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3rd POV

A little girl sits on a swing alone, her hair blowing wildly in the wind as she watches the rest of the elementary school kids in her class play four square.

She had asked if she could join in, but they said she didn't have the same colored shirt they did so she couldn't. That and she was a girl. And only girls could play if they wanted to cheer on the boys. Elementary school logic.

So in her red t-shirt, she was sitting alone and watching while making a plan to wear a black shirt tomorrow so she could play with the other kids. She didn't want to cheer on the others, she wanted to play.

"What are you doing?" Another little girl asks as she sits down next to her in the other swing.

"I wanted to play with them but they said no because my shirt is a different color." The girl responded, pouting slightly. She looked at the girl next to her for a moment, not recognizing her as she looks to the group playing four square.

"That's dumb," The other one replied, her eyes on them, "Maybe the boy running it likes you. My mommy said that if a boy is mean to you, it sometimes means they like you."

"My mommy said we shouldn't say dumb... But that's weird." She scrunches up her nose at the idea that a boy would be mean to her if he liked her. It didn't make sense, not to her seven year old brain.

"I know. Boys are weird. And smelly. You don't need to play with them. You can play with me instead." The girl gets off the swing and stands in from of her, extending her hand to the one in the red shirt.

"What are we going to play?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The girl shakes her head in response, "Super secret spies! Let's go spy on everyone!" The girl exclaims, hopping around happily.

A smile makes its way onto her face as she watches the girl on the swing get up and match her smile.

  "I'm Hazel," The girl holds her hand out, her long chestnut hair falling over her shoulder as she does so, "It's nice to meet you."

  The other girl stops hopping, a huge grin on her face, revealing a missing front tooth in her mouth, "I'm Katie."

  After that, they played spies every day until they had to switch schools. By then, they were both used to having playdates with each other's houses and sleepovers.

  They became inseparable despite Katie being younger, and despite Hazel's mishap with being kidnapped when she was nineteen.

  Even when Hazel started dating Jason Todd and got taken into the Wayne family, Katie and Hazel were still the best of friends.

  And it so happens that the Wayne's also are taking a liking to Katie. Even a certain tech genius.


this character was introduced in another book of mine and has interacted with tim in those. if you want to read those interactions before you start this, she is in chapters 1, 17, 33, and 37 of dove in the darkness. she also is in my one shot book in the gala and coffee one as well as the batboys and bonding and the Christmas one! (I highly recommend reading them even if you skim bc they are SO cute)
what are you most excited to see?
who do you love katie interacting with?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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