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* it has been 2 days and kitty has taken a few days away from the mansion to help Bruce on his rehabilitation and helping him to process things*// * they are in a class helping Bruce to build strength in his arms as Kitty is waiting at the side until he is finished then she helps him into his wheelchair and takes him back to his room as she helps him into his bed*// Bruce- I don't need you fussing over me// Kitty- yeah well I'm just trying to help *she sits back in the chair beside him*// Bruce- you can start by telling me why Tim is out in public when I did not sign off on it// Kitty- we were a man down, and he is a really good asset, you'd be proud if you seen him out there// Bruce- he wasn't ready// Kitty- we had no choice// Bruce- where is Dick// Kitty- moping off somewhere// Bruce- I wanna seee him // Kitty- are you sure? he's too busy throwing tantrums// Bruce- what do you mean//  Kitty- we got into an argument the other day, some things were said// Bruce- what things// Kitty- I I don't remember// Bruce- what things * she looks at his face he is angry*// Kitty- I don't rememeber, just things. it was a hard day seeing you... you know. he isn't answering my calls but I'll get Tim to call him *she messages Tim as she looks up to see bruce scowling*// Kitty- what is it?// Bruce- I am dissipointed in you for allowing Tim to go out there when he isn't properly trained// Kitty- me? it was Dicks's idea not mine// Bruce- you know better// Kitty- god eveyone has a problem// Bruce- and don't think that I haven't seen the news, you stabbed Bane// kitty- of all people I thought you'd be glad at that// Bruce- glad at you stabbing him.. yeah I'm very proud of you for almost killing him// Kitty- don't start bruce this is not the time of place, you have been in a coma for weeks so excuse me for trying to hold down the work load and take down the man who put you in a wheelchair// Bruce- don't act like you did that for me, you wanted revenge// Kitty- yeah like that's a bad thing// Bruce- you could've killed him// kitty- I didn't I knew what I was doing// Bruce- anything could've went wrong, don't ever do it again * she rolls her eyes at hin annoyed// kitty- you've been snapping at me since you woke up, give me a break// Bruce- you are welcome to leave// Kitty- and you don't mean that you're just processing this// Bruce- you are supposed to listen to me, not go off the rails, we have rules!// Kitty- okay!* she looks aside annoyed* sorry, alright?// bruce- no, not alright// kitty- sorry I'm just a dissapoinment * the door opens and Thalia walks in*// Thalia- my beloved// Bruce- Kitty can you leave us be * Thalia looks at Kitty smug and kitty exhales and grabs her bag*// Kitty- you do you Bruce, fuck this I'm out * she walks past Thalia and through the hospital and into the elivator trying to calm herself as she walks out of the hospital ad get's into her car annoyed and takes a deep breath as she drives back to the mansion and parks her car before walking into the wreck room and sees erik in there pouring a drink*// Erik- you look like you need one of these// Kitty- yeah * he pours her one as she sits next to him on a stool and drinks it*// Erik- is everything okay// Kitty- yeah I guess * she sighs as she takes another sip*// Erik- you don't have to talk// kitty- my fathers awake and he is not himself// Erik- he had a bad accident it's normal to be off// kitty- he's speaking to me like I'm a dissapointment// Erik- surley not, you are your fathers two eyes, anyone can see that// Kitty- oh no, he has told me. since he's woken up he's angry and looking for someone to blame// Erik- he is probably stressed about his billionaire playboy image// Kitty-yeah and former flames, he asked me to leave the room because his ex girlfriend rocked up * kitty drinks*// Erik- ouch, that's harsh, considering you've barley left his side and had nothing but bitterness towards you// Kitty- I don't know why but I seem to be doing everything wrong and upsetting a lot of people// Erik- I always thought that was your specialty * he drinks as Kitty looks at him annoyed but smiling* give him time to figure things out and just be there if he needs you. you're doing a good job regardless what they say. you have held down his buisness, his career and everything else, I think he forgets how much you have to hold on your shoulders// Kitty- look at you giving out good advice, you are normaly one of my problems// Erik- likewise  * he drinks as she smiles and sips her drink as they make small talk before Charles wheels in*// Pr- this is a rare ocassian// Erik- don't get used to it old friend// Pr- a game of chess anyone// Erik- there is only so many times you can draw in this game old friend// pr- kitty?