Batsy batsy bats

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 * kitty is waiting in a garden with the Pr and Erik talking, Erik hands her a rose and she looks at him nervous he smiles at her and she takes it not breaking eye contact, looks down at it then at him anxiously*// Erik- how are you today?*she looks at him*\\ Kitty- I'm fine// Erik- and your injuries?// Kitty- fine, thank you// Erik- you'll be back to yourself in no time * touches shoulder and she flinches glaring at him* oh I'm sorry// Pr- our team is here * Kitty turns and sees Logan in front and she stands and hits rose on the floor and walks towards Logan who rushes to her, she wraps her arms around his neck as he wraps his around her back squeezing him shaking she's panting holding back tears*// Logan- it's okay, you're okay// Kitty- *pulls away looking in his eyes upset* I saw your heart... I saw you die// Logan- I'm alive, you don't need to know the gruesome details * she touches his chest looking shocked* I cut open my chest and put my heart back in, lot of blood, hurt bad but I'm fine, what about you, are you hurt? * puts hands on her head looking at her*// Kitty- a little roughed up but I'm alive// Erik- barley, she practically collapsed on us, I had to carry her in my arms to get her help * Logan glares at Erik growling* problem Wolverine?// Logan- stay the hell away from her Erik// Erik- I saved her life, if I didn't come along then her and Charles would be dead// Kitty- expect it didn't happen like that did it// Erik- don't get too comfortable on my island Wolverine// Logan- I wasn't planning on it, come on Charles *grabs Kitty's hand and walks away she hugs his arms as they walk, taking in his scent and smiling to herself*// Kitty- I was so scared, I thought you died, I couldn't stop crying I didn't know what to do\\ Logan- don't be stupid, I'm always good// Kitty- Logan you don't understand, I thought that you had left me too and you make that place feel like home, you feel like home * he looks at her smiling but taken aback* and I thought that was gone, I thought you had gone and I just felt so alone and lost again.  I didn't know what to do next because I need you okay I can't explain but I need you because the world don't make sense without you snd I don't feel safe without you or happy or complete * he looks into her eyes and puts a hand in her hair and Charles clears his throat and they step apart*\\ Logan- chuck * looks at him annoyed*\\ Charles- oh sorry Logan * smiles looking between them* I'll leave you too it *// Logan- moment ruined Charles * smiles at him then Kitty and she walks away smirking onto the plane where Jean runs up to her and grabs her into a hug*\\ Jean- oh thank god\\kitty- hey we're good we're okay. See alive// Scott- you look rough * Jean elbows him and looks at him shocked* so what happened? // Kitty- had lovely experiments done on me, got beat up, got stabbed and then escaped a mad man* they get back and explain what's happened she gets back and in the lounge everyone is watching the news about the Batman being hit off a building and  she looks shocked*// Logan- go * gives her his keys for his bike* and be safe with her she's just been cleaned * she runs out of the room*\\ Pr- Kitty * shows a band* your mutation, you can't reveal your identity * she takes it and puts it on then runs into the wall*/ Kitty- OW!// Pr- use the door * she runs down the stairs to the garage and speeds off to Gotham , she burst through the door*// Kitty- ALFRED!!! ALFRED* runs down to the bat cave and sees Alfred frantic*// Kitty- where is he?\\ Alfred- I've tracked him to a remote location and the signal has gone blank. It's the joker and he had a sidekick// Kitty- sidekick? What?\\ Alfred- she calls herself Harley Quinn, the Arkham asylums lead psychiatrist.. Harleen quinzel\\Kitty- get my com linked * changes into her suit*// Kitty- I think I'll take Bruce's wheels\\ Alfred- miss Kitty I don't think that's a-// Kitty- I got this * jumps in the bat mobile and the elevator and speeds off to the location*\\ Alfred- you do not have a license yet// Kitty- *com* it's okay, just get me a lesson I mean I'm practically passed by this point, fill me in on all you know * she follows into the amusement park where police are swarming the area and helicopters surround and she sneaks past into the area to see that the Batman is tied to the middle of a ferris wheel With the joker on the stage as Gotham PD has a gun to the Joker*\\ Kitty- are you seeing this???// Alfred- *coms* oh good heavens, he seems to be going public with his new love interest, rather fitting for the clown Prince of crime. Arkham patients are running lose around town and the joker is make a big spectacle of things * she watches Harley Quinn walk behind commissioner with a bat and Kitty throws a rope batterang that wraps around her and the bat*// Harley - oh puddin, someone is here to see you * she sings while looking lovingly at the joker as she cuts the ropes with a knife and throws it at Kitty who catches it beside her head then looks at the knife then at her*// Harley- Harley Quinn * puts out hand* nice too meet ya\\ Kitty- what happened to your skin?// Harley- it's  a long story, mister J just threw me  in some acid. I thought I matched his aesthetic rather well, don't you? * takes a swing at her with a bat she dodges so she swings again and Kitty grabs it and traps it under her arms*// Kitty- are you in love with him?