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  "You are seriously going to look at me and tell me that Elmo and Barney would not throw hands if they ever met?" I ask in disbelief.

  "I don't know where you come up with this stuff," Red Robin shakes his head in amusement.

  "My brain," I answer deadpan before I say, "Answer the question."

  "They are both characters made to show children to love and respect everyone..." Red Robin trails off before he sighs and says, "My money is on Barney."

  "Heck no, Elmo would wipe the floor with Barney. That sneaky little guy has anger issues and you can't convince me otherwise." I shake my head, crossing my arms as I lean on the wall.

  We are outside again, on the roof leaning against the wall that connects to the door up here. This is the third time we have talked just this week, and it's been almost a month since we met. Must be a slow crime week for him to stoop as low as talking to me this much, but it isn't bad.

  Sometimes I show him drawings I've done, and now I find myself doodling something and looking forward to showing him because it's someone that does get to see my work. I didn't realize how much feedback could mean to an artist or to anyone, but when someone compliments your work it... it just feels amazing. It feels like you are being appreciated and you get a knew sort of confidence.

  "Why do you think he has anger issues?" He makes a face, or I assume so. The cowl he wears covers most of his face, and that's why I have such a hard time telling what age he is.

  I asked the second night and he wouldn't tell me, which made me scared he was really old and this was creepy, but he assured me he wasn't older than twenty-five. If he was, even that would be creepy. I mean he isn't hitting on me, so maybe not.

  "I once saw this post and it made all of the sense in the universe." I state in such a serious tone that I almost shock myself with it before I add, "Do you want to hear it? Do you want to be enlightened?"

  He raises an eyebrow at this from under his cowl but nods all the same.

  "Prepare to be enlightened then." I say before I straighten up, "You know small things are usually so angry because they only have so much volume to hold the anger. Like chihuahuas, most short people are considered angry, small bugs that get mad at you-"

"So because Elmo is small-"

  "He is angry, Red. I just know it," I huff out, "And he wears the color red which has to symbolize something. Like anger, blood-"

  "Woah, woah, I wear red!" He defends, pointing to himself.

  "Did you just get angry when I said that?" I question before I add, "And I know that, I just called you Red."

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