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  I rub my hands together as the superheroes talk over what exactly to do with me.

  Turns out the others don't have any trace of powers, despite what the lab coat idiots said.

  "Hi, I'm Eduardo Jr." A boy says, coming to sit down next to me on the curb as we wait outside of S.T.A.R. labs. He puts his hand out to shake, and I do so as he adds, "You can call me Ed."

  "Nice to meet you, Ed," I say mustering up the best smile I can despite the exhaustion wanting to pull my body under. "I'm Katie."

  "Katie," He says nodding with a smile, "I like it. So, you have powers?"

  I frown a little and look down at my hands, "I think so. I don't remember much after Red was hit with Catgirl."

"Red?" Ed asks.

  "Red Robin," I clarify, "I remember feeling scared and," I pause before I say, "Upset. Mad, maybe, and then feeling a rush of energy, and the next thing I remember is being on the floor."

  "Sounds like powers to me," Ed grins, "Don't worry. I know it can be a little overwhelming, but we can help. I actually had a similar situation happen to me." He says before he disappears, causing my eyes to widen before he taps me on the shoulder on my other side, making me turn to look at him. "But we learned how to control it, and now, it's isn't so bad."

  I smile lightly, "That's pretty cool," I admit before I look back to the heroes.

  From what I could tell, it was Nightwing, Catgirl, Black Canary, and Red Robin, all talking in whispers with two scientists at work here.

  "Do you think they are going to keep me here?" I ask, my eyes staying on them, "I don't want to... I just want to sleep in my own bed."

  He shrugs, "Not sure. Usually they would like to keep an eye on you, just to make sure nothing happens," He admits before he adds, "Not that anything would happen, it's just powers are unpredictable at first."

  "I understand," I say, but it doesn't make my desire to go home any less strong.

  They already gave me a checkup, and made sure I was as physically okay as I could be.

  "So, how do you know Red?" He asks, making me look back to him.

  "He likes visiting me on the roof of my building when he is bored," I shrug, causing his eyes to widen.

  "What?" He questions, surprise in his tone. "That doesn't sound like him at all."

  "What do you mean?" I ask, looking at him with my head cocked to the side.

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