this is it!

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* Kitty snaps awake to screams and banging, she jumps up right away and put's on her suit as fast as she can before lacing up her boots and rushing out the door to see the team all scrambling to get their suits on she looks at Warren and he opens the door and rushes out it with Kitty, Piotr, Bobbby and a few others behind as a few agents run down the hallway screaming at them to follow as they do without a second thought and Kitty is checking  for her knife and her gun as they make their way past fleeing mutants out to the front of the palace to see mutants fighting off sentinels that have crashed through a part of the tower and it is up in flames*//Warren- get those people out * Kitty sprints towards the burning rubble and she phases into some broken wall coughing and eyes watering from the smoke and dust, she calls out for people as a few coughs and muffled screams can be heard and she goes to the nearest and grabs a man who is running to her head bleeding and she phases him out of the wall*// Kitty- MAKE YOUR WAY TO ME, THIS WAY!!!!! OVER HERE COME ON * people make their way to her as she phases them out of the wreck and after the last person is out she phases around the fire and rubble calling for people and coughing as her heart pounds as she sees a bloodied hand under some rubble and she grabs it and phases the woman out and checks her pule, alive she thinks to herself and allows herself to breathe a quick sigh of relief before grabbing under the woman's shoulders and dragging her to the wall where the other mutants escaped,  she phases herself and the lady out of the wall and turns to see a few people standing around as they rush to help the woman and Kitty phases back into the rubble searching for people before finding a few dead victims and after a long time she clears the area for survivors, with blurry eyes and coughing she phases out of the wall coughing struggling to catch her breath, Alex notices and rushes over and puts a hand on Kitty shoulder*// Alex- take a deep breath it's okay, you're okay deeper breathes and slower it will help * her breathing slows as she nods closing her eyes and exhales*// Alex- there you go// Kitty- thanks I'm okay * she looks at him* your face is bleeding *she rubs away the blood with he hand and smiles*// Alex- does it make me look like a hero// Kitty- you are one * she rolls her eyes as she walks towards some agents*// Kitty- does anyone have a clue what is going on// Agent- no we woke up to sentinels smashing through the palace// Kitty- where is Wanda?// agent 2- last we saw she was talking about waving the white flag?// Kitty- what? no * Kitty looks aside confused* have you got this * the agents nods as her and Alex run off*// Alex- she is not serious, we've come this far and she wants to back down// Kitty- come on we don't even know who you are dealing with * they both sprint into the palace to see sentinels fighting with the x-men*// Alex- HEY GUYS, WHERE IS WANDA// Logan- talking tactics with Bishop in the throne room// Kitty- tactics? we've just been told that she is thinking of waving the white flag// Erik- like hell is she *he storms off in the palace*// Logan- go after him both of you and find out what is going on and we'll follow you once we're done here * she nods as her and Alex sprint after Erik and Kitty grabs his shoulder*// Kitty- wait! do not go in there guns blazing because it could just be talk// Erik- get your hand off of me and keep out of this// Alex- woah woah woah, don't talk to her like that * he steps between Kitty and Erik*// Erik- you don't want to start something// Kitty- okay both of you stop okay! we don't know the facts so we will just go in there together and ask okay no big scene okay? we got enough problems * they are both glaring at one another before Kitty walks between them and walks away and they both follow as they are stopped at the door by mutants and Erik throws the doors open with his powers and storms in*// wanda- father, what is the meaning of this?// Erik- you are not bowing down to these people who have killed our kind! I will not allow it// Wanda- allow it? have you forgotten that you do not rule this island.. I DO!! and I am doing what I can for my people and if that means giving up the fight so that my people will fight then so be it. my people deserve to live// Erik- they will not live, we do not know what or who we are dealing with// Bishop- I have offered to make contact to discuss evacuations// Kitty- do you really think these people are gonna pause a fight to let innocent people escape?// Bishop- yes this is war and this is how we discuss peace talks// Kitty- if this was about peace they would have done the talking before the killing// Bishop- and you know this how?