depths of despair

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* on the jet everyone is asleep as Kitty is checking Bishops obs while he is asleep in a med bed, she turns to write stuff down on a clipboard before checking the M on bishops face that was tattooed over his eye, she sighs before checking on Erik's obs then Kurt's as she leaves the room and Logan walks to sit down in a seat huffing *// Logan- how are they?// Kitty- all good yeah// Logan- you okay baby?// Kitty- yeah * she sits next too him and looks aside sighing* Scott needs us to help him through this time. we'll drop these people off to shield and we need to make sure they're all safe and reunited with their families and we'll get to the hospital and find out what's going on with Alex * she lays back on the seat talking before she falls asleep, Kitty hears a child cry as she snaps awake as Logan get's up and grabs the child lifting her up to cradle her, talking to her as Kitty sits up watching as the little girl clings onto Logan, he sits next to Kitty with the child in his arms as Kitty strokes her hair as the girl falls asleep in logan's arms and he smiles looking down at her then at Kitty who is gazing at Logan so in love*// Logan- what?// Kitty- nothing * she lays back down smiling to herself *

* after some time they are taken to a shield hospital as Logan ans Kitty stay with the kids talking to agents and waiting for the families, after a few hours the families of the little kids come in and are ecstatic that the little girls are safe, Kitty is blanking  out all of this as Nick makes an entrance and Kitty and Logan salute*// Nick- update on the situation// Logan- nice of you to finally join us Fury * he looks at Logan annoyed*// Nick- I asked for an update not a comment on my arrival//Logan- hostages all receiving treatment, 2 kids reunited with their families, Bishop in the icu. we are outnumbered and team is at risk// Nick- I'll arrange for men to be placed around Xaviers school// Kitty- they're making more sentinels than we can fight, we need to find this master mold factory and shut it down asap// Logan- find them and track it * he grabs Kitty's arm* c'mon // Nick- where are you going// Logan- to say goodbye to our friend * they both walk away and get in the elevator as Logan leans against the wall visibly stressed and their eyes meet as the doors to the elevator open and they walk out to armed shield agents pointing the gun at a door and everyone shouting and looking confused *// Logan- what the hell is going on here*// Storm- Scott has locked himself in the room, he has been in there for a full 24 hours, no one can get through to him. he has shot at us and he locked and barricaded the door*// Logan- damn it * he walks up to the door shoving agents* STAND DOWN.... summers open the door.. c'mon just let me in// Scott- if anyone comes through that door I will kill you// Logan- that ain't gonna happen, just open the damn door and tell me what's going on// Scott- what's going on is my brother is in a coma and the doctors want to tun off his life support and watch him die// Logan- he's gonna die if you refuse doctors help, he needs to be seen by doctors// Jean- open the fucking door scott, we all want a chance to say goodbye to him// Hank- Scott please just unlock the door, it doesn't have to end like this// Scott- it doesn't have to end at all// Agent- he's been like this way for 24 hours and we've had no response, agent Pryde can you get in there and subdue him// Kitty- you're outta your goddamn mind if you think I'm gonna do that to my friend// Logan- Scott listen your brother needs meds to stay alive, we all want a chance to  say our goodbyes too. don't do this man // Scott- HE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT// Doctor- either way if he is not seen he will die, he has gone too long without being checked//  Rogue- the Pr is on his way * Kitty is looking at Rogue's bandage still over her throat*// Kitty- I'll go in and talk to him// Logan- no chance, you're as emotional over the situation as he is// Kitty- what are we gonna do wait around until Alex dies// Jean- we wait until Scott is ready// Angel- he's never gonna be ready, none of us are gonna be ready to lose our friend so give him time// * everyone sits around as the Pr enter he room trying to talk some sense into him but there is no use, hours pass as everyone leaves one by one*// Logan- I'll stay here// Angel- I will too// Kitty- and me * everyone agrees as night falls and the boys both fall asleep on the chairs as Kitty falls asleep too before jumping awake by a nightmare and hearing sobs come from Alex's room as she gets up rubbing her eyes and she stands at the door before phasing into the room and seeing scott in the corner on the floor hugging his knees*// Scott- GET OUT// Kitty- wait wait * she puts her hands up* I promise I'm not here to fight you I promise, I don't want to let him go either. I don't want to give up on him please * he looks at her as tears slip from under his glasses*// KItty- Scott * she leans by him and wraps her arms around him as he sobs into her, his wails hurting Kitty's heart as tears pour from her eyes too, Scott cry's into her shoulder as he pulls away to turn away and cry as Kitty sits beside him for a long time neither of them speak*// Scott- I lost