'm gonna do another sweep through the rooms can you take care of the MRD and the sentinels and get everyone out and I'll meet you at the church// Erik- I'm not leaving you// kitty- I'll be right behind you * Erik looks at her and she runs off phasing through the building before she get's down a hallway hearing a kid screaming as she walks she sees a woman laying on the floor with a head wound*// Kitty- hey it's okay it's okay we're gonna help your mommy okay * Kitty shakes her but no response as she lifts the little 4 year old in her arms and lifts the woman with her powers as she rushes out of the building she phase outside as the building is falling apart and she sprints back to the shooting any soldier near her as the little girls wraps her arms around her neck and her head leans on kitty's shoulder as Kitty smiles and holds the mother using her powers as kitty rushes back to the church after awhile panting*// kitty- someone get her help, she has a head injury * 2 men grab the woman and rush her off for treatment as Kitty who still holds the child looks at the little girl*// Kitty- you're gonna stick with me until your mommy get's some help okay * she looks at Kitty snot running down her face as Kitty gets some tissue and wipes it*// Kitty-let's get you something to eat shall we * kitty walks up to people and get's the little girl some food as she nods at Erik and sit's down on a seat helping the little girl to eat and drink as Erik sits beside her and hands her a bottle of water*// Kitty- thank you, and what is your name// abby- abby// Kitty- I'm Kitty// Abby- that's not a real name// Kitty- no my real name is Katherine but everyone calls me Kitty and I like it// Abby- I like katherine// Kitty- then only you can call me katherine but it's our secret okay?// abby- okay that's a deal * Erik smiles at the girl then looks at kitty as his smile fades*// Erik- we have to make a plan to get these people out of here and fast// Kitty- we got to make our way through the woods// Erik- the same way I came in// Kitty- let's get the injured trated then we can get a plan together// Warpath- you brought a killer in here// Kitty- that killer saved these people// Erik- do you have somethng to say?// Warpath- you're a killer Magneto and we don't need that// Erik- from where I'm standing none of you can protect yourself and it's been all on the back of shadowcat. these people could not rely on any of you people to get them to saftey * he squares up to warpath as Kitty and the little girl look at them* don't question my motives, I might be a killer but I have killed for far greater reasosn that your small mind can comprehend * kitty stands up gets between both men and puts a hand on each of their chests*// Kitty- stop it both of you, right now we are both on the same team and we have bigger issues than bringing in our pasts// * warpath looks at Kitty*// Warpath- your boyfriends got a big mouth// Kitty- yeah and a big temper so can we just stop this and prepare for a real fight* warpath and Erik glare at one another as Warpath walks away and Kitty turns to face Erik and he looks at her, she is scowling at him*// Abby- are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend// Kitty- no// Abby- but you just said he has a temper// Kitty- no he is not my boyfriend * kitty turns to see Erik looking at her up and down and she narrows her eyes scoffs then rolls her eyes*// Kitty- behave * Kitty sits next to Abby and sits back sighing and closing her eyes then she opens them looking up at the ceiling*// Erik- have you slept// Kitty- no time for it// Erik- eaten at least// Kitty- no time we got a job to do// erik- yeah but we need to take care of ourselves to help// Kitty- save the lecture Erik I'm not in the mood// Erik- I want the nice you from earlier * he sits back on the seat beside her...last I heard they we're wating to send the teams out until the 300 mutants are safe// Kitty- any news on wolverine and colossus?// Erik- nothing, no// Kitty- so they're out here blind too// Erik- should we go look for them?// Kitty- no wolverine has this// Erik- I bet * she looks aside at Erik then at abby who is eating some cookies*// Abby- how long before I can see my mom// Kitty- couple more minutes honey then we will go check on her okay?