// Kitty- because my job is to deal with these people and they do not want peace they want to wipe us out// Bishop- I have seen many wars where peace talks under-// Alex- what are you not understanding? we are going around in circles okay you can't give up// Wanda- I am just looking for a temporary ceasefire for our people// Erik- and how are you gonna arrange this?// Bishop- I was gonna take a team to try to make contact with some soldiers and see where it gets us// Alex- that's your plan// Bishop- do you have a better one?// Alex- no but, your plan sucks that's all I'm saying// Bishop- we are about to get a team together// Logan- for what?// Wanda- for reaching out for a ceasefire// Logan- not a chance that ain't gonna get us nowhere// Wanda- and how do you know?// Logan- because it is pointless// Bishop- but we have to try Wolverine *everyone exchanges glances in silence as Logan huffs*// Wanda- please, we have to try// Logan-fine, get a few people together// Bishop- what about you 4// Alex- I'm up for a little challenge// Kitty- sure// Logan- no, we keep the team small. Bishop, Alex and I will go * Kitty looks at Logan*// Kitty- I'd like to come// Wolverine- No Kit it is too dangerous you're staying here it's an order// Kitty- an order? * she smiles shocked*// Alex- just let her come// Logan- I said no! * Logan turns to discuss plans with Bishop as Alex shoots an apologetic look at Kitty then joins the discussion, Kitty walks off*// Erik- Kitty wait// Wanda- let her cool down * Kitty phases past the door and out of the room as she heads off outside overwhelmed and angry as she storms out of the palace to see the sentinels being held back by the team as she storms across the grass as she uses her powers to lift one and slams into into another before repeating it 3 more times before she phases through blasts and shoots her powers at the sentinel shooting at her as she shields storm and Angel before pulling a sentinels down to pieces on the floor and then blasting 5 of them away in anger, Kurt teleports beside her*// Kurt- nice one Kitty// * she looks at him before blasting more sentinels away and making her way deeper into the swarm of sentinels before she sees Piotr smashing his way through sentinel after sentinel before shielding his back as sentinels shoot at him, he looks to Kitty and waves as she waves back*// Rogue-  tap * Kitty and her low 5 as kitty gets dizzy for a few seconds* what's up with you girl// Kitty- take a good guess* rogue blasts a sentinels*// Rogue- is it Logan, something tells em it's Logan// Kitty- bingo, and I am sick of it and him and all the mixed signals// Rogue- yeah well you can't waste time on him if he wants to play games let him. if he wanted you then you'd be together. sometimes men are just pigs but how they treat you is how they feel about you. give him space and see what happens// Kitty- the plan is to just avoid him all together before I punch him in the face.. again// Rogue- oh yeah, I forgot you did that. just leave him to stress and play him at his own game// Kitty- it doesn't matter now, we have other things to focus on// Rogue- it does matter Kit// Kitty- I just don't understand why he wouldn't let me come n the mission// Rogue- because he doesn't want you to get hurt, it's a no brainer don't ya think * Rogue shoots some sentinels as Kitty uses her powers to shield some shield agents*//  * after the sentinels are taken out Kitty and the x-men are helping the wounded to the hospital as wanda walks in*// Wanda- there you are. we have not heard off of shield// Kitty- about the carriers?// that's strange. Director fury would not leave us stranded like this. there has to be an explanation for this// Wadna- oh I do not doubt it for a minute. could you possibly give him a call// kitty- me?// Wanda- yes, it would just be better coming from you * Kitty looks at her skeptical*// Kitty- look if you could just call * Kitty and Rogue exchange confused looks*// Kitty- okay * Kitty follows her to an office and there is a phone*// Wanda- you know his number// Kitty- yeah * Kitty sits at the desk and calls the office*// Kitty- this is agent Pryde requesting to speak to the dirrector please, this line is not secure so switch to a secure lining//  lady- please hold miss Pryde * Kitty's eyes shift to Wanda's tense gaze locked on her*// Nick- Yes pryde// Kitty- the returning carriers?// Nick- held up with sentinels, nobody can get in or out of the air space// Kitty- don't say we are on our own because we still have thousands of people here// Nick- I have been trying to call you back, nobody has been picking up * Kitty looks at Wanda*// Kitty- first I'm hearing of it. look there are talks of reaching out to these friends of humanity and the MRD for a ceasefire to get out the people left behind// Nick- and you and I know full well that these people are not gonna honour that ceasefire. this is gonna end in a war Pryde and blood// Kitty- which is why evacuations of the victims is what needs to happen. we have lost too many people and this palace is not safe// Nick-  this is Stryker, you need to keep your witts about you// Kitty- I figured as much, what can you do on your end?