mold for the future

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* the x-men are in the meeting room all around the table waiting for the Pr, after 15 minutes the Pr enters with Nick fury and phil coulson*// Bobby- this can't be good// Nick- I thought I would see you all in person to discuss the following few weeks * he puts a file on the table* this is the case we have built for genosha * he throws another case down* this is the case we have on the MRD both Jason and William Stryker too * throws another file* this is the friends of humanity, not much to go on as you can see, and this * throws a massive file down* is master mold, trask, senator kelly and all the others linked into one big giant plan. we have in our custody all the mutant turned mutant bounty hunters and we have locations on this factory building the sentinels. I have locations on all targets and I want to lead a raid on each one by one. starting with master mold. I know you are all grieving and I know you haven't long got back into a routine but I need you all packed up and ready to leave by tomorrow. I will be recruiting as many mutants and agents as I can, so get all you affairs in order * fury lectures and tells them they are going into the unknown and he dismisses  himself and walks away and the team are all looking around daring not to breathe*// Pr- I will not force anyone, so please do not think you have too// Rogue I can't do it, I'm sorry I just can't * Rogue gets up in floods of tears and runs away as Gambit chases after her*// Kurt- so we dive back into an unknown location against the sentinel creator and this Ai master mold... I I dunno// Scott- if you don't want to then leave, this fight is up to us now and we don't have a choice// Bobby- I mean we've come this far, might aswell take it to the finish line// Storm- how long will we be gone for Pr?// Pr- I am not too sure. I'm sorry that we do not have the answers we need for comfort, again we are going into this war with no idea// jean- what about those new sentinels they made the foot soldiers and those giant spider ones// Logan- let's assume that every sentinel make and model will be there, whatever it is we know we need to set up a safe house, scout the area and do some research. I suggest we send a small team of x'men first and keep the other behind to make sure you still have protection// Pr- who wants to volunteer first// Logan- I'll go// Scott- me too, Jean you stay and lead the other x-men while we find our bearings// Warren- me too, Storm you stay behind and cover things from this end// Storm- it is not like me to be on the standby but I will gladly do so // Kurt- I'll stay behind so we have more reserves// Kitty- I'll go too * Logan looks at her with disappointment and she looks at him with a straight face and he looks away annoyed*// Piotr- I will be with you guys// Erik- and me// Pr- Erik i need you here with me until you are ready to go there// Erik- I think my powers would be better suited to fight the metal robots Charles// Pr- if you insist, Bobby can you stay// Bobby- I would prefer being with the team but I'll be here on standby whatever you guys need// Pr- please pack light, I will have the jet stocked up with with the supplies you need, forge can you do it// Forge- consider  done Pr X // Pr- thank you, and may I say how proud I am off all of you. go do what you need and enjoy your last night * the team all walk out as Kitty's arm is grabbed and she is pulled aside by Logan*// Kitty- what?// Logan- why couldn't you have just stayed// Kitty- you know me well enough to know I won't say no *Kitty sees the worry on his face* hey, we make a good team and we always got each others backs * she touches his face* I'm not scared so long as you're with me * he takes her hand and kisses it*// Logan- you can't say no to a fight can you// Kitty- exactly *they walk hand in hand through the halls and she smiles*// Logan- have you spoke to Bruce since last week// Kitty- no, and he still doesn't believe me... at this point I don't blame him  // Logan- I have seen ex's come back from the dead many times// Kitty- I don't know, what if it is in my head// Logan- doesn't mean it wasn't real and that is still traumatic//Kitty- at least I know I'll always have your support// Hank- that's so true, Logan is one of the most caring men, don't let his loner tough guy personal fool you,  he has come out of his shell since your friendship as have all of us Kitty// Logan- yeah, nice words Bub// Hank- what? I speak the truth and I think there is something blossoming // Kitty- right, anyway I gotta go see my dad , so I will meet you guys later// Logan- see ya * Kitty drives to Bruce's work as she walks into the building and into his office waiting for him. she answers messages and emails on her phone*// Bruce- you're in my chair * he stands in front of the desk with his hands in his pockets*//  Kitty- I gotta go away for a mission tomorrow // Bruce- where// Kitty- nevada // bruce- doing what// Kitty- leading a raid on something called master mold that produces the sentinels// Bruce- a mold of sentinels// Kitty- your guess is a good as mine// Bruce- you don't seem to know much about the mission// Kitty- we haven't been properly briefed// Bruce- so you're going in blind// Kitty- no more than usual// Bruce- Wolverine going with you?