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  I wish I were wrong about the CEO position making it harder to hang out with Tim, but I wasn't.

  It's October 16th, my birthday, and it's been two weeks since Tim was made CEO.

  I have only seen him in school and when we are in school, he is texting or going to the restroom to call people that work at Wayne Enterprise.

  I mean, I am happy for him, I am, but I am starting to feel a little like how it was the year before when I didn't have him or Hazel.

  Of course, I still have Hazel. I always have Hazel and she will always have me, but I just sort of miss Tim sometimes.

I grin as I see Hazel coming up.

  She is wearing like three party hats and one of those horns you blow in her mouth. In her arms, she has strings attached to three big balloons and a tiara.

  I shake my head in disbelief as she blows on the horn, the sound echoing before she says, "Hawpy birfday," She gets out, the horn still being in her mouth.

  I laugh and hug her, not caring people are giving us weird looks on the street before I say, "You are the best ever, this is too much."

  She takes the horn out of her mouth and says, "It's just what you deserve," she grins and takes one of her party hats off and puts it on me before putting the tiara on my head.

  I smile and snap a picture of us before we both fall into step together. Sadly, today is Monday which means that we aren't going to have much time to celebrate.

  Lucky soccer practice got cancelled for after school because of the beat down we have to the Happy Harbor High School. Coach was so excited that he said we could have Monday off... after I begged him. He liked me enough to allow it.

  It would have only been another hour of practice, but then I would be all sweaty and I didn't want that on my birthday.

  When we get to Gotham Academy, I sigh, "I could just skip."

  "I would let you, but you know that you are going to be behind and then hate your life and hate your teachers and rant to me about it," Hazel says before taking off my party hat and tiara, "So you should probably go."

  I pout, causing her to laugh before she nudges me forward, "Go, birthday girl, have fun!" I grumble a response and she says, "I will pick you up after school! We can do something."

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