// Nick- I'll make a way through by force if i have too but i can't spare anymore agents Pryde. you've got 3 days for a ceasefire and a n evacuation. It might be time to call it quits// Kitty- and if we do they do it to other people and the circle continues// Nick- I know, I don't believe in backing down you know that// Kitty- wolverine has taken a team to make contact with the soldiers. maybe we can come to an agreement// Nick- I don't know but I can only cover so much on this situation// Kitty- send those ships over, I'll arrange an escort if you can get ready in a few hours// Nick- alright * she puts the phone down*//  Kit- I need all ships and flying mutants to go back to escort rescue carrier// Wanda- won't that leave us open to attacks// Kitty- if this plan of yours follows through then we'll just be ahead of schedule of evacuations// Wanda- yes, that is a smart plan * kitty get's up and walks* Kitty you know Stryker don't you * kitty stops and turns to look at her*// Kitty- know him? no I have been held captured by him a few times and had the pleasure to see his deluded side// wanda- and he has taken a liking to you * Kitty pulls a face confused*// Kitty- no, no not like that at all// Wanda- but he fit's the profile of the mastermind behind this invasion// Kitty- yeah we all seem to agree on that// Wanda- so maybe you should have went with Bishop and Wolverine to go bargain * Kitty looks at Wanda*// KItty- I had orders to stay here// Wanda- but I am incharge of this island// Kitty- before long you won't be queen of anything// Wanda- exactly my worry... is there not any way you can persuade Stryker to stop?// Kitty- I'm not sure what you're asking// Wanda- female charm to youer advantage, play into his hands to play into our hands// Kitty- what are you asking me?// Wanda- if you could stop this would you?// Kitty- in a  heartbeat/// Wanda- you could seduce William Stryker and persuade him// Kitty- seduce? what the hell?// Wanda- sleep with him, be with him to stop all of this. it is a duty you could fill to stop this suffering// Kitty- No!what the hell is wrong with you? I am not gonna do that// Erik- ENOUGH! you have used her enough, Kitty please leave us alone// * Kitty is looking at Wanda in shock as she storms out angry and walks into Piotr with a thump*// Piotr- what is the matter// Kitty- Erik's daughter that's what//Piotr- what has happened?// Kitty- she is asking me to have sex with Stryker to stop all this trying to make it out as if if I prostitute myself this is all gonna stop * Kitty has tears in her eyes as she storms off*// Piotr- Kitty no wait, come back * she storms off and stands in the door of a medical Bay with Scott asleep and Jean on the chair beside him*// Jean- I can sense your upset// Kitty- aren't I always * Kitty walks into the room* how is he doing?// Jean- he needs better care but he is stable and that's all that matters. we're gonna need him to get out of here// Kitty- wanda is putting together an escort of mutants for the rescue carries but we will all understand if you want to stay here// Jean- I know I need to do my part but I can't leave him here like this// Kitty- we all understand Jean, how are you handling it * Jean looks at Kitty as tears fall down her face and Kitty rushes to her and hugs her*// Kitty- hey, it's okay, first chance we get we're gonna get him outta here okay?// Jean- I am sick of living like this Kitty I'm sick of being at his bedside and watching him in pain. I can't do it anymore * there are shouts from the hallway as stretchers are brought in with 3 mutants on*// Kitty- are you okay here// Jean- yeah go! * Kitty sprints out of the room and down the hallway and sees the team fighting off a fleet of sentinels as she runs over to join them and uses her powers to push them back*// Hank- let's try our best to just push them further back from the palace// Kurt- how long as those carriers gonna be?// Kitty- couple hours I'm not sure if they're waiting for the escorts or meeting them. let's just buy them some time okay!!// Rogue- incase you haven't noticed we're missing half of our team , who's leading here// Hank- me,any suggestions// Erik- yeah give it all you got// Rogue- I think he meant actual suggestions to a plan// Kitty- hit them hard and don't die * they all exchange confused looks and proceed to use there powers in union to hold off the attack*

