Confessions of survival

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*kitty comes too on a bed,  someone wiping her forehead she grabs their arm until her eye adjusts and she sees the Pr looking at her upset she lets him go*// Pr- rest easy child, you've had a bone marrow procedure and you have a concussion * there are tears running down her face as the Pr wipes them away and she goes back to sleep. For 4 hours she is in and out of sleep at the Pr watches over her. He try's to lift her head up to drink some water she pulls away tired and Her heads put back on the pillow as she goes back to sleep*

* kittys eyes open to the Pr blocking her as 2 men barge past him and grab her she takes both of them out as they fade into nothing and a swarm of multiple men come in and drag her out kicking and screaming as she's strapped into the machine again screaming as the whole building echoes with screams. Sinister examine her eyes with a light and asks her questions to which she glares at him as she's injected with 2 different needles and put through the process again screaming in tears and aching, sinister asks the questions she stays silent so he repeats the process another 3 times until her eyes are barley open he puts his finger under her chin and she looks up at him shaking*\\ Sinister- it had only been 3 days, most subjects break down and beg for death...  *examines her leg at the cuts then takes a knife from the table looks at it amused then looks at her and slowly pushes the knife into her side as she is looking him in the eye not daring to breathe out of fear*// sinister- and that is how you're supposed to look at a genetic genius * she's frozen out of fear as he pushes the blade in and she gasps and yells in pain and shock, sinister waves his hand and her restrains come off and he grabs her by her throat lifts her and squeezes her throat*// sinister- your body is not a perfect match for my body, wasting time preparing you, you're a weak child! Inferior body, a complicated mind with immense power *she is going blue and he throws her aside and she smacks on the floor out cold as sinister is screaming insults at her*

*her eyes slowly open as she winces and yelps as she try's to move and moans through gritted teeth as sinister is looking down at her in disgust as 2 of the men grab her up and she groaning in pain and spots the table with the knife on and sinister turns his back and leaves the room and she pretends to collapse as they drag her she bites the one on her right as hard as she can and he lets go she uses her hand to dig the other man's eyes until he stumbles back then she runs at the man she bit fighting with him and then throws him into the tray of tools and then takes the knife and stabs them both until they disappear and she zips down her suit and tucks the knife in her bra by her side and then zips the suit back up and walks away and gets to her knees as multiple man makes 4 of himself and they start hitting her and kicking her as she try's to hide her side the knife is on and she lets them as they drag her up and drag her to the cell and throw her in and she stands looking at the Pr full of blood he's in shock as she gives a small smirk and turns her back pulls out the knife and then zips her suit up, he looks at her proud as she puts her finger to her lips and starts sawing at the collar as hard as she can as the alarms go off the Pr looks shocked as kitty is in a fluster going as fast as she can until the collar is sparking and she pulls it off panting as the door opens and she blasts a group of men away with her powers and pushes the Pr in his wheelchair as they make their way to the main room with the computers*// Pr- do not give him anymore reason to come after you, some battles you need to pick// Sinister- I will kill everyone you love if you so much as touch my research// Pr- people have died and if you destroy that many more will too, all we want is too leave// Sinister- when you EARN IT * blasts them and kitty pushes back on his power yelling getting angry thinking of Logan and seeing his heart ripped out and she screams as loud as she can, tears steaming down her face and his skin peels away gasping for air and she stops as sinister falls to his knees and then falls face first on the floor as her ears are ringing, tears down her face her head sweaty streaked in blood*\\ Kitty- you can't kill anyone else I love *tears stream down her face she's shaking and the pr is crying looking at her as she turns her back and walks away, the Pr follows as they phase through a wall and she looks up at the sunlights and hears the birds she closes her eyes and phases the collar off the Pr*\\ Pr- he can heal, I have faith// Kitty- he can heal not immortal, his heart was ripped from his chest * her voice breaks as she walks and he follows in his wheelchair, they get to a clearing by a dirt road and Kitty is holding her side as she spots a jet that gets closer and lands*// kitty- do you know them?// Pr- yes, it's Magneto *kitty sighs her eyes struggling to stay open as the Jet lands and magneto walks out*\\ Erik- Charles, are you alright?\\ Pr- no, what Erik am I talking to?// Erik- your old friend, what happened Charles?// Pr- sinister * Erik looks at Charles then Kitty*// Erik- come with us, you have my word neither of you will be harmed. I know what it's like to escape that sociopath * kitty looks at the Pr and Erik takes off his helmet and the Pr looks in his head and then nods and follows Erik as Kitty stays close to the pr as she glares at Averlanche, pyro and quicksilver and Erik gestures to a seat and Kitty sits in it while not taking her eyes off Erik*// Pr- I have looked into his mind he is no risk// Kitty- clearly, are you forgetting that he tried to kill me// Erik- I wouldn't have done it *glares at him across from her* you've grown on me// Pr- Where are we?// Erik- about 2 hours genosha we will stay there in my palace\\ Pr- you are back to running the place?// Erik- mostly, sometimes it's my daughter Wanda *Kitty is feeling worse but doesn't take her eyes off Erik who's talking to the Pr and he looks at Kitty concern on his face*// Erik- I have training I can fix you up// Kitty- no thank you!// Erik- I am trying to help// Kitty- help? Oh you want to help??!?!// Pr- you are in no fit state to reject help * touches her shoulder*// Kitty- you really think you can trust him?? Huh??// Pr- Kitty I know that what you went though was hard and I know facing Erik after what happened-\\ Kitty- you don't know what happened * he meets her gaze a straight face as she stands * he branded me with his mark. you are not coming near me * the Pr looks down in disappointment then at Erik in disgust*// Pr- I think it's best if you take us home// Erik- genosha is 2 hours away you can get rested and I'll contact Wolverine * kitty's face drops and tears fill her eyes*// Erik- what is it?// Pr- Wolverine he died *tears in his eyes* in front of us// Erik- no what? No surely not * confused and hurt he turns away as Kitty walks to the hanger or the ship and sits on the floor staring into space*

