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"I'm just saying if one of the low level villains came, I think I could take them," I say, causing Hazel to shake her head at me. My mouth drops open at this, my fist hitting the table lightly, "You don't think I could?!"


"I could so take Condiment King! Even that Kite guy... there is a Kite guy right?" I ask, but don't really expect a response as I continue with, "Whatever, I think I could even take the Riddler, Two face and definitely Penguin."

"Do you take self defense classes?" Stephanie questions across from Hazel.


Stephanie bites her lip to keep from laughing,"Right... I mean I think you could."

"Maybe you should," Tim interjects from across from me.

"Beat Condiment King so that you will all see I was right and you were wrong?" I question, crossing my arms as I pout slightly.

It's Condiment King! Do they take me for some weak little worm?

Tim's face falters slight. I can't tell if he is going to laugh or frown before he pulls it together and manages to keep a straight face. "I mean self-defense classes."

I raise an eyebrow at the suggestion. I mean it's not a bad idea, but...

"I'm fine, I've got too much work anyways."

"The store is empty." Stephanie points out causing us to look around at it.

"Well, yeah, but it's still open." I say in a 'duh' voice. And just as I do, a costumer walks in.

"Hey, Curly Fry."

"Danny Zuko," I greet without batting an eye, causing him to groan.

I think his calling me curly fry is to get back at him for the other nicknames, but his weren't even that bad. I think I just started a war with him though, over this by the look on his face.

"Sandy Olsson." He says back. Another jab at my hair.

My hair doesn't even look like hers, hers is much more voluminous.

I scrunch my nose up as if I've tasted something horrible. "Nope, that would mean I am into you, and-sorry Hazel-but I am most definitely not."

Jason shrugs and mutters, "Fair."

I get up from my spot next to Hazel so he can sit down and before he rejects the offer, another costumer walks in.

He looks back and sits down as I say, "Hot chocolate?"

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