// Kitty- yes, he is our leader// Bruce- how long?//Kitty- I don't know * he is asking questions one after another with a monotone voice while suppressing a disappointment as Kitty looks down*// Bruce- okay, be safe * Bruce walks away*// Kitty- is that it * she stands up* is that all I get? // Bruce- I'm sorry do you want a going away party?// Kitty- why are you being so horrible to me?// * Bruce stops*// Bruce- I am not// Kitty- you have, since I mentioned Jason you have been an asshole// Bruce- you'll be fine, just watch your back * he walks away *// Kitty- yeah, nice one dad, I'll see you when I'm back * she says angry as he walks away leaving her standing in the office alone as she takes the picture off bruce's desk and sits back in the chair looking at Bruce, Jace, dick and Kitty in the picture happy before placing it face down on the desk and getting up to walks away, on the way out she sees Johnathan Crane who smiles at her*// Kitty- back again Mr Crane// Crane- I am, it is nice to see you again// Kitty- and you, good luck with everything// Crane- thank you, your father was very interested thanks to my recent results// Kitty- that's good, I am glad// Crane- I'd like to pick your brain a bit more in future if you would be interested// Kitty- me? uh yeah sure, if you wanna go ahead and ask reception to give you my email and should I have some time away from my job I'd like to // crane- that would be amazing, thanks to your dad's funding and this opportunity I see good things and a hopeful future// Kitty- I really hope so * he smiles at Kitty as she smiles admiring his blue eyes*// crane- you have beautiful eyes// Kitty- oh * she chuckles* thank you, I was about to say the same thing as you// Crane- oh, thank you, always nice to be complimented// Kitty- I was thinking the same * Kitty catches Bruce in the 2nd floor behind the glass staring down at her* I'm gonna have to go but just send me an email and I will get back to you when I'm free// Crane- thank you, I will.look after yourself Miss Pryde// Kitty- you too, Mr Crane * they smile as they both walk away as Kitty walks to her car and sighs and she stares at Wayne enterprises building before putting her head on the wheel before sighing and puts on her seat belt and drives off to Wayne manor and walks into her room cleaning up some things in her room before she hears some crashing behind her, she turns and sees the winter soldier on his knees full of blood*// Kitty- oh my god * she rushes to him and kneels down a hand o his back*// Kitty- it's okay, look at me * she grabs his face and sees in all cut up and full of blood, she moves his hair out of his face upset at the blood*// Kitty- what happened to you *he stands up as she puts a hand behind his back and walks him over to the bed, she lays him down as he is struggling to breathe*// Kitty- who did this?!? * Kitty rushes to grab a first aid kit and places it beside him on the bed, she rushes to get some towels and a bowl of water as kit as as his eyes flicker before he passes out*// Kitty- no * she looks at the mess on his face and she phases off his suit and sees all his bullet wounds and she gaps seeing the blood before she cleans up his wounds, phases out the bullets an stitches them up before she puts bandages on him and clears the blood on his face admiring his features and folds his clothes beside him on the bed before she grabs a throw at the bottom of the bed and places it over him before putting the bloody towels into a basket and washes her hands in the bathroom before going downstairs and putting a load into wash. Kitty walks to the kitchen and makes a sandwich before grabbing a drink and some snacks along with pain killers and walks upstairs placing them on the bedside table. she approaches him and checks his pulse before counting it and the soldier snaps awake and grabs her wrist as she jumps gasping, she looks at him nervous as he looks around before letting her hand go*// Kitty- you're okay, I stitched the gun shots and cleared you up * he looks around confused* you're okay, I swear it. I won't let anyone get to you I promise * he sits up clutching his side*// Kitty- do you need help?* he glares at her before she hands him the box of medication and a bottle of water, he glares at her*// Kitty- I swear it hasn't been touched, check it *  she hands them to him as he inspects the tablets then opens the water and hands it to her*// Soldier- drink * kitty takes a sip of the water and hands it back to him as he takes a drink before knocking back a hand full of pain killers*// Kitty- don't take that many, that can be dangerous * he chugs the water glaring at her as she sighs*// Kitty- I made you a sandwich and I got you some other snacks to eat * she points*  you need me to taste for you those too * she looks at him as he nods before she grabs the sandwich huffing and takes a bite out of it* satisfied? * he looks down as she slides the sandwich along the bed and walks to her desk putting stuff away as she sees the soldier eat the sandwich* // Kitty- if you don't like it, I'll make you something else. you'll just have to stay hidden so nobody knows that I have an assassin in my house * she sees that he has goosebumps*// Kitty- are