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"Go fish," I mutter, my eyes scanning my cards, a small pout on my face.

"Dang," Arrowette huffs as she pulls another card out of the pile.

"Got any sevens?" Traci asks Wondergirl.

She huffs but hands the cards over, making Traci grin, her boyfriend, Blue Beetle, putting a supportive hand on her back.

In the back of the room, Kid Flash and Red Robin play a video game, both getting way too into it.

"Hey!" Kid Flash complains as a devious smile forms on Red's lips.

I find myself smiling at their antiques.

"Katie?" Wondergirl suddenly asks, looking at me with a small smile. I look at her, noticing Red also looked over when someone said my name. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

I scrunch my nose up, remembering my dumb ex, "Sadly, he isn't something to brag about."

"Really?" Arrowette asks, "Was he not cute?"

I cock my head to the side, studying my cards, "You got any threes?" She pouts but hands them over, making me smile, "I mean, he was cute on the outside."

"So bad personality?" Traci asks, "That sucks."

"Yeah, he wasn't the right person for me," I agree, "I just wish he would stop thinking he was."

"Does he bug you?" Cassie asks, causing everyone to look at me in concern.

"Nothing I can't handle," I reassure her, "I've punched him before, he just doesn't get the hint."

"We can beat him up," Traci offers.

"Umm..." Blue Beetle looks at his girlfriend, rubbing the back of his neck, "I don't think Katie really needs out help. Scarab says her powers are growing every day, and they are already pretty strong."

"Scarab?" I question. I've heard him say it before, I just don't think I have ever asked.

"It's the thing that's attached to his back," Traci forces him to turn so she can point. "That says some stuff that's helpful and some stuff that isn't so helpful. It's also very murderous."

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