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  I smooth out my dress, the emerald fabric making my green eyes stand out in the mirror.

  Apparently this was supposed to be a fancy dinner party.

  Hazel was wearing a black sleeveless dress that feel to the floor, hugging her figure. She looked really good.

  "Jason is going to flip when he sees you in that," I say matter-of-factly.

  She smiles, her expression softening, "He better."

  I laugh at her response before I put on my heels, growing two inches taller.

  I wince as I take a few steps, "I hate being short."

  "You don't have to wear heels," Hazel point out, causing me to shrug.

  "They make me feel elegant and powerful though, so I'm going to put up with it," I say, putting my hands on my hips, "I'm good to go," I say with a smile.

  "Me too," Hazel smiles and calls out, "Jay, it's good, we are ready!"

  We are currently in their apartment. The signed the lease on it last month, and apparently Hazel thought it was completely safe to move in with a boyfriend that fast.

  I lectured her about it, but in the end, it was Jason. We both knew he was harmless, as harmless as all of the other Wayne's. Except maybe Spikey, I feel like could do damage with all of that anger.

  But even her dad seems strangely okay with it despite him hating Jason.

  Speaking of, he pops his head in the door, grinning as he scans over Hazel.

  "You look gorgeous as always," He winks, opening the door and grabbing her hand, twirling her so he can get a better look, causing her to laugh. "Yeah, I like this dress." He kisses her briefly and wraps on arm around her waist before he turns to me, "You look good too, Curly Fry."

  "Not so bad yourself, Biker boy," I remark, causing Hazel to laugh and him to raise an eyebrow at me.

  "You looks great," Hazel mutters, fixing his tie for him, and his expression softens into a small smile that is reserved for her.

  "Gosh, y'all are so cute it's disgusting," I scrunch up my nose before I say, "Come on, we've gotta go."

"Excited to see Tim?" Jason smirks.

  "You aren't? He is getting recognized as the best employee at eighteen, that's pretty impressive. And it's a big deal so as his friends, we shouldn't be late." I point out before I snort, "Oh my gosh, I just said we can't be late. That's so ironic."

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