* she keeps closing her eyes falling asleep but jumping awake Erik walks in front of her and she looks up at him exhausted and he sits next to her*\\ Erik- I regret hurting you * she looks aside at him then faces forward her eyes red and filled with tears*// Erik- when you want to change the world for the better you lose track of why you're doing it and forget what side you're on, the lines get blurred when you're running out of options. I was just desperate to show the  world that we are powerful, that we shouldn't hide because of who we are and what we can do// Kitty- I don't understand what it's like because I haven't been a mutant long but I get overstepping the mark to do what you think is right and I understand what it's like to hide in the shadows to be safe but what you did I can't forgive that and I'm never going too. You crossed a line not as an enemy but in general, you have been nothing but creepy and horrid towards me and I'm not gonna sit here and listen to your bull Shit excuses I'm done with trying to understand villains, I'm done trying to sympathize with people with trauma who want to see the worlds burn and I am done with men who need power. You don't like humans because there is nothing human left about you\\ Erik- maybe you're right, but I have regret about the way I treated you * sits in silence as the plane lands*// Erik- let's go * looks at her* Kitty? * moves hair out of her face and she is unconscious and pale* no no no CHARLES HURRY * picks her up and the Pr follows as he carry's her to a quiet room as alarms ring off and 4 doctors follow behind as the Pr fills them in on what's going on. She is cut out of her suit and a needles going into  her hand as well as monitors and a doctor begins to work on her wound*// doctor- I'm gonna need you to stand outside now both of you// Erik- Charles come on we need to contact your team// Pr- is she going to be okay?// Doctor- the next few hours are critical but if she's lasted this long we have  fighter\\ Pr- she's too weak, you didn't see what he put her through Erik// Erik- let's contact your team, you will need the support * hand on his shoulder and leads him away*

* a few hours later she awakes to Erik falling asleep in the chair beside her and the Pr asleep in his wheelchair*// Erik- finally awake, thought we lost you there// Kitty- sorry to disappoint// Pr- I couldn't reach anyone but I left coordinates for pick up// Kitty- and Logan?// Pr- no word, I'm sorry// Erik- you'll want to shower and get dressed * gives her a robe as she sits and uses it to cover her chest*// Pr- we will wait outside *they walk outside as doctors take out her needles she stands up and puts dressing gown on and walks outside to Erik and the Pr in a heated exchange of whispers * she looks at them*// Erik- let me help you * she flinches and glares at him scared and angry* I'm just trying to help you//  Pr- come on now it's time to rest *Erik walks them to room beside one another and Kitty jumps in the bath and gets out drying her hair with a towel, a dress is laid out on the bed for her and Erik is stood by the door she jumps*\\ Erik- I did not mean to scare you, dinner is served soon I thought you'd like to dress accordingly * she glares at him* please you need to eat I'm trying to make amends// Kitty- leave, please// Erik- right, I'm sorry * he leaves as she puts on pj's and stays in bed the door knocks she opens it and Erik is stood outside in a suit, she looks him up and down*\\ Erik- are you ready for dinner?// Kitty- I've been held hostage and tortured and you think I'm gonna dress up in a tight sparkly dress you picked out and have dinner with you??? After you branded me??? No leave me alone *slams door in his face and gets into bed crying until the door knocks and Erik walks in with a paper bag and a tray of food, she's upset on the bed watching as he gives her the bag, puts the tray down and walks away looking at her then closes the door. She sees it's a plate of pasta and opens the bag to see chocolate and sweets and snacks, she eats them watching tv until she falls asleep*

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