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"You haven't seen Star Wars?!" Tim exclaims though it seems like he is shouting at me more than anything.

"No," I smile at his shocked face. I think I broke him.

We just got back to the manor from school and he was going through the movies he loved to watch.  I think I saw a piece of him die when I said I hadn't seen Star Wars or Star Trek. I've never seen Tim look so disappointed... well, other than when he is denied another cup of coffee. 

"What?!" He questions, running both of his hands through his hair as if he is stressed to the max over this fact.

I bite back a laugh as he shakes his head and mutters to himself, almost making me question if he has actually lost it.

"What is Drake going on about?" Damian questions as he walks into the living room.

"Hey, Tater-tot," I greet before I say, "He is distraught over the fact that I haven't seen Star Wars."

Damian glares at me for the nickname before he rolls his eyes and says, "Drake made me watch those years ago. He has an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars and Star Trek."

"Says the kid that is obsessed with kniv-nevermind." Tim cuts off whatever he was going to say as he makes eye contact with me.

I raise an eyebrow at this, but don't say anything as Damian crosses his arms and steps closer.

"Careful, Drake," Damian smirks, "Wouldn't want to solidify your spot as the worst ever, would you?"

"Considering that's your title, I'll pass. I have to leave you with something," Tim snaps back and it takes me off guard a bit.

I've seen Tim with Damian before, but it's been a while so it's still a little shocking when he has good comebacks and snarky remarks because, as far as I can tell, he only used them for Damian.

"Father will leave me with plenty," Damian says, his eyes sizing up Tim as he says, "You, however, should start planning for the worst."

Tim opens his mouth to respond, but stops as someone walks into the room.

"Little D?" Dick asks, waving to me in greeting before he turns his attention back to Damian, "What are you doing crashing Tim's date?"

Tim turns more red than I have ever seen him... Maybe even more red than Red Robin's suit. But I just laugh and shake my head, brushing off the idea, "Not a date, but a movie marathon because Mrs. Miller horrible."

Dick raises his eyebrow and sends Tim a look before he says, "I had Mrs. Miller. Could have sworn she had something for Bruce."

"I told you!?" I turn to Tim, hitting him in the chest lightly, "See, it was either Bruce or you she had the hots for!"

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