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I rest my chin on my knees, the chilly air nipping at my skin, blowing the little hairs that managed to break loose of my bun.

"No drawing tonight?" A voice says, and I don't have to turn to know it's him, the confident and cocky tone giving it away.

That and no one else in their right mind would come up here. Or know about my drawing habits.

I shake my head in answer, not bothering to look up at him as he sits down next to me, mirroring my position as he draws his legs to his chest and holds them there.

"Come on, what's got you so down," He asks, bumping his shoulder to mine, making me smile for a moment before it fades.

"My parents are back in town," I sigh out, still looking out over the roof top.

"And that's really bad?" He questions, concern in his voice.

I realize he must be thinking the worst, causing me to look at him and shake my head, "They don't- they are good parents. Well...," I trail off, looking away from him again, "They just don't ever stick around for long or remember things... Don't talk to me for long periods."

A heartbeat goes by before he says, "I'm sorry, Katie. I know how that can be... I know it's hard," He mutters so softly I feel like it makes me more upset because of how much he seems to care.

It's like when someone asks you if you are going to cry and you do even if you weren't going to originally.

"It's okay." I shrug, "It is what it is." I should be used to it by now, after eighteen years. I should know not to get my hopes up.

"Isn't it a good sign that they are back though?" He questions, causing me to turn at look at him.

"I guess it would be... Just sucky timing," I laugh a bit humorlessly as I look down at my converse, a few dirt spots catching my eye before I look back at him, "I got into a fight with my friend today."

"What was it about?" He says almost too innocently, causing me to give him a weird look.

I frown, biting the inside of my cheek as I look at my shoes again, my hands fiddling with my rings. He watches my movements but doesn't rush me. He waits until I say, "I got worried he was going to forget about me. That he was going to do what my parents do and decide work is more important." My throat gets a bit tight, causing me to pause a bit before I continue, "My teacher told me I should just try to tell him that and so I tried to get him to hang out with me... He was distracted with work so I got upset and said I felt like he didn't care about our friendship and he said he had more important things to care about."

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