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  My mom takes one look at me and nods, "Good, you look amazing dear," She smiles before she shouts, "Honey!"

  "Coming!" He yells back, before he walks down the stairs, giving us both a look over. "You both look great!" My dad smiles before his phone rings. He looks down at it before shooting us an apologetic look as he answers it.

Just like normal.

  My mom opens the door before we get into the limo, and my mother tells the driver where to go.

  I sit back, messing with the slit of my dress. It is very cute. It is a silk, red fabric that hugs my figure, and has a slit on one side. Im not exactly lady like though, so in order not to flash people, I am wearing spandex shorts under.

  My eyes scan the large building, and I take a deep breath.

  It has been five days since I stopped staying at S.T.A.R. labs, and so far everything has been okay.

  Because of how busy I am, I have only gone for an hour or two every day, which has been pretty different from my previous time. I would practice for around six hours a day before that, so it has been a little bit of an adjustment, but everything looks good.

  If anything seems to make my powers act up then I just avoid it. Tim did nearly make me on Monday, which prompted me to tell him that I just needed some time to think it all through.

  He seemed to get the picture, because he stopped trying to talk to me. He did, however, bring me coffee every day since.

  When he handed me the thermos, I was beyond confused, but he just smiled and took a sip of his.

  And when I took a slip of mine, I immediately recognized that it was a caramel macchiato from my Café.

  The act made something in my stomach and chest bubble a little, but not the way my powers did.

  So we are at a sort of truce. Which is why I really hope I don't ruin it tonight by showing up. He still doesn't know I am going... unless he is the one that sent the invitation.

  I don't know if I would be pissed off or think it was sweet if it was him.

  He just confuses me, which is why it's best for me to just stay clear.

  The driver opens our door, and we step out, cameras flashing just like they did when I went to Tim's CEO ceremony.

  My father takes both me and my mother, escorting us into the building.

I'm sure we look picture perfect.

  The thought makes me reach up to twirl some of my curls, until I realize it's back in an elegant bun, with a braid around it, and a few of my little curls falling out.

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