// Abby- okay * kitty drinks the water and she inhales and exhales*// Banshee- hey, I'm gonna send some people out to do a quick sweep// Erik- I'll go * he stands then walks away*// Banshee- we'll call a meeting soon, but you should get some sleep// Kitty- a luxuary we don't have, call the meeting soon  *kitty massages her hands* it's best we have a plan ready// Banshee- the radio you gave has cut off signal. I'm sure they know we we're onto them... it was still a good idea//Kitty- just not good enough// Banshee- we rescued a lot of mutants from that heist// Kitty- and more are out there and it's not sitting right with me// Banshee- we aren't responsible but we are doing our best// kitty- people are cruel and I hate this fucking world and everyone in it// Banshe- I think that you need sleep// Kitty- sleep while we're being hunted? I'm good we need a fucking plan and I keep saying it but I got nothing but to make a run for it// Banshee- that's a plan// Kitty- they're onto us and they will have is rounded us in a minute// Marrow- Kit, the mom's awake// Abby- yay// Marrow- I'll take her// Kitty- thank you * kitty turns to Abby who stands up* you're gonna go see your Mommy now with sarah okay * she nods and follows sarah* call a meeting when everyone returns okay// Banshee- okay * he walks away as Kitty sighs hands on hips looking at the people as fear creeps in*// Lilly- excuse me * kitty turns to look at a yound girl and looks down at her stomach to see she is heavily pregnant and shock appears on her face*// lilly- I'm so sorry to interupt you, but are we going to be here much longer, I'm a few days due for my baby and I'm just scared that I'll have her here or in the middle of this// Kitty- are you in active labor// Lilly- just the usual aches and pains here and there, this is my first I'm not sure what active labor is but I'm not giving birth here if that's what you mean// kitty- good, that would be the least of my problems * kitty smiles as the girl chuckles*// Lilly- are we moving soon// Kitty- we're about to have a meeting on what to do, I'm not sure what the plan is yet but soon as we have a discussion we will let everyone know// Lilly- thank you// Kitty- no probelm, how old are you// Lilly- uh 15 *kitty looks her in her eyes as her expression changes* I promise you I was on birth control, I have a boyfreind and uh we want this baby.... I get these looks often// Kitty- no sorry I'm not judging you * she sighs* I.. I know this isn't ideal for you to be pregnant in this situation. it's taken me back a bit your age because I could not step up as much as you have at that age, at that age I had very bad things happening so it's nice to see someone so brave and strong going for what they want * the girl smiles* just because you're a young mom doesn't mean you're a bad mom * the girl has tears in her eyes* we'll keep you in mind about your due date and we're all here to keep you and the baby safe. so just stay calm as best you can and leave the rest up to us okay?// Lilly- thank you// Kitty- if you get anymore pains or they get worse or you think you're in labor then you just let me know okay// Lilly- thank you shadowcat * she nods and walks up to a nurse*// Kitty- hey can you check over the expecting mother just to make sure she's not in labor and then just let me know * the nurse nods as Kitty walks back to her seat and drinks her water deep in thought before everyone goes to a back room*// Warpath- so what's the plan// Banshee- I say we make a run for it, if we charge right into town through the sentinels and the soldiers and we fight best as we can// Erik- might I suggest that we send a team in to clear a path and then take the vunerable once it is clear// Kitty- if we attack then we'll give up our strategey and location, we got a newborn, an expecting teenager, children and elderley here aswell as wounded// Dazzler- there is always the bus idea// Boom boom- bus idea?// Dazzler- I said to get a bus to put everyone on and we phase right out of this place// Erik- and where are we gonna get a bus?// Dazzler-bus station is 3 hours away// Erik- and what if the bus's are not working and we wasted a trip and time?// Boom- okay so we wait until night so we have that as a cover// Kitty- exactly, that's the only way we are gonna smuggle everyone out of this town and still stay as a group, we're greater in numbers but that leaves us prone to sentinels attacks cue Magneto// erik- you're mad if you think we can make it through the city with darts and guns// banshee- unless we are untouchable * he looks at kitty who's arms are crossed and one hands on her face*// Kitty- what?