// Harley- No we are in love * pulls her bat but Kitty elbows her, ducks under her arm, twisting her arm behind her back and she yells and releases the bat as Kitty throw it to Gordon who points a gun*\\ Kitty- the joker only cares about chaos, he doesn't love anything\\ Joker- I am almost hurt, I have feelings you know * walks off the stage towards her* I loved watching your boyfriends blood splatter on my face * laughs* like little raindrops of heaven * glares at her smirking* I love watching Batman struggle with his guilt over not saving his little birdie boy and I love * Kitty lunges at him punching him he yells as they fall back and Kitty is straddling him punching him as he punches her in the stomach and she feels pain in her wound that was stitched earlier and she gasps and backs away, joker gets to his feet * \\ Harley- hey no fair, only I get to ride mister J like that// Joker- can't you see I'm in the middle of something here SHUT UP// Harley- sorry puddin * he runs his hands through his hair, licking the blood from his nose looking annoyed glaring between Harley and Batgirl*\\ Joker- Gotham wants a show, I'll give them a show * walks back on stage after winking at Kitty and Harley tackles Kitty and they're fighting rolling around as Harley is calling Kitty a slut and Kitty is in shock *// Joker- let's light this baby UP! * the Ferris wheel comes on and Batman is out cold on display for all Gotham to see*// Batgirl- keep your psycho freak boyfriend * cuffs her one hand then cuffs her to another ride dragging her by her hair then elbows her and she's out in the floor, she looks up to see the Joker*\\ batgirl- *com* can you shut down all these lights and technology, I don't want anything getting out\\ Alfred- yes of course, switch to nightlight goggles in 3...2...1 * kitty flips down her night vision goggles in her mask as all the lights shut off and she points her bracelets up at the center of the Ferris wheel and then presses the button of the bracelet  on her  on her wrist and a wire shoots out and a grappling hook opens and wraps around the bar, she pulls and she's pulled up into the air as the smoke is blocking everything. The joker grabs onto her leg and she try's to kick him off he he is laughing manically*\\ Joker- I killed Robin, but I'm not gonna kill the Batman, oh no. I love for this little cat and mouse we got going on * She is kicking him repeatedly* but I will kill YOU * grabs onto her belt and she double footed kicks him in the face and he falls through the air and smacks onto the stage where Harley is angry.* // Harley- mister J. You whore and I thought I liked you. It's okay puddin I got you * * she struggles in her chains and then Kitty gets up to Batman and shakes him*// Kitty- Batman * smacks his face*\\Joker- Heroine my dear, he's okay just a little... woozy * she looks at his ropes, cuts them as she's holding him as tight as she can puts his arm over her shoulders and slowly parasails down but at the bottom she is struggling to hold is weight snd they both thump on the ground as Kitty pulls herself to her feet catching her breathe*\\ Kitty- you are really heavy holy shit my  damn shoulder ow *coms* he's been injected with heroine we need Naloxone ready, he's pale * puts him in a recovered position*\\ Joker- I'm fresh out of Arkham see, I had to deal with what I had and that was only pathetic opioids but they do the trick *chuckles* you've been missing awhile haven't you * picks up Harley's bat* you keep surprising me, I though I warned you last time * runs at her with bat and she runs at him ducks under it and he hits her in the ribs she gasps and traps it between her rib and arm and lunches an uppercut into his jaw and he falls back then runs at her, joker tackles her backwards and she flips him over her head  and gets to her knees as Harley wraps the cuffs around her neck chocking her and she headbutts her, flips her over her shoulders glaring at her angry. Joker runs at her with a knife and she traps his arm as he pulls out a gun she hits it up in the air as he's shooting and he kicks her in the leg and she stumbles but keeps a hold to his arm with the knife and one with the gun and she slides under his arm with the knife, twists his arm behind his back, he elbows her in the face from behind and she slams a fist into his back, straightening his arm do the knife drops, Kitty then kicks it away as he laughs she puts the one cuff on him as he hits the empty gun into the side of her head and she's taken aback, he puts his arm around her throat and puts her in a head lock as Harley makes her way to Bruce she's struggling and jumping around*// Joker- so disappointing, the bird boy replacement was harder to kill than you. I would've thought you'd be working out * her side is burning from the torn stitches and she is gasping as Harley straddles Bruce trying to pull up his cowl*\\ Harley- it's stuck!! How the hell is it stuck, IS IT GLUED ON!! *joker throws the empty gun at Harley's head and she falls off him and yells*\\ Joker- you pathetic waste of space if you  see the identity it means that all this stops!! I don't care about the identity SO FUCK OFF!!! * Kitty elbows him repeatedly twists her head out of the headlock and kicks the joker in