Part 69

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For the rest of the night we talked and laughed and basically just have as much fun as possible, I probably wouldn't see them again for a while so it was nice to spend time with everyone.

When everyone left, we went to sleep, I wasn't going to go back to school, there was no point, I'd be there for two days maximum but I had one thing I needed to do before I left.

The next morning, I changed into some jeans and a shirt and waited around the house until two o'clock and then I left the house and made my way to the school, there was no one who could drive me but I didn't mind.

I got to the school around an hour late and the school bell rang when I walked up to the building. I waited on the steps by the main entrance and waited.

And then the person I wanted to see walked out by himself.

I had to run to catch up to him down the steps, pushing through all of the people.

"Hey, Nolan." I said and he looked at me and I couldn't tell whether he was confused or scared.

"Hey...?" He asked.

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything you did to help me, I know that it was a huge risk so.. thank you." I said and I meant it.

"It's not a big deal, really." He said.

"It is, I don't think I would be where I am right now if not for you so thank you, I appreciate it." I said.

"Are you gonna be ok?" He asked and that question struck me a little, maybe he thought this was some sort of final act, like I was going to die or something.

"Yeah, I just needed to do this." I smiled and walked a little faster so that I was in front of him. I spotted Liam stood by Theo's car and made my way over to them.

Liam saw me and I saw a look of confusion splash across his face for a second.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I just had something I needed to do, got room for one more?" I asked and Theo said yea and I climbed into the back seat.

We left the car park and I sighed and collapsed into the seat. The next few days we're going to be very tough.

"Have you talked to mum yet about you moving?" Liam asked.

"No and I honestly don't know how I would even bring it up."

No one else really said much during the car ride and I was quite glad to be fair.

When we got home, I continued to pack my things, I wanted to take it easy until I needed to stress.

The next day, I woke up to the sound of an alarm, something I hadn't woken up to in a while.

It was 11am and I needed to get ready for the funeral.

I turned the alarm off but I didn't get up from my bed, I stared at the ceiling instead.

I didn't know how the day was going to go but I wasn't very hopeful.

I finally stood up and walked into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror and for the first time in weeks, I recognised the person staring back at me. I had fuller cheeks, my eyes weren't surrounded by purple and I actually kind of looked healthy.

I couldn't bring myself to smile but it did make me happy.

I took all of my pills and took a shower, washing my hair before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my body. I walked into my room and looked in my wardrobe, there was one dress I had intentionally not packed so that I could wear it.

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