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My eyes open to a smiling Nightwing, nearing making me scream.

"Oh my gosh," I say my eyes wide before I realize he isn't the only person in the room. Captain Atom, Batman and Red are all in here too. "You're Nightwing. And you were all here when I was unconscious."

"That I am," He grins, leaning against the doorframe. "And sorry about that. We just wanted to be here when you woke up... I wanted to talk to you about something."

Oh my cheese wiz. I wonder if he remembers me. From both the first night he saved me and the coffee.

"Is it about coffee? Did you get better at making it?" I question.

"Er- no," He says as Batman gives him a look and Red avoids his gaze completely. Oops. At least it isn't my problem.

"Actually, I think I should talk to you first," Captain Atom says, saving the two boys. I look to him in confusion before he continues, "You see, I have a very similar power set as you. I am pure energy under this suit," He points to his red and silver suit, "Which means I am one of the best people to help you control your powers."

"I thought I was good at it up until yesterday," I admit somewhat sheepishly.

"You are," He agrees, surprising me. "But in order for your body to not be overwhelmed, you need a constant intake and a constant output. With time, having more or less energy than normal will be okay, but after how long you were working when you were here verse only working an hour this has week, your body couldn't hold all of the extra energy."

"So you made me force it out and you absorbed it?" I question, studying him. I have seen him on the news too. Pops seems to be a fan, I think he is some sort of ex-military. At least that's the vibe I am getting. How he stands and talks, it reminds me of Pops. It's comforting.

"That's right," He nods once, "I was able to absorb what you needed to get out." He uncrosses his arms as he says, "And that is why I am here. I am one of the only people that is able to control your powers in that sort of way. I understand how it feels... the overflow of energy is painful and I have learned ways to deal with it," He explains, before he says something that catches me completely off guard, "So if you want a mentor, I would be happy to be that for you."

A mentor? I thought if anything he would just check in here. Is he asking...

"Which is where I come in," Nightwing says, grinning at me. "I help run a covert team of superheroes that have ties to the league. Red Robin is actually on the team," He nods to Red who is looking uncomfortable. "That being said, you need a way to get your energy out," He explains before looking to Captain Atom. "And if Captain Atom thinks you are ready after some weeks training under him..." He looks back to me, "I would like to offer you a spot on the team. It's a way for you to keeps your powers in check and always have us around to help... it's also a safer way for you to learn how to be a hero."

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