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  I sigh, my body feeling sore as I roll my head. I just got out of the shower and not even the warm water could sooth my muscles after the week I have had. Especially after that mission.

  In fact, the only time I did relax this week was with Tim.

  I get dressed and apply the proper hair products to my hair, plopping it in a t-shirt before I sit down on my bed and grab my sketching pad.

  I start to sketch a few random ideas, like Bunny, a bowl of ice cream, a cup of coffee, anything. Before I even realize it, it's been two hours and their is someone at my window.

I hear a knock, my eyes going to Red looking in.

  My eyes widen and I rip off the t-shirt from my head, my hair still a bit wet as my curls fall out. I run to the window, unlocking and opening it before I step aside and he slides in, his face slightly pained.

  "Hey..." I trail off, my eyes on his face, "What's- you are hurt!" I whisper yell as I quickly lock my bedroom door before I look back at him.

  "I'm fine," He states, but I don't believe him. There is a cut on his torso that is bleeding through is suit. Luckily, his suit is mostly red.

  "You aren't," I shake my head as he sits in my chair, leaning back so it doesn't put pressure on it.

  "I'm really fine, it's shallow," He reassures me before saying, "And that's not why I am here."

  "I don't care why you are here until you at least slap a bandage on that," I say as I get my first aid kit out. It is like five years old and I haven't ever opened it, but my Pops insisted I have one. Thank you Pops.

  He sighs, but watches me get out some gauze and tape. Bunny hops up on the desk, sniffing him for a moment before meowing.

  He smiles a bit and tries to pet her, but she jumps away as if he hurt her, making him watch her in confusion.

  When I sit down in front of him, I have hydrogen peroxide too. He eyes the supplies before he slowly peels his top up, his abs well defined. They look especially nice with the moonlight shining in on them right now.

  I mentally scold myself as I take in the cut, realizing he was right; it is shallow.

  I start by clean his cut, thinking 'what would Hazel do?' to myself. Then I realize this is really simple and the hardest part is ignoring the abs. I look up at him, his eyes already on me, making me look back down as I press the gauze to it, and tape it in several places, hoping that makes it hold.

  "There," I say and move my hands way as quickly as possible, my cheeks burning slightly.

  "Thanks," He mutters, still watching me as I sit down in my other chair directly next to him.

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