the head as he hits the floor then she kicks him in the face and the stomach he's laughing*\\ Joker- all good things must come to an end, LIGHT EM' UP HARLS * Harley attaches the bombs and runs off*\\ joker- what's it gonna be baby bat * she grabs his shirt and pulls him up close, punches him and he's knocked out on the floor and cuffs him*\\ Kitty- GORDAN * him and officers runs to them and grab the joker*// Kitty- that bombs gonna blow and that wheels coming down, do you have eyes on Harley? * coms* car to me// Gordan-  were in pursuit *  the car pulls up and Kitty drags Bruce into the car struggling then she straps him in the car checking his pulse as there is a massive explosion and Kitty looks at the fire and people rushing around and she  looks down exhausted and then closes the door and looks at the cameras and stares at them tired and then gets in the car and drives off shaking and breathing heavy her skin crawling remember the joker and she's trying to calm down as she's speeding home through the traffic*\\ Alfred- miss Kitty slow down please * she's trying to calm herself and taking breathes but she is shaking wiping away tears that are rushing down her cheeks, feeling stressed and overwhelmed*// Alfred- calm down it is alright , I am here with you and master Bruce will be okay\\ Kitty- I am alright * speeds home constantly checking Bruce and they get back Kitty and Alfred carry him onto the table, take off his cowl and Alfred administrates the medicine and Kitty pulls a chair up and watches over him and the monitor*\\ Kitty- come on Dad * lays her head down on the table as he comes in and out of consciousness and Kitty puts an oxygen mask on him as Alfred puts in an Iv, Kitty sits beside him waiting for him to wake up and he opens his eyes and looks at her and smiles proudly*// Bruce- kitty?// kitty- it's okay, just rest, everything is okay * his eyes close as Kitty waits awhile then gets up gets dressed and goes on patrol in Bruce's car and then pulls up to crime alley and sits on a bin looking at the bat mobile parked up in the spot where Jason previously stole Batman's tyres*// kitty- you breathe like someone having an asthma attack Nightwing * looks up at the fire escape*// Nightwing - what? How the hell?? *jumps down and sits beside her with an arm around her* the big bat okay?\\ Kitty - of course he is, how are you doing?// Nightwing- oh you know, the usual, little bit of this, little bit of that, I'm also trying to do the long distance thing with Barbara, it's really hard *they laugh* how are you?// Kitty- I'm okay\\ Nightwing- and how's your new team and your mutation?// Kitty- my team are great, they're really great. And my powers are amazing// Nightwing- feels nice going public doesn't it?\\ Kitty- kinda , more of a target a o nd getting watched all the time, that part sucks// Nightwing- but no more secrets\\ kitty- yeah those don't stop, they just get harder at keeping *jumps down* here for a social visit or you just gonna sit there and be witty?// Nightwing- don't you mean pretty *jumps down* no I'm here to help the old man but you beat me to it. So why don't we just take that sweet car for a ride and look for crime, I'll drive\\ Kitty- not a chance * they go out on patrol as a kitty returns to the cave and Dick goes up to bed as Kitty is checking over Bruce and sits down on the floor against the cabinet of medical supplies and falls asleep until she feels herself being grabbed and she jumps awake to Bruce grabbing her shoulders and she gasps*\\ Bruce- come on up to bed\\ Kitty- no I got to go soon, what time is it?\\ Bruce- just past 9// Kitty- ah god I got to go * stands up* you okay?|\ Bruce- fine Kitty, are you sure you can't come for breakfast\\Kitty- no I'm late I have training at 10 I gotta go * hugs him* I'll call you later but take it easy yeah? bye \\ Bruce- dinner then, 7 dress up, we have to make it public\\ | Kitty- fine okay, bye * she leaves goes outside to Logan's bike and speeds off back to the mansion and puts the bike parked up and then walks upstairs into the lounge at everyone in the lounge around a Tv it's a report on batgirl but talks mainly about her body and her butt as it zooms into a picture of her butt and she huffs in annoyance*\\ Alex- she does have a nice ass\\ Logan- you think it's nice to objectify women Summers// Alex- what no I wouldn't no\\ Rogue- clearly you pig \\ Bobby- she does have nice figure * Kitty walks off annoyed sighing gives Logan his keys and walk away, he follows*//  Logan- are you hurt? \\ Kitty- just my body dysmorphia\\ Logan- you have that?// Kitty- I don't think so,  but I'm very insecure about the way I see myself and then my ass gets out all over for everyone to see// Logan- that don't take away from the fact that you saved Bruce and you did a good job at handling the situation, you faced the joker today, you did amazing * walks beside her and she smiles*// Kitty- thanks and thanks for lending me your bike\\ Logan- assuming it's still in one piece * gets to her door*\\ Kitty- only a couple of scrapes *smirks*\\ Logan- you're kidding right? * his face drops* kit? * she opens the door smirking* tell me you aren't serious * she taps his chest smiling*\\ Kitty- see you at training * kisses his cheek and closes her door smiling to herself * 

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