// Kitty- I'm not the best but I'll give it a try * they take thier drinks and walk over to the chess board as kitty takes a seat and Erik move the chair for Charles and he sits at the side of the table*// Pr- it's a game that requires tactics aswell as knowing ones character// Kitty- you'd think I'd be good at it * she moves a peice as Charles pauses before moving his*// Pr- I'm very aware that it is not a very common game these day's but I assure you that it can have many uses// Erik- one of them being patience * kitty moves a peice as she looks at Erik studdying the board as he takes a drink*// Erik- who taught you to play? * the Pr moves a peice*// Kitty- my buttler Alfred// Erik- buttler?// kitty- yeah he raised Bruce, he's more that a buttler he holds the family together * she studdies the board before making a move and the Pr smiles as he puts his hands together to annalyse the board// pr- I recall us playing chess as young men Erik// Pr- many moons ago for me// Kitty- still freaks me out that you guy's are supposed to be the same age// Pr- time is something no man holds, it is a gift or a curse in the eyes of the holder// Erik- a gift// Logan- a curse * they look over bt the door to see Logan looking at them as he walks in and his eyes meet with Kitty's as she smiles and he gives a little smile beofre pouring himself a drink and standing behind kitty*// Pr- like i said, in the eyes of the holder// erik- not as entertaining as what you're into is it Wolverine// Wolverine- like you would know what I'm into Magneto// Erik- oh I can name a few things but I'll be good// Logan- shut your mouth Erik or I'll shut it for you// Pr- gentlemen if you wouldn't mind putting aside your differences// Erik- I apolagize* the Pr and kitty play a good game but kitty loses and Charles smiles amused*// pr- good game, you are a worthy adversary// kitty- you too Pr// Pr- I supposed I'd better get back before my students arive// Kitty- can't we tempt you with alcohol// pr- I don't drink// Erik- now I know that's a lie// Pr- anymore * he nods to everyone and drives off as Erik finishes his drink*// Erik- anyone for another?// Logan- knowing you you'd poison it// Kitty- good thing you're a fast healer, I'll pour the drinks * she get's up an stans behidnthe bar pouring the drinks as logan and Erik take a seat at the bar and they all drink*// Logan- thought you were with Bruce// Erik- he kicked her out for his old flame// Kitty- pretty much yeah// Logan- are you alright darling?// Kitty- yeah he was being a bit of an asshole all day so I'll leave alfred and the boys to deal with him * he frowns* it's all good. don't you have a mission?// Logan- where did you think I come from// Erik- the gutter// Kitty- well I'm free to drink // Piotr- did someone say drink// kurt- I think they did// bobby- is this one of them team bonding drinks// logan- no elf// Kurt- should we make it one// Bobby- I'm down for that * he get's behind the bar* I'll make the drinks * kitty phases out of the bar and sits on the seat in the middle of Logan adn Erik*// Erik- so much for a quiet night// Logan- we're gonna need a lot moer drink than this// Kurt- I'll go if you guys pay * Logan takes out his phone and sends kurt some money*// Logan- I've sent you $100, go wild// kurt- yes sir * he grabs bobby and they zap away as Kitty chuckles to herself*// Erik- splashing the cash I see// Logan- more money than sense I'd say// Erik- rich people * he rolls his eyes*// Piotr- should we go see if the others want to drink with us// Logan- gambit and Rogue are on duty//Kitty- yeah, I know Storm and Jean are working I'll go get them, you guys call Warren, alex and scott... oh adn don't kill one another * she grabs her bag and walks out of the room and to a class room and sees Jean aside and she waves signalling her and she excuses herself and walks out of the class*// Kitty- we're all having a drink soon, in the wreck room, you coming// Jean- you interupted my lesson for that?? kitty - uh * she nods* yeah// jean- kit what, I mean yeha but next time don't interupt my class// Kitty- sorry miss grey * she walks away smirking and walks to another clas that storm is outside of talking to a young girl*// Kitty- hey, all okay?