the escape plan

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Banshee- what are we gonna do? we have to be careful using our gifts and we have injured people  *kitty's heart is beating fast as dread sets in that she is responsible for these people*// kitty-my com's been down for awhile so I'm alone right now. is anyone else left out there?// dazzler- there has got to be// boom boom- look we can't stay here now we're a target// Kitty- I say we get some supplies and we head out to the church// Banshee- let me talk to the people// warpath- you know this is gonna be hard // Kitty- so work with me, my name is Kitty// warpath- warpath// Kitty- and your real name// warpath- warpath is fine// Kitty- I like it * she nods and smiles as he walks to the group*//Banshee- warpath, Dazzler go scout the area for any sentinels// * they walk away*// banshee- 32 people are here and in that we have 2 babies and 9 children aging from 4-16 * kitty nods* these people are injured and we'll have to take it slow, the church is about an hours walk from here// kitty- I know but we can't stay here knowing sentinels have been destroyed outside we gotta make sure everyone is aware of the plan and try's not to use thir power * banshee nods and walks to everyone Kitty is beside him*// Banshee- HEY EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!!! we can't stay here and we're gonna have to make a run for the church to get to more survicors. we're gonna have to keep low, keep out of the way and everyone try not to use your power's so we don't draw anymore sentinels to our location. please take what you need and that is it * he looks at kitty*//  kitty- we will walk in a group and I want nobody left behind, we will have the most vunerable in the middle with anyone willing to fight on the outside. limit mutations to prevent attention and we need to be as silent as possible. I know that is hard with babies and children but we must all work together to ensure we make it to the check points for evacuations. it's gonna be light soon so let's get ready quick as we can*// Banshee- let's go// Kitty- we have fighters? weapons?// Banshee- ofcourse this way * he takes her to some weapons and a group of people who look at her and she looks at everyone as she approaches a table of guns*// Kitty- there are a lot of soldiers at every corner, out job is to take them down or take them out without our powers *everyone nods as she walks away*// Boom boom- are you sure you can do this// Kitty- no not really but we don't have a choice * she walks around and sees a mother breastfeeding a young baby as she smiles at her and the woman smiles back, she has pink hair, pixie ears and black eyes*// kitty- how old?// Pixie- born lastnight in the chaos// Kitty- no way, I'm sorry he was brought into the world while that was going on// pixie- suppose it's fitting for him to get used too it. I'm Megan gwynn but you can call me pixie// Kitty- kitty Pryde but you can call me kit or shadowcat, you have a thick accent where are you from// pixie- wales origionally from a mining town// Kitty- me too, well I was born in wales and then I moved here when I was a baby, not much older than this little guy// pixie- I haven't named him yet, think this was the last thing on my mind// Kitty- understandable, is his dad around?// Pixie- no, he has no father// kitty- sorry I didn't mean to pry, are you sure you can move in your condition after you've just give birth// Pixie- yes, I have no choice// Kitty- we'll take it slow at a pace you need okay. we won't let you or your baby fall behind okay? your best bet is to have someone looking out and helping you with the baby// Sarah- I got her// kitty- you're sarah rushman former x-men// sarah- yeah that's me, marrow// kitty- nice to meet you. glad that Pixie has somone like you staying beside her// Pixie- us pink haired girls gotta stick together// Kitty- get some things for the baby and keep him warm,  I reccomend wearing the baby on your chest with sheets to support him, easier to keep him quiet and fed aswell as warm and safe// Marrow- I'll get everything ready// kitty- if you need anything please ask, we're gonna get you to the palace okay?/ Pixie- thank you * she nods and walks away to see a little girl running around and she wave at the girl holding a doll as her father runs to her and leads her away as she nods to the man and an old man and woman approach her*// edris- so sorry to interupt you my wife has some trouble walking far distances you see, I'm not sure if we can make it but we are more than happy to stay here and not join you// Kitty- no no * she looks at them both* don't be silly no one is staying here and we will arrange to go at a slow pace if you can no longer walk we will use our powers to carry you. you're not staying behind okay we will all help// ethel- are you sure honey? I will only slow you down// Kitty-  I'll not hear another word of staying behind, pack what you need and get ready and we shall arrange help for you when you need it * the woman grabs Kitty's hand holding it*// Ethel- thank you so much, you are amazing thank you// Ktty- you are more than welcome so please hurry we will be leaving soon *kitty walks to banshee*// Kitty- we got a mother just given birth with a newborn and a old lady who can't walk very far so can we arrange someone to carry the old lady// Bashee- yeah sure, we have people here who can do that, the baby's gonna be a problem// kitty- yeah but we''ll deal with that when the time comes, tell everyone to hurry up I don't want to be here longer than I have too. We gotta get to that church across town and it's a good 2 hours maybe 3 hours back to the first check point before we even begin// Banshee- got it * kitty walks outside the