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  I hold on to Tim's hands tightly as I step onto the skateboard, my attention fully on it and not falling face first onto the pavement.

  "You've got it," He reassures me, his eyes flickering between my feet and my face as I finally look back up at him.

  "I'm going to fall," I say decidedly, and before he can say anything else, I stand up on the board.

  And it immediately flies out from under my feet, Tim letting go of one of my hands to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me up into him.

  I look up at him surprised because I had fully made peace with my butt meeting the concrete under us. How did he even move that fast?

  Blood rushes to his cheeks, him letting me go and stepping back as he chases the board, flicking it up with his foot and catching it. "You can do it, you just gotta distribute your weight evenly." He turns back to me and I try to ignore how good he looks, but fail miserably.

  His eyes are standing out against the red off his sweatshirt, his hair lightly blowing in the wind making him look picture ready. It is almost intimidating to look at him.

  I nod my head and repeat what he said, "Distribute my weight..." I mutter, tucking a strand of hair back. I take his forearms this time, him holding onto me the same and slowly get on the board this time.

His arms feel really nice.

  Stop it, Katie, that's not important right now, you are on a death machine.

  When I am stable, only wobbling a little, he instructs me to move and turn my feet, which I do. I nearly jump in surprise when I feel his hand on my hip, trying to steady me.

  I didn't even realize I let go of his arm and was holding on to his shoulder on my left side now.

  Stake boarding takes so much concentration. I'm already mentally tired of it. But I don't mind being in this situation.

  "Okay, I think you can try to kick off now," He says, looking up at me.

  I look at him, his eyes level with me for once, and find it hard to ignore the swirls of emotion in my stomach.

  "Can we stay like this for a second? And you just walk with me?" I ask, half not wanting to let go, and the other half not wanting to fall on my ass in front of him.

  He nods encouragingly, his lips tugging into a small smile.

  I find myself matching his smile as he slowly moves, me leaning back out of habit. He stops for a second as I get my balance back before he starts again.

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