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I sigh as I look through the glass again.

"It's not working," I say for the millionth time. "Are we sure I even have powers?" Just as I finish my sentence, Ed comes in through the doors.

"I know it's frustrating," He gives me an apologetic look, "But it will be okay. We will figure this out." I nod as he looks to the target, "You can do it."

My eyes fixate on it again and I let out a breath before I try again.

Anddd, it doesn't work.

I groan, "I suck at this."

"I think you just aren't letting yourself be a meta-human," He says, rubbing his neck. "Red said that you absorbed a large amount of energy... That sort of thing doesn't just go away. And with your gene activated, your body may be now producing that same energy."

"Freaky," I mutter before I look at him, "Is Red going to visit anytime soon?" I ask, making Ed smile a little. "I want to know how Bunny is," I grin thinking about her, not failing to notice him shake his head at my comment. "What?"

"Nothing," He laughs before he says, "He is going to visit later today."

I have been here for three days. It has sadly been over Christmas too, meaning I missed all of my traditions with my Grammy and Pops.

But it's also lucky because I haven't missed any school.

I nod before I look back to the target and cock my head to the side. I don't not want to be a meta-human. I think their powers are really cool. I am not oblivious to the consequences of having powers though, or the responsibility.

My eyes fall to my hands. Is Ed, right? Is my sudden block because I am scared to fully commit to this world?

I don't think any of them would blame me for that. But that's besides the point. The point is that I am stuck with these powers now, so I can either get on board and learn how to use them, or wear a collar for the rest of my life.

My lungs empty of air as I feel my body start humming with electricity. No, with energy. My nerves feel on fire for a moment before it calms down and my eyes go back to the target.

Without warning Ed, I thrust my hand forward. A powerful, white energy bursts out of my hands, nearly knocking me back into him.

He catches my shoulders just as I make the energy stop, it listening to my command.

He laughs slightly, letting me go. "There you go!" He exclaims, "How did that feel?"

I can't fight the smile from my face, "It felt amazing."

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