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October weather is my favorite weather. It's not too cold and it's not too hot, and the world is a lot more colorful despite people always saying dead leaves aren't pretty.

From an artist standpoint, I think it's beautiful. Nature isn't something you see in Gotham a lot other than small flowers or weeds that somehow manage to grow through the concrete of Gotham or the trees the city has planted to make it seem greener than it is.

That and when Poison Ivy attacks, though I don't really credit that to nature. And if you see that, run the other way, don't try to take pictures... learned that the hard way.

Anyways, October is my favorite. It is also my birthday month so I might be biased.

Still, I find myself staring out of the window during lunch, causing Tim to bump my knee with his.

I turn my attention to him as he asks, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just like fall weather," I say but rub my eyes tiredly, causing him to raise an eyebrow at me.

Despite it being Monday and "you should be well rested from the weekend" (quote Mrs. Miller), I'm still tired.

On Friday, Tim and I went to the manor to watch Star Wars and ended up sleeping through half of the first one and all of the others. Or maybe we didn't, I don't know for sure because when we both woke up, it was late and the TV was turned off.

I vaguely remember Alfred trying to wake us up and me protesting, and I know that was real because when I woke up Tim and I were still together, our limbs intertwined and his head was resting on mine while my head was on his chest.

I managed to wake up enough to realize I needed to get home, and shook Tim awake.

He didn't want to at first, his grip tightening around me before he realized what was happening and he unwrapped his arm around me, muttering an apology as his cheeks started to burn even in his dazed state. He ran his hands through his hair multiple times, rambling on about how he didn't want to make me uncomfortable.

I assured him everything was fine and that it happens and we were really tired and cold before I stood up to leave.

He had checked his phone with a frown before texting someone back, making me curious but I didn't ask and told him I should get home soon.

He ended up having Alfred take me home while he had to rush off somewhere, causing me to feel like maybe the situation had made him feel more awkward than he let on.

Alfred just asked if I had a nice nap when I got in the car, to which I said yes.

And it was true, it was an amazing nap and one I haven't been able to have since. It's almost ironic how he thought he made me uncomfortable when it was the exact opposite.

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