everyone// Kitty- not everyone, theres a lot of people been here waiting for you and we're not going away*// Scott- my brother is all I have left// Kitty- not true and you know he would blast you for saying that. we're your family we are Alex's family, that ain't gonna change// Scott- I don't want my brother to die// Kitty- I don't either... sometimes saying goodbye is the right thing to do than dragging out the suffering// Scott- I can't Kit that's my brother// Kitty- you do it at your own pace. if you want to turn off the machines we will be here if you are not ready then the least we can do is do treatment the right way// Scott- doctor said there ain't no use he's brain dead, there is no more treatment * he looks down choking back sobs* I don't wan to let go // Kitty- I know. death is horrible.. it's always lurking and fucking scary. I love Alex, he'll always hold a place in our hearts and our team. I didn't think I would make any friends but Iv'e made some of the best and Alex he was one of the greatest friends I had the pleasure to meet, you hear that pretty boy * they look to Alex* I love you * Scott slowly stands up and walks to Alex*// Kitty- take all the time you need, the world keeps turning while your heart is breaking. I'll stay right with you, we all will. that's our boy right there, our soldier laying there * Scott is breaking down as he lays down on Alex*// Scott- I can't let him go// Kitty- you won't be letting him go, I'm sorry that this is in your hands and I'm sorry it has come to this. these are the hardest moments. let's start by letting the  doctors  and nurses check him over and then we can see the next step. I ain't gonna let them take this decision away from you// Scott- I can't let him go Kitty no, please// Kitty- It's your choice // Scott- Promise me kit... PROMISE ME// * Kitty grabs his face* // Kitty- Scott you know we have to let him go peaceful,  this will be your decision when you're ready. open the door let the doctors see him and we will gather everyone  * he nods as Kitty opens the door as Logan is on the other side annoyed*// Logan- the fuck are you playing at Pryde// Kitty- that's his brother, give him time and he will turn off the machines. let him come to terms with it. the doors open, there ain't no rush to to end it// Logan- what if this makes it worse?// Scott- call the team in * Kitty looks at Logan with dead eyes as she pushes past him*// Kitty- I'll walk to the mansion to join the others and we'll be back around 8am// Logan- walk back, it's a 2 hour walk and it's raining * she walks away and out into the rain early hours as she begins her walk back feeling guilt, grief, sadness and all bouts of emotions soaking from the rain as she walks all the way back to the mansion and phases in and walks upstairs leaving dripping water behind her as she phases into her room and takes off her clothes as she jumps in the shower before cleaning herself up and putting on a tracksuit before clipping up her hair as she walks to the Pr's room and knocks it as there is no answer she walks to the office and knocks as the door opens*// Pr- Kitty, what are you doing up so early// Kitty- get everyone at the hospital at 8, time to say goodbye * she walks away*// pr- wait, how did you manage to make him change his mind// Kitty- I didn't, he needed someone who understood. I'll meet you at the hospital// pr- where are you going// Kitty- somewhere I have to be, there are shield agents all around so the kids will be safe * she walks away to her car and get's in it before blasting music and speeding away as she speeds past shield agents onto a patch of land for sale right between the x mansion and Wayne manor as she slams the breaks on her car and get's out as the sun is starting to rise, she calls the number on the sign and it goes to voicemail*// Kitty- Hi, My name is Kitty Pryde and I was interested in the land you have for sale between Gotham and the Xaviers school for gifted youngsters. I'd be happy if you could return my call and name a price. I'd be happy to pay above the asking price * she put's her phone in her hoodie as she admires the land smiling to herself as she get's back into the car and speeds away to the cemetery before driving to her parents graves side by side and she stands at the grave until her phone rings and she answers it*// Kitty- yeah// Logan- where are you// Kitty- I'm on my way, so are the team// Logan- you can't just walk out when it's raining real bad, now where are you?// Kitty- back off and stop telling me what to fucking do!!! you are my boss on mission that is all, do not question me outside of that// Logan- I do it because I want to know you are safe// Kitty- stop * she hangs up and declines his call as he calls her again before walking back to her car annoyed and drives off to the hospital, she walks into the entrance and walks to the elevator and getting out on Alex's floor and sees a few of the others outside the room all visibly upset*// Jean- Kitty * she walks to her and they hug* I don't know what you've done but thank you*// Kitty- where is Scott?// Jean- talking to the doctor, Colossus is waiting for the go ahead to go in// Kitty- how is Scott this morning// Jean-he's doing his best to stay strong, I think he has come to terms with it * Kitty nods as she takes a seat and they wait* 