hospital main door*// Kitty- *com* does anyone copy? can anyone hear me i'm leading a group soon across to my next location?hello? * she sighs annoyed* hello * she feels guilt and like she is pretending she is something she's not and she's gonna fail as she turns back and heads in to Banshee as Warpath and dazzler get in*// Warpath- we got incoming and we need to go no// Dazzler- around 20 sentinels incoming aswell as tanks and trucks// kitty- LET'S MOVE OUT NOW * kitty leads the way as the group follow behind them as they all venture outside the hospital and head down an alley way*// Sarah- we're too open// Kitty- I'll keep a shield on us but that won't be long just until we get cover * kitty puts her hands up to make a shield as they all walk as fast as they can down a couple of alleys and to a run down town that's all destroyed and still on fire*// Dazzler- are you sure this way// Kitty- we have to make it to the church I'm sorry but we have too * kitty looks to see a truck*// Kitty- MOVE MOVE * she hit's the truck up in the air before they all sprint down a small road with cottages burning and under a bridge, she turns to see the old lady being picked up aswell as kids being carried before looking up to see MRD soldiers absailing down the bridge*// Banshee- shoot * the people with weapons shoot as Kitty rushes under the bridge with people and hits a truck away with her powers and 12 men get out of the truck as Kitty holds her shield as they shoot*// banshee- get the teleporters in now * a teleporter appears behind them taking their weapons as Kitty hits them alll with a wave as they all smack back*// Kitty- send in the scouts now to clear the area we need to get through this town as quick as we can * people run ahead as she leads the people up a small road and into an oppening of cottages and fields as they run multiple thoughts are going through Kitty's head as she sees sentinels approaching*// bashee- what are we gonna do// Kitty- get shelter in those cotages and then we take the sentinels down before making  run for it . EVERYONE GET IN THAT HOUSE GO GO GO * kitty approaches the house as Banshee rushes in*// banshee-  CLEAR MOVE MOVE MOVE GO GO * the mutants all pile into the house as Kitty, Banshee and Boom boom rush outside to see 8 sentinels flying over ahead*// Kitty- after this we can't use any powers at all// banshee- that's gonna leave us open and it's getting light// Boom boom - least of our worries, WE GOT INCOMING * lassers are fired at them as  Kitty runs up to one sentinels slams it to the floor before crushing it with her powers and then lifting another sentinels and slamming it into another destroying them all with a loud explotion Bashee lets out a scream that hit's one sentinel back as it is about to stand Boom boom makes an explotion in her hands and shoots it at the bot as it exploder one of them shoots her with a laser, as kitty turns to see Boom Boom laying on the floor she runs over but a lasser is hit infront of her making her gasp as she lifts 2 sentinels with her powers making them crash into the other 2 and then pulling them onto the concrete to smash them apart*// Banshee- what a woman * Kitty rushes to boom boom as Banshee holds her face*// Banshee- c'mon Tabitha// Kitty- it knocks you bad when you're hit, hurts like hell and puts you system into shock give her a minute// Banshee- we gotta get out of here * he lifts her as they signal everyone out of the house and they make their way across a couple streets taking out a couple of soldiers before they come to a street with houses either side and a tank rolling to them*// Banshee- ever taken on a tank?// Kitty- have you?// banshee- touche'* it shoots a missle at them as Kitty grabs it with her powers groaning as she struggles to direct it back to the tank as it explodes, the tank drives to them on fire*// Kitty- stay here * she pushes the tank back as she sprints upto it before phasing into it and pushing out the 3 soliders and then she phases back out to dart them all looking annoyed and she moves her hair out of her face before looking at the others*// kitty- let's move// * they walk down the street as there is a couple more soldiers who the team fight before half an hour into their walk they stop*// warpath- we have incoming chopas// Banshee- we gotta get shelter * they go into a bar and find the owner dead on the floor as soemone drags the body away they pile in and wait for the hellicopters who are circling as they hear sentinels flying and hitting the ground*// * kitty is by the window watching them*// warpath- we need to lead them away// dazzler- no way there is way to many of them, we'll be fucking killed on the spot// Kitty- give me a minute and I'll go, give me a radio * she walks to grab a radio off of  mutant before going behind the bar and opening a can of coke, she takes a sip before sighing*// Kitty- I need you to stay low and stay quiet okay, keep those kids silent * she phases out of the bar and phases through houses after houses running away*// kitty- *radio* send the teleporter to a house a few blocks over// Banshee- yeah sure * kitty is being followed by sentinels as she uses her powers to hit them away. one after another while phasing awhile a truck follows her as she keeps phasing before getting back to the tank she set on fire and sees easily 40 sentinels and 10 trucks and she stops before taking out the truck behind her and the sentinels behind her before seeing the fleet in front of her*// Kitty- *radio* I'm gonna need you to stay in touch but keep going a little further, there is an army of 40 sentinels maybe more and 10 armoured trucks of soldiers, I'm gonna do my best to keep them off but I think it's best if you guys keep going, any problems contact me // warpath- do you need back up// Kitty- no! I want them mutants away now! keep going, you hear me?!