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(two months later)

  I frown at Tim next to me, who has his head on his desk, his eyes shut. From the slow and steady breathes he is talking, I think it's safe to assume he is out cold and probably won't wake up any time soon.

  It has been over two months since my birthday party, and Tim has been busier, and more tired than ever.

  It makes sense, he is now CEO of Wayne Enterprise and it's Christmas time so he is extra busy. He often gets calls in class that forces him to go out of the room so he can answer a million questions.

  Last week in chemistry, I completed a whole lab myself because he was in an unexpected meeting via his phone. He apologized a lot for it, and I didn't really mind it because I knew what was happening, but I still wished he was there so we could have talked.

  Don't get me wrong, I have seen him. He invited me to the Winter Gala, and had the Café supply the food and drinks. Or at least that's who I think did it, unless Bruce actually did hire us.

  And I got invited to their family Christmas party, which was two days ago. They had it the week before Christmas because it was when it worked best for everyone which is understandable. I am sure Hazel also wanted to spend Christmas with her family and that means Jason would have gone with her.

  I am not sure about Brooklyn's family, but I am sure they would have done something and Dick would have gone too.

  But other than those instances and school, I have rarely seen Tim. Even more rarely do we actually get to hang out, which sucks.

  Even Red Robin seems busier than usual, his visiting being more than Tim is now, but less than it was before.

  I turn my attention back to the bird just as the bell rings and Tim shoots up in his chair, his eyes looking around wildly as he takes in his surroundings.

  I smile teasingly at him, "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

  His confused look melts into a smile as he rubs his face, "Sorry, I don't get much sleep nowadays." His voice is rough with sleep, sending a surprising chill through my spine.

  "I bet," I say as I gather my things, "If I were you, I would either take naps every chance I got."

  "I'm pretty close to putting coffee through an IV," He jokes, but I am a little worried he has actually thought about it.

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