you cold? why don't you have a shower and warm yourself up. I'll put on new bandages that aren't soaked in blood and you can just let down your guard for a little while * he glares at Kitty* you don't have too, it was just to make you more comfortable... so what happened * he just looks at Kitty as he eats his sandwich not taking his eyes off her*// Kitty- if I was gonna tell anyone you were here I would of done it when you blacked out. you gave me a warning and you went out of your way for me, I'm gonna do the same for you. we're the same... you're always welcome here.... you can stay here... with me// soldier- no* Kitty looks away disappointed and there is a long pause*// Kitty- I'm going away tomorrow, I'm not sure how long for... I have a dangerous mission and I don't know what's gonna happen  but you can lay low here awhile so I know you are safe// Soldier- are you stupid?// kitty- sometimes yeah... you saved my life and I know you would not have come here unless you trusted me// Soldier- you are easy to manipulate into helping and you always have to be the hero. stop trying to make friends, I told you this the first time we met * kitty looks at him with sad eyes then looks down*// Kitty- I'd still help you. you don't have to tell me who did it or what happened but that doesn't mean I won't help you // Soldier- then you're more stupid than you look doll * she looks aside at him before he stands up putting on his clothes and she steps closer to him *// Kitty- you can't leave in this state * he ignores her putting on his clothes * please, stay for awhile. please? or at least a few hours... please * he is checking his guns and weapons as she sighs*//  soldier- didn't I tell you the next time you see me that it wouldn't be me and I would kill you... so why help me... I could have been sent here to earn your trust and kill you * he towers over Kitty as she sits on the bed looking up at him*// Kitty- so do it * he looks down at her confused* kill me, or do what you want then * she stands up and get's in his face* go on... do you even know my name?// soldier- of course I do // Kitty- what's my name?// Soldier- Katherine Louise Pryde * she pauses* but you go by Kitty, i know a lot about you// Kitty- and I know nothing about you other than you aren't doing this by free will... you're the winter soldier * he looks down at her no emotion* and you won't leave me help you// Soldier- I don't need help * she looks at him and looks down before he makes his way to the window*// Kitty- look after yourself 8 there eyes meet before she turns her back to him annoyed and she hears the window close and she huffs before walking grabbing her bag and throws it over her shoulder before walking to her car and driving to the x-mansion and she parks her car walks into the mansion and hears the kids all playing outside as she walks out the front and sits on the steps watching the kids playing out on the grass and the team all talking and watching the kids, she soaks up the minutes of joy and peace as Logan sits down beside her and she looks at him smiling*// Logan- how did it go * she is a bit sad*// Kitty- yeah fine// Logan- I'm assuming it didn't go very good * she looks at him before looking away and and sighing*// Kitty- no, he hasn't been right with me since the scare gas// Logan- there is no need to behave that way towards you// Kitty- I don't know... do you think he resents me for what happened??// Logan- no chance, he was probably thrown off by the fact you brought him up and it's a touchy subject.... he said himself it is his greatest failure * Kitty looks at him* you know it's gonna haunt your family until the end of time// Kitty- yeah, I know. I think I just brought the trauma back up// Logan- scars fade Kit... it's just a long process * she wraps her arms around his arm and leans into him sighing as they watch all the mutants playing and talking*// Logan- alright I got to sort out some stuff, see you later// Kitty- okay, see ya * she watches him walk away and she looks at Alex's memorial before returning to her room and going on her laptop, she has her headphones on as she falls asleep exhausted and stressed, she wakes up closing her laptop besie her and turning over she pulls the covers over her and falls back asleep. when she finally wakes up she lays in bed for a long time trying to convince herself it won't be like the last mission before getting up and brushing her hair and then puts on an outfit as the door knocks and she opens it in walks Dick and Tim with mcdonalds breakfast as he places  it down on the counter *// Dick- you think we not gonna come support our sister // Kitty- the best kinda support * she hugs them both as they walk in and eat breakfast at the table talking and laughing before they both leave and Kitty gets up to brush her teeth and looks in the mirror as her phone rings, she answers it*/ Alfred- Miss Kitty// Kitty- hey, what is it? Timmy and Dick just left // Alfred- yes, yes all fine here.  I saw your stuff was in the wash and some blood has stained, are you hurt Miss Kitty?