* after an hour fighting Kitty looks around to see her team all exhausted and she turns to see a huge group of soldiers approaching*// Kitty- Kurt warn the others and gather as many agents and mutants as you can * Kurt teleports away as Kitty and the team rush to stand further away from the palace and walls. shaddowcat. Magneto, Rogue, Beast, Ice man, Colossus all stand tense and out of breathe in a line exchanging glances at one another*// Beast- that fleet is a couple miles out, we can not let them get much closer// Piotr- then we meet them halfway// Kitty- we can not leave the place open to attacks from the sentinels// Erik- I'll stay and hold off any further attacks * Kitty looks at him* you'll be okay won't you? * Kitty nods but her nerves are showing* you got this// Kitty- yeah * they stare at one another as he fly's up and away as the team begin to walk forward with their head held up high as a million thoughts go through Kitty's head about her family, her team, Jason, the soldier and Logan... they walk until there is a mile between them both and the soldiers stop and so does the x-men, in a stand off nobody knows what to do as both sides stand facing off a mile apart on the road leading to the palace*//Bobby-what the hell do we do?// Hank- we wait to see who makes the next move// Kitty- they're waiting on orders// Piotr- shall we attack first// Hank- no, we wait for them to make the first move// Rogue- I don't like this// Hank- there is a fleet of around 400 soldiers maybe less I can't be sure of it. they are waiting for orders. my guess is Wolverine and the others have gotten to them// Bobby- we're not actually gonna stand here until we get orders are we *Kitty takes her knife out of it's holder and looks at it in her hand as they stand around as Kurt and others walk to them and stand for over half an hour as the fleet start to walk towards them*// Hank- get ready * the team start walking as Kitty uses her quick thinking and uses her powers to shield everyone as they walk, within a few minutes bullets bounce off the shield Kitty is holding as Rogue looks at Kitty and nods as she nods and they all walk calmly as bullets bounce off them*// Hank- a little closer before we let the shield drop shadowcat// Kitty- okay * as they get closer the soldiers run at them*// Hank- NOW!!! * Kitty drops the shield as they all run and attack, Kitty pushes as man people back as she can as she phases in and out while stabbing people in the arms or leg pushing them back and forcing them to return, she looks aside to see Hank is shot in the shoulder as he roars and attacks another soldier. Kitty blasts a group of soldiers as she takes their guns away using her powers then she hears a scream as she turns to see a soldier with a blade pointed to Rogue and she sees Rogue holding her throat that is gushing blood as she snaps to the soldier with the knife and blasts him as hard as she can as she sprints to Rogue and puts a hand on top of her hand to hold the presure*// Kitty-keep hold of it tight okay, don't try and talk just stay breathing okay, KURT KURT!!!!! it's okay just give me a minute KURT!!!!! * kurt pops in as Kitty holds onto Rogue*// Kitty- get me to the medics now * Kurt pops them into the already busy medic and put Rogue on a bed*// Kitty- I NEED SOME HELP HERE NOW!!!! * nurses rush over and swarm Rogue as Kitty is trying to explain the doctors are pushing her and Kurt out of the room as Kitty pushes one nurse back and Kurt Grabs onto her, alarms are ringing and Kitty is in a panic at Rogue laying down lifeless on a bed, Kurt drags her out of the room as the door is slammed into their faces and Kitty and Kurt are stood in the busy hallway, Kurt has his arm on Kitty's shoulder as tears run down her face*// Kitty- he stabbed her in the neck// Kurt- we have to be positive * Kitty is covered in Rogues blood as the tears just stream down her cheeks*// Kurt- we got her back quick the doctors can work on her please don't let this get to you, we still have a fight ahead of us// Kitty- all we ever do is fight, look around, we haven't even got all our team and god knows where Alex and Logan are. Rogue and scott are fighting for their lives, jean is in pieces// Kurt- I KNOW!! I am struggling too * she turns to face him as his eyes water* I don't know what else I can do and I'm tired and I am depressed and I just want this to be over, no more fighting * a tear runs down his face as he sighs and wipes it away* but we have no other choice so we keep going until we are killed or we win, either or  * Kitty watches Kurts expression change to hopeless as she puts a hand on his shoulder*// Kitty- keep going * she wipes her tears* we don't have the luxury of falling apart do we// Kurt- that's normal, this is a pretty messed up fight we got on our hands and we are losing// Kitty- I'm not sure anyone would want to stay on this island after this// Kurt= maybe it is better if we give up, give in and go home// Kitty- I somewhat agree but I'm not gonna go home, I'm gonna stay until everyone is gone and this island is deserted// Kurt- why would you do that?// Kitty- because those bastards are giving up before we are, c'mon we gotta get back out there * she holds his hand as they teleport back to the fight and part ways to fight off soldiers*

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