hostage raid

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*Kitty slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room looking for Logan but he is not ther, she walks out of the room her hair a mess and still clearly tired and sees everyone making breakfast*// Hank- good morning * she sits beside him on the sofa and grumbles in response*// Rogue- you look tired// Kitty- I am// Rogue- didn't sleep much huh, I saw Logan leaving this morning// Kitty- I was sleeping and told him to stay, so whatever you are thinking it didn't happen * Hank looks away as Rogue smirks*// Rogue- whatever you say// Kitty- I'm serious// Scott- Jean hurry up we're starving// Jean- give me a minute// Kitty- Jean cooking?// Scott- yep, so we got the full works// Kitty- so what's going on with that raid on the hostage camps// Piotr- we are meeting everyone later to discuss the raid// Rogue- I can't wait to take out the smug bastards// Warren- easy Rogue we have a job to do and that's getting the mutants out// Scott- what's gonna happen to the island// Warren- I asume it will be destroyed// Kurt- what? all the cities towns and houses// Erik- everything, I warned you all about this * Kitty looks at Erik stood in the doorway* I have been warning you all for years that the humans would come for us and do this. if only you had listened// Kurt- no, for years you wanted global domination too// Erik- peace nightcrawler, peace. does this burning island and dead people look like peace?// Kitty- only wha you have done too * he looks at Kitty*// Erik- I am not that cruel// Kitty- we both know that isn't true// Erik- I can be cruel// Scott- ook let's just get through breakfast withoutwithout fighting okay? * kitty shakes her head and walks back into the room and closes the door and sits on the bed sighing as the door knocks and Jean brings in some food*// Jean- thought you'd be hungry// Kitty- thanks// Jean- get dressed okay we got a fight on our hands* she leaves as Kitty eats her meal and changes into her suit, Kitty walks out of the room to see everyone talking and laughing as she phases out of the room and down a corridoor and bumps into Logan*// Logan- hey cat// Kitty- why is it that everyoen is laughing and going about there day as if nothing has happened*// Lozgan- I call that being oblivious// KItty- ignorance is bliss and all that // Logan- exactly// Kitty- where did you go this morning// Logan- patrol just checking thr area, we have teams set up sso these soldiers can't get into the other padrts of the is;and but we have thousands on this island we have to evacuate. more and more peple keep arrriving on thi island and if we are gonna fight for it then we need the people out the way// Kitty- yeah, can the defense hold off for long/// Logan- the way people keep entering thr island a couple days if that// Kitty- this isn't good. what's our next move// Logan- wait for furry's say so on the transport. you look tired// Kitty- I am// Logan- you have to rest// Kitty- hard to sleep when there is a literal massecare happening// Logan- you're telling me// Kitty- let's just go see wanda and see what is happening// Logan- okay * they walk around asking people where Wanda is and finds her in a meeting room*// Kitty- wanda, any updates// Wanda- yeah, director Furry is sending fleets of carriers and they'll be here this afternoon// Logan- that's graet isn't it?// Wanda- not really it is a 6 hour trip each way and we have thousands of people on the island. I don't know how we are gonna do this or better still how long until they storm the palace with all they got. I don't think all these people are gonna make it out of here... alive// Kitty- is the raid still going ahead// Wanda- yeah but I can't help but think we need to evacuate the rest of the island// Kitty- how many carriers are coming?// Wanda- all of them// Kitty- this a good thing. medics will be on board and that is. we call them carrier lifeboats and we have I think 100 of those ships each with about 100 seats give or take possibly more if we can just pile people in// Logan- I think you need to make an anouncement and get everyone to the palace but not yet, keep it until later when the first fleet leave. let us do this raid first and then we can assist the evacuations and hold the soldiers off// \\wanda- I'll be sending in just you x-men for this rescue mission so we can keep the focus on holding these people back//Logan- that is fine, my team and I can handle it// Wanda- are you sure?// Logan- yeah, just make sure we got some radios and a couple of trucks ready to go// Wanda- you want me to call a meeting// Logan- no, just give me all you got on the hostages and have it sent up to our rooms// Wanda- I can do that right away// Kitty- what about the ship coming to take the new moms and the babies// Wanda- they'll be leaving in the next hour, if you'll excuse me * Logan nods then walks away as Kitty follows*// Kitty- you prefer it just us x-men// Logan- obviously// Kitty- do you have a plan// Logan- not really no// Kitty- I like it, winging it// Logan- we do that a majority of the time anyway// Logan- we'll go see the new moms before you leave if you want?//Kitty- yeah, thank you * they walk to go see the new moms and talk to them before they walk back up to the room passing agents and people and they stop outside the door as Kitty takes a deep breath and looks at Logan before he inhales and exhales and they both lean in and kiss before looking at one another*// Kitty- I want more than a sneaky kiss here and there// Logan- and you will, after this mission * he kisses her head and walks through the door* Alright move it and listen all of you * they all surround the kitchen room table*// Hank- some papers we're dropped off for you// Logan- put them on the table for me * Hank brings out a map and a few sheets of paper*// Warren- well this is old school// Rogue- we gotta work with what we got// Kurt- is this about the raid?// Logan- correct fuzzball, we're gonna go on a raid of this hostage camp before we get on with the real fight, we need to get as many people out as we can, get them here and hold off the fleets for the carriers to take the mutants to safetey// Scott- okay so what's the plan... I assume there is a plan * everyone looks at Logan* come on there has to be a plan// Logan- we don't have resources or intel enough for a plan just a location and a couple of trucks// Warren- perfect// Storm- we have gone in blind before, so long as we stay together and keep our wits about us we shall be okay// Logan- here is the so called camp site of the hostages * he points to a map* we get in and get out. camp is a couple miles out but I don't have time for the bullshit just get ready we leave in 10 * he grabs the map and walks away*// Scott- smooth * Kitty smiles to herself and walks out the door following Logan as she closes the door Logan grabs her hips and pulls her close to him*// Logan- we'll get a chance to spend time together tonight okay * she wraps her arms around his neck smiling*// Kitty- better had// * Logan pulls away quickly as people walk past then he keeps walking as Kitty is a bit annoyed and follows*// Piotr- first thing we need to do is split up into 3 teams of 2// Alex- Pryde is with me// Rogue- I'll go with piotr// Mageto- guess that leaves me with the elf * the walk away from one another as Alex and Kitty walk down some metal stairs*// Alex- this is scary// Kitty- yeah * the walk along a dimly lit corridor taking out soldiers before walking down another flight of stairs and taking out more people before going down their 3rd flight of stairs and they hide around the corner as they watch armed men standing outside a locked door in a corridor*// Alex- how we gonna do this?// kitty- gonna take these out silently and then phase in, let me do this * she runs upto them and takes them out before beckoning Alex and they phase in through the door to see a few dimly lit cages with water dripping through the ceiling*// Kitty- look around take anyone out * they look around and they take a couple soldiers out before Kitty walks up to a cage and phases the door open to see a woman on the floor in chains laying on the floor*// kitty- Alex in here *kitty turns her over but her eyes are wide pen, she checks her pulse but it is too late she looks down before looking at Alex who is clearly upset*// Kitty- let's get some of these survivors out * they each go to cages*// * kitty walks to another cage and phases it open and phases a middle aged Asian man out of his chains and collars*// Kitty- we're here to help just stay close and we will get you help. are you hurt// man- yes, they have experimented on us// Kitty- I know, just stay close. * she goes to another cell freeing a man in his early 30's then to another cell with a young girl*

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