This is it! part 2

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* a few of the soldiers retreat and Kitty watches as the wounded struggle to get up and rush off as Kitty, Hank, Kurt, Bobby and Piotr exchange confused looks as the soldiers rush off and stumble away*// Bobby- about damn time then fucking left// Hank- okay team we stay here and we do a perimeter check and * he looks around as he falls silent*// Piotr- what is it? * Kitty listens as she hears jets*// Kitty- MOVE NOW * they take off running to the palace*// Piotr- they are going for the palace * Kitty turns around just as bombs are falling around them and she uses her powers to hit 4 jets out of the sky as the bombs hit the floor around them, the team and the others are hit back with the force and all that can be heard is the flames and aftermath of the explosion*

* Kitty is shaken awake by an agent as she opens her eyes looking at the agent who is covered in blood and mud as she pushes herself to stand up*// agent- take it easy * the agent holds out a hand as she takes it and is pulled up by the agent as she groans holding her arm*// Kitty- is anyone hurt// agent- I'm not sure * she looks around to see fire and smoke covering her view as a few agents stumble to her, she walks around gathering her thoughts as she sees Piotr is human form*// Kitty- Piotr * she sees her is out cold* PIOTR * she rushes to him and kneels down beside him shaking him as she holds his head in her hands and sees that his head is pouring out with blood and her heart sinks*// Kitty- HELP I NEED HELP OVER HERE!!! * Kurt stumbles over coughing, in the same shape as everyone full of blood, soot and mud and drops beside Kitty*// Kurt- let me take him back * he is coughing but grabs onto Piotr and they both teleport away before teleporting back a minute later still coughing as he doubles over and Kitty grabs onto him*// Kitty- you need to be seen Kurt// Kurt- no I need to do my part, I can still help// Kitty- you can after you go get yourself seen please * he is still coughing hunched over* Kurt please// Kurt- okay let me take a few people back with me// Kitty- over here if you need to see a medic * a couple people grab onto Kurt as the teleport away and she sees Hank walking to her as she runs to him*// Hank- thank god you are okay// Kitty- and you, where is the others// Hank- I'm not sure// Kitty- piotr and Kurt have gone to get help they're in bad shape// *Bobby walks to them limping*// Kitty- thank god you're okay// Bobby- walk it off// Kitty- you're damn right// Hank-they we're targeting the palace with bombs// Kitty- all the more reason we need to evacuate these people and the palace// Bobby- we can't give up the palace// Kitty- it will be our advantage if we stay and fight// Bobby- I guess you are right as usual Princess, your head is bleeding// Kitty- yours too// Hank- those jet's did a lot of damage * they look around at the agents// Kitty- LETS MAKE OUR WAY BACK * Hank puts 2 mutants on his shoulders as they make their way back and trucks drive too them as the remaining mutants and agents get in the trucks and are driven back, Kitty's head is spinning as they drive back * she wipes the blood that is running down her head as the drive back to the palace and people help them out as Kitty, Bobby and Hank make their way to the infirmary and see Rogue sleeping on the bed and the doctors working on Piotr and Kurt as Kitty freezes*// Hank- get that leg checked out Bobby * a doctor helps him walk to a bed as the curtain closes*// Nurse- let me help you Mr mccoy *// Hank- thank you so much * he follows the nurse to the bay and a curtain is pulled around him too*// Doctor- let me have a look at that cut on your head// Kitty- no thank you, somebody else could use your help we have a lot of injuries piling up// doctor- okay, just make sure you are seen by someone soon * the doctor leaves as she stands by Rogues bed and talks to the doctor then asks the doctor about Piotr before standing in the hallway and sit's on a chair in a daze*// wanda- how are they// Kitty- fine, where is your father// wanda- checking the palace perimeter// Kitty- and the sentinels?