// Banshee- yes ma'hm * kitty clips the radio in the back of her belt and looks at the fleet of sentinels and soldierss getting out of the cars as she stays phasing as a couple of darts and shots are fired at her as a truck races to her and she phases through it as it stops behind her she lifts it with her powers and throws it into the sentinels before 3 crash over and she lifts the truck again as the men jump out she slams it into the one hellicopter before lowering it and with her other hand taking down the 2nd hellicopter and lowering that too, she holds a shield with her other hand protecting herself from any attacks, sentienals race to her as she hits them away one by one, same as people, they keep coming as sweat is dripping down her face and her eyes are blood shot from lack of sleep she hit's them all away, before long she is overwhelmed and exhausted, her whole body aching as she lowers her aching hands and then screams in anger as a huge blast is sent from her causing everything in sight to be hit backwards as she watches everything fall she pants swaying from side to side as pain rips through her mucles and she snaps back she sees the damage and she picks up a soldiers radio*// Radio- what was that blast? come in what was that blast? was it the mutants? respond? we're sending in another team to your locaton * kity asumes it has been around 20 minutes as she runs and pulls out her radio*// kitty- * radio*all taken care of// warpath- what the hell was that// kitty- I got angry okay there was too many// banshee- we felt that power from here// Kitty- so did the soldiers so we need to move now, where are you?// Banshee- you don't know  the area, come back to the bar and I'll send somone to meet you// Kitty- on my way * she rushes back to the bar sprinting and puffing and panting to meet Dazzler*// Dazzler- good job girl// kitty- honestly I just got mad and my emotions took over I think I hurt them really bad// Dazzler- only what they deserve come on * they rush off as Kitty is panting*// dazzler- when I get angry my powers go crazy too, they're connected to us so it happens// Kitty- it hurt// dazzler- that would be your mucles and energy trying to get out, it should subside soon// kitty- my hands are aching // dazzler- is that how you control it// Kitty- yeah I struggle unless I control it with my hands// Dazzler- then don't control it// Kitty- not a chance people can get hurt// Dazzler- make sure it's them * kitty looks at her angry expression before they run for awhile and meet up with the others *// banshee- are you okay// Kitty - yeah * she is panting and her face is red*// Banshee- we should rest// kitty- no no we can't we get to this church to look for others* they walks across  some woods before seeing a graveyard and they run across the graves to the church, Boom boom opens the door to see a priest holding his bible in one hand and a gold cross in the other*// Priest- all are safe in the house of the lord// Kitty- we're the cavalry and we ain't staying so gather up your people we're leaving *  they all walk in to see blankets on the seats and a huge group of people*// Kitty- how many of you are here// priest- 168 * kitty looks at everyone as breathes heavy*// Kitty- get everyone settled and rested and we will rest up and make a plan, excuse me * she walks outside leaning on a wall by the front door as she struggles to control her breathing, a panic attacks starts*tears run dwon her cheeks as she is trying to keep her sobs from escaping*// priest - you're not a religious woman * kitty is trying to focus on breathing as he stands beside her and she catches her breath slowly *// Kitty- what * she is focussing on trying to breathe* // Priest- you are not religious I take it// Kitty- I haven't thought about it// Priest- there is faith in everything around you// Kitty- I think we have lived very different lives father// Priest- maybe, but i have seen more faith it the darkest times in horros I dare not speak of// kitty- and all i've seen is trauma, no room for faith// priest- even in times like this we seek faith because we are lost * kitty's breathing slows*// Kitty- yeah? what does god say to do now?// Priest- to fight opression// Kitty- I don't see him fighting for us * she looks at the priest who nods sighing* sorry that was really rude of me, I'm not sure in religion I mean i've met god's before just not the big man upstairs... yet// priest- so you do belive/// kitty- think now is not the best time to talk about evolution huh * the man chuckles* I dunno there is no time to think how it's always why, why is this happening why is a god letting things like this happen// priest- for a reason it has to happen// kitty- sorry father I just don't see why God would allow it. maybe when I meet him I'll ask him huh// Priest- what do you think happens when we die?// kitty- peace and quiet// Priest- I mean when your time comes, heaven or hell// kitty- father I'm suicidal I can't wait to die so chances are I'm not going to heaven so I appreciate you trying to open my eyes but now is not the time// Priest- you will find the time, we are all gods children and God works in mysterious ways that we do noy understand but the reason will show soon// Kitty- maybe this will show the brutality of hatred and it will show us all where we went wrong and accept mutants// priest - exactly// Kitty- still not a reason people should die// priest- but you are willing to die , isn't everyone for what they belive in * she looks at him taking in his words having so many replies but he just walks away and she looks ahead at the sun*

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