// Storm- Halle here was just upset about her hair * she looks at the young girls braids and she is clearly upset*// Storm- I don't know how to do braids, she had a little accident and her hair got messed up*// Kitty- you want me to do your hair* the girl looks at her confused*// storm- I think she was hoping someone of color would do it// Kitty- I know how to braid if you want to go get your hair supplies and meet me in the common room and we'll see what we can do okay// Halle- are you sure you know what you're doing// Kitty- I am now go* the girl runs off*// storm- it's important for these children to learn to love their hair// kitty- I got this storm, we're about to have a drink in the wreck room after class if you'd like to join?// storm- that would be great, I'd love too, let me dissmiss this class and go get changed// Kitty- no problem, I'll just go do some braids and then I'll see you there * Kitty walks to the childrens common room and sit's on the table checking her phone until the girl comes back holding hair products in her hands*// Halle- this is super improtant okay, I want this design * shows her phone to Kitty who looks at it and nods*// Kitty- I can do that *she stands up* take a seat* the little girls sits down as Kitty begins to do her hair as she instructs Kitty on what to use and how she wants it as a group of litte girl watch her and she finishes up and does another little girls hair as she gets up 3 more girls ask her to do theirs as she does Storm walks to her*// Storm- are you coming?// Kitty- I'll be there in 15 minutes just go without me// Storm- okay, see you there * she finishes the hair and walks to her room adn she washes her hands and her faces and puts on more perfume before grabbing her cell and walking back to the wreck room and she walks in*// storm- more like half an hour, how many did you do// Kitty- 6 girls wanted their hair braided // Piotr- so that's where you disapeared too// Kitty- needs must// Bobby - here * hands hera drink she looks at it* trust me * he touches the glass to make it colder as she takes a sip*// Kitty- That is surprisingly good// Bobby- don't be surprised Babe, I'm a man of many talents// Warren- one of them isn't women * he puts his arm around Storm as they sit on the sofa and Kitty sits beside Logan who looks at her smiling*// Logan- about time Pryde// Kitty- miss me?// Logan- always darling * kitty puts her hand on his leg as he looks at her hand cocking an eyebrow up then looks at her smirking as she sits back sipping her drink and leaning into him, he puts his face closer to Kitty smirking as he looks at her lips then at her eyes*// Logan- are you okay// Kitty- yeah, are you * he smiles nodding as she looks into his eyes and her heart hurts*// Kitty- good * he drinks his drink still looking at her*// Warren- Logan? pool?// Logan- later, I'm alright here * he's still looking at Kitty*// Scott- I'll play you// Kitty- so how about we stay awhile and then we sneak away for some alone time?// Logan- I'd say you're trying to get me naked// Kitty- no * she bites her lip looking away before and she looks back to meet his gaze*// Bobby- hey I said do you want another beer *Logan looks at him and tilts his head looking annoyed*// Logan- always * he throws Logan a can as he catches it, sits back and opens it as Jean looks at Kitty and raises her brows as Kitty pulls a face and Jean whispers to scott and Scott looks up at them smirking then whispers back to Jean before looking away*// Piotr- it just feels good to have a minute and actually feel human// Storm- yeah now I agree, we've been rushed of our feet the last couple days it feels nice to actually have time together and not be risking our lives// Erik- who'd want to be human// Jean- we are still human Erik// Erik- speak for yourself some of us are animals * he looks at Logan then Kurt then at Hank*// Alex- why do you always have to start something// kitty- we all start as humans we evolve with the mutant gene, it don't take away our humanity// Erik- no, some of us lost that along time ago// Scott- speak for yourself Magneto// Erik- didn't you take out an entire school summers// Scott- didn't you kill hundred of people// Kitty- that's enough both of you, we've all done things and had things done to us now let's move past it. ho are we gonna be accepted when we can't even accept ourselves// Erik- profound// Kitty- just stop it, we're not kids anymore// erik- no we are the bad guys aren't we// Logan- damn it can't we just have one drink// Warren- apparantley// Scott- well there is no place like home// Warren- you said it// Kurt- come on guys this is a night we should be relaxing// Kitty- I don't think any of us are drunk enough for that * she yawns*// Jean- late night Kit?