* one by one the team say goodbye and leave and Kitty walks in to see Alex's body as the door behind her is closed, she walks up to Alex and touches his face as tears roll down her cheeks*// Kitty- how the hell do you say goodbye huh? this is not supposed to be this way... your brother is gonna need you to keep an eye on him, he needs you to be around anyway you can so if you come back as a ghost make sure you show him who's boss * she sighs annoyed at her small talk* I don't know what to say Al... I'm half expecting you to wake up and ask to go to the bar. I am never gonna forget what you did for me while I was at my lowest on that island, you saved me in a lot of different ways you know that. couldn't have done it without your support.  you know they say that the best people go... that in the gardens you pick the best flowers and death isn't the end but that isn't the issue, the issue is never being able to talk when you need it or hug someone or even just be there through all the good times or the bad times, we seem to always have bad times. I don't want to say goodbye because that will mean it's real and you'll be gone soon. I promise I'll look out for them all and do my best for Scott, damn knows he needs it. I promise I'll kill him, I swear that. master mold will burn down don't you worry about that * she looks down at his face* for now you just need to rest and make your peace okay, I'll see you at the end of the line one day, hopefully sooner than later, you just wait for me okay * she leans down and kisses his forehead before laying her head on his chest and listening to him breathe before the door opens and she wipes her tears and looks at a doctor as Kitty gives Alex's hand a last squeeze before walking out to see Jean, Scott, angel, Hank, Pr, Logan, Rogue, Storm, colossus, Kurt, Erik and Bobby waiting*// Scott- can you stay * she looks at him holding back tears and nods before sitting down on a seat as more people say goodbye and the doctor pulls Scott and Jean aside as he nods*// Scott- It's time, you're welcome to stay here x-men * Jean and Scott hold one another as they all stand in the window and watch as the doctors take the tubes off of Alex, Kitty's hands are shaking but her face stays strong as the Pr holds Storms hand, she grabs Logans, Logan grabs Kitty's and she holds Erik's and everyone holds another persons hands as they sit their for what seems like forever until the doctor nods to Scott and he throws himself over Alex's body as Storm breaks down crying and Angel pulls her into a hug trying to console her. Logan walks away slamming the door and Kitty has tears run down her face as Piotr puts an arm around her and she leans into him*// Pr-  I am so sorry, I have failed you * he drives off as *// Storm- I am going back to the house, Rogue you need a lift?// Rogue- yeah * she wipes her tears as she walks out of the room*// Angel- I think we'll need to go find Logan// Erik- there's only one place a man that's just lost someone goes// Angel- the princess bar, anyone coming// Hank- I will join you * they walk out talking as Jean and Scott walk out and walk right past everyone in silence as a doctor covers Alex's body with a sheet*// Erik- he needs time * Erik holds his side as he stumbles away, one by one the team leaves as Kitty is watching Alex's body covered in a sheet through the window as she leans her hands on the window frame before turning away and walking out the door with tears in her eyes and rushes to her car and sits in the  drivers seat crying and hits the steering wheel in anger yelling before and she drives to the mansion and walks in as Alfred is in the kitchen*// Alfred- Miss Kitty, are you okay * Bruce walks in with a newspaper and a coffee*// Kitty- Alex  summers is dead * there is a pause as Kitty walks away and walks up the stairs to her room closing and locking the door before getting out her laptop and trying to find out what master mold is, after some time she lays in bed with her earphones as tears run down her face and she falls asleep*

* after a few hours Kitty jumps awake, her earphones still in her ears playing music as she puts them aside before laying in bed and reliving the image of Alex's final moments a she wipes her eyes and walks to the bathroom to clean herself up, she brushes her teeth staring at her red eyes in the mirror, she fixes her hair and washes her face before putting on some spray and putting her shoes back on and checks her phone and walks to the bat cave to do some training. she puts her phone down and takes off her hoodie before proceeding to the punch bag and hitting it with no gloves as hard as she can, sweat drips off her forehead as she keeps punching and punching before she hears footsteps*// Bruce- I'm sorry Kit * he walks towards her hands in his pockets* I liked Alex a lot.... what happened/// Kitty- he was in an induced coma after the island and he went brain dead... Scott turned off the life support// Bruce- where is Scott now, I'll send my condolences// Kitty- at the mansion I assume// Bruce- Bishop okay?// Kitty- in hospital but he will be okay// Bruce- is there anything I can do?// Kitty- no * she looks at him holding back her anger*// Bruce- do you need time off// Kitty- no! I'll do a solo patrol tonight, you can stay on coms. I need the breathing space // Bruce- okay * she keeps hitting the bag as Bruce takes off his suit coat and walks to grab the gloves as Kitty looks at him annoyed, he hands them to her as she silently puts them on as he holds the punching bag*// Bruce- again * she hits the bag while Bruce stays silent*

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