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  I grin as I float above the ground, doing a few flips in the air. "THIS IS AMAZING!" I shout to Cap as he gives me a reserved smile.

  "I figured you would be able to do it. Your control right now is very good, but don't take it for granted," He warns. "You can't forget that you can lose control from the smallest things, being upset, not sleeping enough, anything can set it off."

  "Understood," I nod, carefully landing in front of him. I put my hands on my hips as I look up at him, "So, what now?" I ask.

  "Now, we test your abilities." He crosses his arms, "In the field, that is. You are coming with me to do a few missions today." My face nearly splits open from how excited I get as he hands me a silver mask. "It's up to you if you want to keep your identity a secret. Some heroes are public and deal with it, others prefer to keep it a secret to protect their friends and family."

  I run my thumbs over the fabric. It's not even a question for me. I put the mask on and look up at him, "I will take the secret identity route."

  He nods before turning, expecting me to follow. I do as he asks, "Do you have a name in mind?"

"Yep," I nod firmly, a smile on my face.


(a few days later)

  "So wait," Cassie starts looking at all of us, "She knows you all," She gestures to Impulse, Blue Beetle and I, "As Bart, Jaime, and Tim... but doesn't know it's you guys under these masks?"

  We all share a look before we turn back to her."Yup," Bart confirms.

"Idiots," Spoiler mutters under her breath with her arms crossed.

  "She knows you too!" I point out, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Only because of you!" She defends, "If you didn't have a cr-"

  "Okay," I stop her, making Cassie and Virgil snicker and Steph to smirk. "My point is, she doesn't know and I don't want her to know yet, so keep it a secret for now."

  "Wait," Bart looks at him in surprise, "You sure that's the best thing to do?"

  "Yeah, hermano," Jaime rubs the back of his neck, "I agree with Bart on this one. Did you learn anything from Nightwing with this specific topic?" He asks, referencing to when Dick didn't tell Brooklyn who he was and it blew up in his face. "It didn't go over well."

  "That's different," I defend, though I am not sure I believe it myself, so I continue with, "Nightwing knew and tried to use it to his advantage. The only problem was that he ended up liking her and then it all got screwed up because she found out."

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