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I lean my head back against the booth as I look at Tim. We are in the diner that we visited a while back, and it has been a week since my freak out moment.

After they realized I wouldn't explode, they let me come back to school, but this time with new guidelines.

I have to train everyday with Captain Atom. So far it has been very fun. Very hard and I feel like I want to just fall on the floor and go to sleep, but it's also fun.

He is a little like my Pops, so the way he talks and acts is sort of comforting for me. I guess it makes sense given that both have military experience.

But it has been a pretty uneventful week up until now. I had a French test I failed again, which is why Tim is here and helping me. That and I really wanted milkshakes and fries. I feel like I deserve it after the two weeks of crazy.

So we have been here practicing for two hours. Well, one hour of us talking and laughing, and one hour of him trying to explain grammar rules.

Now we have moved to common phrases in French. I think I am not doing too hot, because he moved next to me so he would be able to point to the textbook in front of me.

"J'ai un chien," He says, his french accent perfect.

"You have a dog?" I question, after a moment.

"Yup," Tim smiles, "Okay, what about... Tu as un chat."

"You have a cat!" I grin, recognizing the word for cat immediately.

He nods, smiling again before he looks down at the textbook, "J'ai beaucoup de devoirs."

I look down at the book, scrunching my nose a bit as I focus on what he is saying. "Can you repeat it?" I ask after a moment, and he does. I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking and turning the words over in my head before it clicks, "You have a lot of homework!" I look up, Tim's eyes already on me with a small smile on his lips. "What?" I ask, smiling too.

"Nothing," He shakes his head before he shrugs and says, "Actually..." He looks at me, straight in the eyes before saying, "Tu es vraiment mignonne quand tu ne comprends pas ce que je dis." (You are really cute when you don't understand what I am saying.)

What in the world, that is a common phrase?! That was really long, and I only understood that he was saying something about me.

My eyes widen as panic sets in."I am going to fail!" I exclaim, hiding my hands in my face.

Tim chuckles and takes my wrists gently, moving them down and away from my face. When I look back up at him, our noses are and inch from each other.

He seems to realize this when I do, his eyes widening a little, but he doesn't pull away. My heart starts to beat faster as I feel an invisible  pull to him, his ice blue eyes watching me carefully as they soften.

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