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Turns out Jason came to take Hazel home like the overprotective boyfriend he is.

I guess it is fair though, she was almost killed by Black Mask a few months ago.

"You ready to go?" Stephanie asks Tim after Hazel and Jason leave.

Hazel made sure to hug me and tell me to be really careful going home, even offering to take me home.

I declined, telling her that I had to stay the whole time the store was open and even then, I liked walking home.

She thought I was insane for this and told me and Tim and Stephanie as much so. Probably so that they would offer me a ride too.

"You can go ahead," Tim says looking back to me.

"Not you too," I groan, "I'm seriously fine." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Gotham is not a place you should feel fine walking home alone in." Stephanie says shaking her head.

"Maybe not, but I live close to here." I shrug, "I'm okay. Really. And we've got the great bat clan around here all the time." I remind them.

"The bat clan?" Tim mutters while he raises an eyebrow.

"You know, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin and Batman. Catgirl now and Red Hood sometimes." I inform him, before I add, "Oh, now I think they have a new one, I think she goes by Spoiler."

"Wow, you seem to be a fan," Stephanie says, amusement in her eyes and she looks to Tim for a moment, "Do you have a favorite?"

I frown at that, looking down at the floor for a moment, scrunching up my nose slightly, "Hmm," I look back up to them, "Probably Catgirl. But if you mean someone who is actually always in the bat family, probably Nightwing." I answer.

"Oh, why them?" Tim says, leaning in suddenly from across me.

He is next to Stephanie and I took Jason and Hazel's spot when they left.

"Catgirl and Nightwing saved me one time," I shrug, "I mean they seemed to be bantering the whole time, but it was sort of interesting. And I don't want to think about what would have happened if I didn't have their help." I say seriously before I smile, "Oh, and Robin, the new one. I love him, he reminds me of a little angry chihuahua."

Stephanie blinks at me before she lets out a laugh, Tim laughing too.

"That's one way to describe him." Tim smiles before he goes, "So... what do you think about the others?"

"I don't know much about the others. Other than the run in with Nightwing and Catgirl, I've been lucky." I say with a smile before I stand up, "I'm going to start closing up, You guys can go whenever you want."

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