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  I glare at the huge building, before I look back to Batman, "Are you sure-"

  "If we try to contain it, it could set it off," He grumbles out, "We have to call in backup."

I don't have to ask who he is going to call.

  This is a power plant. And it's about to blow. He is calling Captain Atom. And Captain Atom is going to bring Stella. He is going to bring Katie.


  Captain Atom lands next to us, watching the plant as electricity starts sparking.

  "What are we dealing with?" He asks, his voice stern.

  "A hydroelectric plant," Batman states, "We evacuated everyone, but it is still unstable."

  "It's going to blow if you don't absorb the energy," I fill in where Batman leaves off.

  "Is that it?" He asks before looking to the sky, "Stella is on her way."

  "Do you really think she is ready?" Batman questions, looking at him.

  "Yes sir, I do," He confirms before nodding to the sky, "There she is."

  We turn, and sure enough, there she is, an outline of energy shining from her.

  She lands next to me, looking at the plant, "That thing is giving off a lot of energy," She mutters uneasily before looking to Captain Atom, "You think we can absorb it all?"

  "We have to try," He responds, his eyes going back to it as it starts sparking more. "Watch out!" He shouts suddenly as a shock comes at a worker.

  Stella quickly flies up, getting in between them, the energy flowing into her outstretched hand until the shock dies out.

  She looks back to the worker, his eyes wide as she smile reassuringly at him, his curls falling in her face a little as the wind blows her hair.

  Her eyes turn back to Captain Atom, "I think we can do it."

  He grins, and I realize how much more relaxed he is now that he has spent so much time with her. "Okay, go to the right, I will go left." He orders, and Katie nods, before she turns and flies where she should be, opposite of him. "On my count," He shouts as the energy starts to grow, the wind picking up, whipping her hair around. "One, two... three!"

  The world lights up as the plant starts to explode, only to be stopped when it reaches the two, their hands out as they draw the energy in.

  I watch Katie, my body tense as her eyes start to glow. I clench my jaw, thinking back on when she overheated. If that happens again... Captain Atom can't just absorb it. He is pure energy. She isn't. She can't just explode and be fine.

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