// Wanda- holding off since the attempted bombings// Kitty- you're welcome for that // wanda- yes thank you for everything* Kitty looks away* you knew surrendering was out of the question ans so was a ceasefire. if you are scared then put someone else incharge// Wanda- one thing I am not is scared// Kitty- when these ships come in you are getting on one and leaving this island// Wanda- I will not leave my people behind// Kitty- us x-men or what is left of us x-men will stay behind. you are not fit to make decisions during this war.... I'd advise you lead your people to safe houses and you stay there// Wanda- I am the queen// Kitty- queen of what? the rubble? queen of the dead? because you have not made one smart move since we got here and all the x-men agree// Bobby- time for you to leave and let us do our job// Wanda- and you all feel that way// Kitty- you have done right by your people but not right in many ways. take the win that we have so many lives saved and work from the safe houses not the warzone// wanda- if that is where I am better suited then I shall get ready to leave with my people * she leaves as Bobby sits by Kitty, his leg is bandaged up*// Kitty- what's the damage?// Bobby- some stitching it will be fine but i'm not gonna be very fast on my feet// Kitty- it's fine you aren't the fastest anyway// Bobby- harsh, I'm injured and you can still crack terrible jokes// Kitty- you're just too easy to make fun of * her expression is blank as she is still in a daze*// Bobby- you handled that very well// Kitty- somebody had to tell her// Bobby- where are Wolverine and the others when you need them// Kitty- not a clue but if they are not back by evacuation then we're gonna have to go find them  * Bobby and Kitty sit in the waiting room for over an hour as Hank walks out and says he is gonna make them some dinner and Bobby and Hank leave for the room as Kitty waits in the hallway for half an hour more before poking her head in and seeing Kurt with an oxygen mask laying in bed and Piotr and Rogue still out of it as she sighs and decides to venture through the palace to see the people waiting to be evacuated as she makes her way to a balcony looking at the fire and smoke and she just stares at it thinking of jason, the hydra soldier and Logan and shaking her head sighing at the thoughts*// Erik- come one Pyde * she turns to see Erik* let's go rest up before the next battle * she just stares at him with a sad expression as he stands beside her and they look at the damage on Gonosha and she hears him sigh* I knew this would happen * she looks at his pained expression and her eyes water and he looks at her ans she throws herself into his chest hugging him tight as she bursts into tears and Erik wraps his arms around her as she breaks down crying*// Erik- it's okay, it's gonna be okay// Kitty- nothing is ever going to be okay again// Erik- now that's not true // Kitty- you and I both know it's the truth * they pull apart, Erik's hands still on Kitty's arms as he opens his mouth but is lost for words*// * people rush past as Kitty and Erik look around as a fleet of sentinels start approaching*// Kitty- fuck this * she grabs onto Erik's hand as they both make a run for the doors as Kitty let's his hand go as they get outside and they both sprint with other mutants and agents to the fleet of oncoming sentinels*// agent- anyone wanna take charge * Kitty looks at Erik*// Erik- I want a perimeter around the whole Palace and I want you all to take down anything that is not with us// Kitty- you heard the man, let's go * mutants rush out as the sentinels get closer and Kitty uses her powers and pushes a few sentinels back and then pulls them to the floor with a huge crash and together they take out the fleet one by one*// Kitty- I've been thinking// Erik- a bad thing but go on * they are both blasting sentinels away*// Kitty- we need to find the source of these sentinel labs and actually take them down// Erik- that can be arranged after we deal with this fight// Kitty- it will stop these stupid things from coming// Erik- yeah, it does seem never ending// Kitty- so we agree, after this we end it after we sort this// Erik- why me?// Kitty- because nobody else is as stupid as me// Erik- Logan and Alex// Kitty- I guess, we can do it a team effort// Erik- slow down. I think you and I are becoming too friendly * she smiles at him as he smirks*glad to see you smile * she rolls her eyes shaking her head and sighing*//  * after the fleet are destroyed Kitty and Erik walk back to check on the team as they see Piotr and Rogue still out of it*// Kurt- you both look tired// Kitty- we are * kurt hands them both a bottle of water each as they drink it and Kitty sit's at the bottom of Kurt's bed and Bobby limps over*// Bobby- any news on those pair// Kitty- Piotr has really bad head trauma and Rogue lost a lot of blood and went into shock so she had to be given a sedative// Kurt- and Scott?// Kitty- should be evacuated for better care, he's in an induced coma, Jean is broken over him// Kurt- any news on Wolverine and the others?// Kitty- no * he shakes her head and sighs, after another hour Kitty walks around the palace talking to the agents as they are all called back into the palace to get everyone ready for evacuation*