// Kitty- insomnia// Warren- not some secret lover// Kitty- ha you're funny// alex- it's me guys, we've been dating// Hank- really? because I thought that Logan would... oh// Alex- a joke furball// Kitty- if I was going to have anyone it would'nt be any of you guys// * everyone talks*// Logan- we both know that's a lie * after awhile talking Kitty says that she's gonna go to bed and then walks back to her room waiting for Logan as cleans up her clothes before getting herself a drink and the door knocks as Logan is leaning on the door as she opens it smiling and he walks in and she closes the door*// Logan- hey// Kitty- hi// Logan- can't wait to get my shirt of huh? * she rolls her eyes as she grabs Logan a drink and gives it to him as they walk over to the sofa drinking and talking as she admires how handsome he is and she grabs his face to look at her*// Logan- what?// Kitty- I'm just gonna take a chance// Logan- on what * she grabs gis face and she kisses him as he kisses her back and his hands go to her hips as she crawls on top of kim kissing him depper and more needy before pulling away and biting ger lip smilling as he lays his head back admiring her and smiling to himself*// Logan- taking a chance huh? you should take more chances *she rubs his thumb across his lips before kissing him again before she takes off her shirt and he takes off his shirt as the kissing continues, his hands slide over her body before pulling off her bra and pulling back to look at her body, he looks at her eyes full of lust as he kisses her neck and kisses down to her body before lifting her up and carrying her to the bed as she undoes her trousers and he pulls them off before undoing his belt and taking off his Jeans and... ( save this for the imagination;)... ) * after they lay side by side panting and smiling at one another as he puts his arm around her and pulls her onto his chest*// Kitty- you're so gorgeous// Logan- think that's my line// Kitty- I gotta shower// Logan- hurry up then * she smiles before kissing him and then runs off into the shower smiling to herself and incredibly happy as she showers and then gets back into bed with Logan*// Logan-you think we should've used protection// Kitty- not like there's gonna be a baby * his smile drops* sorry too soon?// Logan- I'm sorry * she kisses him as she lays her head on his chest and he kisses her head *// Kitty- you're not regretting it are you?// Logan- no * he draws circles on her bare back as he inhales then exhales* i've been thinking about it a lot darling, just wish I could keep you safe// Kitty- I'm safe with you// Logan- now you're just lying// kitty- no i'm not * she runs her hand over his chest as her eyes grow heavy and eventually she drifts off to sleep*
* around 12pm she gets a call as her and Logan wake and she answers it*// Kit- hello?// Alfred- we have work to do miss Kitty// Kitty- on my way * Logan looks at her and he nods to her as she rushes to her closet to get dressed*// Logan- I'll stay up for you // Kitty- no don't be stupid stay here and sleep// Logan- stay here without you, I could be a spy looking for something * she pulls on her tracksuit as she looks at him annoyed*// Kitty- don't even joke about that// Logan- my bad// Kitty- go back to sleep and I'll join you soon okay * she pulls on her shoes as Logan is sitting on the edge of the bed*// kitty- I won't be long// Logan- just stay safe and make sure you come back in one piece*he smiles at her and she walks upto him and he looks up at her smirking as she kisses him and pulls away blushing as he smirks at her and she grabs her bag*// Kitty- alright I'll see you later// Logan- stay safe! * she rushes out the door and to her car and speeds off to the manor before changing inot her suit and going on solo patrol*

The untold story of Kitty Pryde.Where stories live. Discover now