// Kitty- oh no it was an old injury I'm okay// Alfred- very well, I shall get the stains out and put them on your bed fresh for when you're back. Master Bruce has just informed me that you are leaving on a mission// Kitty- yeah, not sure how long I am going away for// Alfred- as usual Master Bruce wasn't very talkative over the matter but I just want to ring you and make sure that you will be safe and that we are all awaiting your return already. you give them hell miss Kitty and you come home as soon as you can// Kitty- thank you, I'll try. wish Bruce was more concerned // Alfred- he is Miss Kitty, he will never show it. easier if he doesn't think about you leaving, he always get's the same when you leave, a ball of anxiety. I hope you pair do make up soon, I am getting too old for the drama// Kitty- hey, this is on him. he is so controling and set in his ways// Alfred- he has to be, that is the only way he can survive// Kitty- well we are all trying to survive, he is not the only one // Alfred- okay, you call us ad let us know how it's going// Kitty- probably won't be for awhile// Alfred- be safe Miss Kitty// Kitty- look after everyone for me// Alfred- I will * Kitty hangs up the call sighs as she get's up from the mirror and and walks to the walks to the meeting room as more x-men walk in. the pr is giving a pep talk as everyone changes and packs before making their way to the jet. a few x-men and students all gather and wave the team off as one by one they board the jet and take off*// Logan- alright, all of you listen up. we're heading to nevada. where we are going US militrey and shied have all pulled out to give us the space to work. when we get there we will need to set up a base camp, we have an old army base that we have been approved to use and we will set up our camp and gather our bearings, now there is only 5 of us, we are not sure what we are in for. Furry suggested it could be around 3 weeks but I am aiming for 1// Erik- think highly of yourself Wolverine// Logan- I think highly of my team. all your personal belonging are at home and that is where they stay. our mission is to take down this mastermold and stop the supply of sentinels... we have a 5 and a half hour flight ahead of us * everyone sighs as Logan and Scott whisper to one another then walk away*//Warren- we gotta look out for Scott, he is still in a state// Erik- then he should not have come// Kitty- it's his brother, he was coming either way// Erik- he is somewhat of a liability// Kitty- aren't you? I mean you are our enemy * he looks at Kitty annoyed* stop making useless comments// Erik- Scott isn't the only liability one this team* he glares at Kitty*// Kitty- I ain't no liability// Piotr- okay, let us take a breathe, we are a team and we need to know we can have one another's backs// Erik- and we do, lucky that there is a small team// Warren- making useless comments again Magneto * Warren smiles*// Erik- no more than you * Erik smirks as Warren rolls his eyes *// Piotr- this is gonna be a long 3 weeks// Warren- you heard Logan, aim for 1-2// Erik- ain't gonna happen * Kitty looks aside annoyed*

* hours later the team land outside a bunker and all load their guns as they walk out and scout the area around as Kitty and Piotr walk into the bunk beds and Kitty throws her bag on one of the bottom bunks*// Piotr- I hope I do not break the bunks* Kitty smiles*// Kitty- if we hear a bang we know it's your bed// Scott- time to get back out there// Logan- partner up, we'll head out on in the trucks, come grab the keys. meet back here at dark, Pryde let's go// Warren- ouch Logan, I was gonna say team up, c'mon Erik * the team walk to get some keys off Logan before Kitty and Logan walk to a truck as Kitty get's in and Logan drives them around the desert before it starts to get dark*// Logan- I think we better turn back// Kitty- yeah, we ain't seen nothing but  sand// Logan-*radio* d you guys see anything// Scott-no, do we keep looking// Logan- no, we turn back// Warren- copy that * the team drive back to the bunker where they all sit around a table discussing where to go tomorrow and discussing a perimeter check before they eat, Kitty walks to her bed and sits down on it thinking about Alex *// Logan- are you okay?// Kitty-hmm? oh.. yeah I'm okay// Logan- you were deep in thought, more than usual// Kitty- I'm thinking about Alex *Logan looks down before sighing and sitting down on the bed*// Logan- what are you thinking// Kitty- that I want to kill everyone and watch them all burn// Logan- we'll make sure we burn mastermold to the ground... that's a promise * Logan's hands are interlocked as he looks down to the floor and Kitty reaches for his hand and he looks at her, his eyes sad, she touches his face as he closes his eyes and gives a small smile before she leans in and they kiss, Warren is infront of them smiling*// Logan- can I help you Angel? Warren- it's about damn time * Kitty looks away blushing as Warren puts his hands in his pocket and walks away smirking* Kitty- well, that was awkward * Logan smirks leaning in to kiss her again as she kisses him back*// Logan- I'm gonna take this patrol, I'll see you in the morning okay? try and get some sleep * he kisses her head as she watches him leave, not wanting him to go, she lays back on the bed staring at the bunk above her listening to everyone settle for bed and the lights go out and she pulls her covers over her and falls asleep*

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