* in a hall the agents and x-men are all planning on who is staying and who is getting evacuated*// Kitty- this is where we part ways with shield and go it alone so make sure that you all leave asap * the ships start to appear in view as everyone starts to make their way outside to see the flying mutants escorting the ships to them*// Kitty- Alright let's get ready * it takes awhile but the moment the ships land the teams spring into action to fill them as Scott, Piotr and Rogue are taken on beds as well as other injured, Kitty is shouting at others to get on the carriers as the agents also get onto the ships saluting at Kitty as she salutes back, the first ship leaves as Kitty turns to see Wanda and Erik having words as Wanda is in tears and Kitty turns her head to escort more men on*// Kurt- the 2nd is ready to go// Kitty- make sure it is overfilled so we know nobody is left behind*// * she turns to see Alex ushering people into a carrier as her face lights up and she looks around for Logan but does not see him but keeps ushering people into the carriers, in all the chaos she spots Bishop but still no Logan as she feels someone stand really close behind her and she freezes*//Logan- are you okay?* she turns to face him and his expression changes to concern as he sees a mix of blood and mud and he grabs her shoulders examining her*// Kitty- blood is mainly Rogue's// Logan- what? what do you mean?// Kitty- Rogue and Piotr are pretty roughed up they've had to be evacuated. Rogue got stabbed in the neck by a soldier * he steps back and looks annoyed* the rest of us were caught in a bombing// Logan- okay who have we got standing// Kitty- barley standing is Bobby, Hank, Kurt and Erik. I did see Warren and Storm they look exhausted// Logan- and Jean?// Kitty- no help to anyone, where the hell have you been?// Logan- we had a wasted mission trying to get a ceasefire// Kitty- and how did that work out for you?// Logan- we took out a couple of tanks and couple hundred soldiers but chances are we need to get ready for any incoming attacks// Kitty- so let's get these ships out of here// Logan- you know we're gonna be here alone, if you wanna leave you can// Kitty- not a chance// Logan- that's my girl * she meets his gaze taken aback at his smile and she softly smiles before hearing people screaming and arguing so she rushes off to move everyone onto the carrier ships*// Alex- get them ships going we have incoming// Warren- ALRIGHT MOVE IT!! GO!!!! * Kitty is moving as many agents and people into the carriers overfilling them and piling more people in, she looks aside to see jet's flying over as everyone screams as bomb's are seen and Kitty yells as she uses her powers to shield the people fleeing, the bombs hit Kitty's shield and explode as Kitty closes her eyes as the sky lights up with multiple explosions and smoke, Kitty's arms are aching and shaking as she holds the shield up as much as she can as everyone is screaming around them as a minute passes*// Alex- GET OUT OF HERE MOVE MOVE MOVE * Erik and other mutants are trying to move the debris with their powers but Kitty let's the shield drop and some of the debris hit the floor as Kitty is catching her breath but she feels her energy leave her body and she drops on the floor passing out, people are in a panic and step over her body to flee to the carriers, Logan is pushing past people to make his way to her as he kneels down by her shaking her as she groans, Logan leans her up as she is groaning but too weak to open her eyes, Logan is trying to keep her calm as he eyes open*// Logan- there she is * her eyes close as she groans as she puts her hand on her head then looks around confused seeing all the chaos*// Kitty- is everyone okay? * she pulls herself up off the floor looking confused as she sees Erik smashing the jets into one another as they burst into flames, Kitty turns to look at everything going on around her*// Logan- you need a break?// Kitty- no, I'm fine * she is a little groggy but shakes it off and walks around to move people along trying to hide her shame at passing out* 

* after the last of the ships have taken off the remaining of the team all gather and watch the ships leaving and Kitty, Logan, Alex, Banshee, Bishop, Storm, Bobby, Warren, Erik and warpath stand outside the palace watching the ships get further and further away*// Erik- is this all that's left// Bishop- all that's standing and willing to keep fighting// Alex- so what's the next plan// Logan- we pack up what we can, weapons, food, medicine and other things and then we move. we leave the palace to be destroyed and we keep a low profile until we take them out. we show them that we are not giving up// Bishop- seems that way, this is a war and we are a hand full of mutants so we gather our resources and we be smart * Kitty and Logan look at one another*// Logan- alright let's go  * the team turn into the palace to gather up supplies*

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