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I smile and clap as I finish packing.

It has been a week at S.T.A.R. labs and I am finally able to go back home. Sadly, just in time for school, but I will take it.

"All set?" Ed asks as he walks in, his eyes going to my stuff.

"Yup!" I smile, "Thank you so much for talking your dad into this," I say as I pick up my bag and swing it over my shoulder. "It means a lot. And I know that I still need to be careful and that I am checking in nearly everyday, but I am happy to go home."

Ed smiles as he picks up Bunny and her stuff, holding the door as I walk through it. "No problem. You have shown a remarkable amount of control considering you just got powers."

It's true. While I struggled at first, I managed to turn it around and control it fairly well. They have been monitoring me and my powers only fluctuate if I tell them too. The agreement is that I can go to school, but I need a break from work and I will be wearing my inhibitor collar anytime I am at home. So basically, I just need to keep my cool at school and I will be fine.

I haven't worn a collar in a few days without any problems which is also why they agreed. The last reason is that I promised to visit every single day.

I didn't mind that because it meant that I got to see Ed. Over the past week, I have found that I really like him. He is really nice and has helped me figure out and trust my powers.

The only time he did leave was for a New Year's Eve party. He even hesitated, but I told him to go. So I entered the New Year with Bunny and watching Ponyo.

I have zero regrets.

But the biggest thing pulling me back is my Granny and Pops, and Hazel of course. I miss them all a lot and while I do love Ed, I miss them.

Red visited a few times, but he seemed off every time, like something was distracting him. I think he had something to do with me being able to leave this early too. He probably promised to watch over me without me knowing. I doubt I would be oblivious enough to not notice him though.

Ed helps me, taking me through a thing that reminds me of the transporters they had on Star Trek when Tim made me watch it with him. I even say, "Beam me up, Scotty," but Ed just looks at me very confused.

Red meets us on the other side as I look back at Ed in surprise.

"You haven't seen Star Trek?" I question, my eyes wide. 

"You have?" He asks.

"My friend made me watch it," I defend, "But it was good!" I turn to Red, "Have you seen it?"

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