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I run into the building, my hair bouncing up in golden strands as my breathing becomes more labored. Gosh, I've got to workout more.

I sprint down the hallway, dodging people so fast even the Flash would be jealous. I've got to make it I've got to-

The bell rings.


My feet pick up as I use up all of my energy to burst through the door. Many pairs of eyes look to me as I stare back, my chest heaving.

Someone clears their throat, causing me to look at them.

Mr. Benson is looking at me with his arms crossed, his eyebrows drawn together with the corners of his lips turned down; an annoyed face. Not a good sign.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to get here as fast as I could, but-"

"It's the first day of school. I will be understanding this once." He narrows his eyes at me in hopes to seem more intimidating. "Take a seat Miss Mahone."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from making a face at him before my eyes scan the room, hoping for a familiar face.

My chest falters as I realize he isn't in here before I take a seat at the back of the room, the only seat that is available. No one bothers to look at me, and I'm not too hurt by it.

  "Happy senior year," I mutter under my breath as Mr. Benson starts going through what he expects of us.

  Sebastian Crain looks back at me with a smile, "Rough morning?"

  "You could say that," I grumble back, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands. "I didn't have time for coffee."

  "You sound like my friend," He jokes back, "He loves his coffee too."

Tim Drake.

  I bite back any comments of 'I know' because really this is a new situation and no one knows we do know each other.

  "He sounds smart," I respond, only for Mr. Benson to clear his throat again and give us a look that says 'shut up' before he continues.

  I readjust in my seat and lean back slightly, staring at the front, yet not really paying attention.

  Tim and I met under weird circumstances. My best friend (who is sadly a year old than me and just had to graduate early) was threatened by Black Mask a few months ago. The Wayne's were really nice about it and offered to hide her away, but she visited me at my coffee shop and brought Tim along with her.

  Tim Drake is one of many of Bruce Wayne's wards and happens to be my age and go to my school. Gotham Academy is big though, and we never really crossed paths before then.

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