// Erik- I'm not following// Banshee- we phase as a group// Kitty- you're kidding me right? I've struggled to phase large objects for a few minutes and you think I can phase our group for hours// Banshee- just through the large parts, if Magneto can hold of the sentinels then we can make track across town// Warpath- we're gonna be blind// Kitty- and we can use that to our advanatage, you know everyone has to be touching for me to phase people and I can only do it for a couple minutes, that's gonna drain a big chunk of my energy// Warpath- so long as we keep the babies and kids silent we can make tracks, a group of our skilled fighters can guide everyone// banshee- not all the time, when we need it// Erik- it's crazy enough to work// Kitty- yeah put it on me, what if I can't do it// Dazzler- you can try, that's all we can do // Kitty- and if I fail I kill everyone here* she rests her hands on the table sighing as she looks at everyone * fine yeah let's do it. Sean you can go ahead and tell them * kitty walks out of the meeting room as she walks outside the newborn is crying as kitty walks over*// Kitty- how are you feeling?// Pixie- I'm tired but I'm a lot better than I was yesterday * the baby is still screaming as Kitty looks at the people giving looks at them and Kitty sighs*// Kitty- what's wrong with him?// Pixie- I'm not sure, he's been on and off crying and I can't seem to cansole him// Kitty- unsettled/// Pixie- could be... I dunno * Kitty shushes the baby but he continues to cry* I guess I'm a little tense and sleep deprived, I have fed him so he should settle// Kitty- try feeding him a little more on the boob and see if that settles him. you've just given birth it's hard to keep active while everything is still healing * Banshee comes in and tells everyone the plan as they all agree to try and get some rest and be packed ready*// * the baby is still crying*// Kitty- you rest and I'll take care of the baby// Pixie- no I can't ... it wouldn't br right// Kitty- we're about to go out in a battle with this little boy he needs his mother fully rested and we need him settled so let me see what I can do while you get some rest. I promise you that he is gonna be safe with me * the woman nods*// pixie- okay, thank you. if he does not settle wake me up and I'll do my best.// Kitty- you already are * pixie looks at Kitty with a look of grattitude as she hands the blankets and the baby to Kitty as she fastens the baby to her chest shushing him and she walks around to the back room*// Kitty- looks like mama is a little tired so you got me on auntie duties * kitty is stroaking his head shushing him and holding him tight* but that's okay becaus I think I'd be the best auntie but not a mom... and you you're born in this chaotic cruel world but you are gonna have a choice to be kind and to help people, because the smallest amount of kindness goes a long way and we can heal this bad wolrd one selfless act at a time huh * kitty looks down at him as he is settling* yeah, are you gonna have a kind heart, course you are. you got the whole wolrd in you hand. mutant or human the world just needs change good change and that starts with one person doesnt it * kitty is getting emotional* and you got a good mom too, you're one of the lucky ones huh? because when we get to where we need to be you got your mommy fighting in your corner so you got it good buddy. rought starts are nothing, it's the comeback that matters * Kitty looks down to see the baby asleep* yeah trauma doesn't define you does it? * she takes in his little features and her heart hurts thinking about her having kids one day*// dazzler- cute when they little huh// * kitty jumps and turns* you're a natural ain't you// Kitty- ha! no, are you all set// dazzler- yep jus wait until night fall * kitty nods* how we gonna do this * kitty meets her gaze and freezes*// Kitty- I dunno, I don't have the answers// Dazzler- part of the job is just pretending isn't it// Kitty- pretty much yeah// Dazzler- do you know where we are going to be evacuated too?// Kitty- sheild safe houses and the Pr said we can accomidate a couple in the school for gifted youngsters// Dazzler- and become an x-man, yeah I'm good// Kitty- don't knock it until you try it, we got a great team// Dazzler- I can see that

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