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I royally messed up.

I messed up so bad and I knew it as soon as I saw the hurt flash in Katie's eyes that I had.

She was just trying to keep our friendship alive and I attacked her for it. What is wrong with me?

"Sir?" A voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask, looking up, the many faces looking to me to hear my answer.

"We asked you if you liked the proposal?" The man asks, his face showing his annoyance as he talks to a teenager about getting a job.

"I apologize, it has been a long day, could we reschedule this?" I say as I stand up, causing everyone to do the same, shock in their eyes.

"Umm... yes, Mr. Drake," My receptionist nods before she starts to lead the others out.

The board members shoot me a few disapproving looks, but I ignore them as I loosen my tie and start grabbing my stuff.

Minutes later I am being picked up by Alfred, who glances back at me worriedly, but I ignore it in look out of the window instead.

If I hadn't become CEO I would have just skateboarded home but that's not 'good for the image' as I have been told.

I sigh, rubbing my face with the hands before I lean my head back and wait to get home so I can talk to someone about fixing what I just did.


"Where is Brooke or Hazel?" I ask Jason and Dick when I walk into the manor and spot them in the kitchen, Jason flicking grapes at Dick as he tries to do his work, Dick glaring at him and Jason pretending he doesn't notice.

"Hi to you too," Dick mutters as Jason rolls his eyes.

"What is your obsession with my girl?" He asks, his eyes looking at me lazily as he picks up at grape and throws it at me.

I catch it without a second thought, "We are friends, Jason."

"He asked for Brooklyn too," Dick slaps Jason's hand down as he tries to aim another grape at him. Jason glares at him but Dick just crosses his arms over his chest before looking to me, "So why are you asking for either my girlfriend or Jason's?"

"It's a need to know thing and you guys don't need to know," I cross my arms as Dick raises an eyebrow at my words.

"Hazel and Brooke are both out at the moment, please leave a message after the beep," Jason says in a automatic sounding voice.

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